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So the Legionnaires should be punished for having the best team?

So how is realignment punishing? It isnt its balancing. There is a way to get like teams alike and make the leagues more balanced. That is all. When you leave it up to human owners and one guts a team, COUGH COUGH, that new owner is screwed. So realign every once in a while, I prefer when the owners dont know in advance or else you get guys "cheating" the system. Because there will be people like that.

Just like in one of my lvl 21 cap leagues, in the finals one of the owners threw the game so he could stay in "A" ball, that is just pathetic.

That isnt what the BORG did at all, but with their resources they should be allowed to compete with teams on their level, Hey I can beat a bunch of 6 yr olds at basketball but what is the point. I play madden football but after a few 105-0 Routs and breaking every record possible it does get a little old dont you think? I would want a challenge, I bet Matty would, by his posts.

Maybe I am wrong on that?
Oh and RT are you "scared" of realignment? Why? The old Mali team definitely shouldnt be here, they should be moved. I love the lvl caps, I think they are great for new leagues. If we re-align this could fix all that.
I'll give you my opinion of it mik. It's not an "ORG opinion" if that's what you are looking for, sorry to disappoint you. I think realignment is a great idea. I look forward to having the scrubs in APL that only want to cry and bitch, and not improve, be moved to lower level leagues where they belong. The teams that are competitive and are always improving, APL is going to be a great home for us.

And your 13yr old vs 6 yr old basketball comparison is a little off. The fact that you, as a 6 yr old, tried to join a 13 yr old's league and fail to compete, is no fault but your own. If building the strongest team you can for a PRO league is somehow wrong to you and shevegas, I would suggest maybe re-alignment should be embraced by you more than us. Maybe then you would get to a league that is more your level and you can compete in, since we aren't the only teams in APL you can't compete with.

Parity and the NFL? For real? You want to use that as an example?
YES the NFL is a fine example of parity. Look at the AFC hokie. My point is this, your team is a great assembled team. It outlevels EVERY team in the conference pretty easy. I would say this early that Angola has proved itself as a middle of the pack team in this league.

But your team in this league doesnt fit just like Mali in the league doesnt fit. That is my quick point. I was not crying about it. I was merely making a point. Sorry you are so defensive about it. Kudos to the BORGS recruiting, but if we look at record, levels or whatever, your team is the best in the league, BY FAR in my opinion and the numbers back it up. So by realigning ALL teams this should help with parity.

Oh and by the way if you dont think the NFL has parity you must not be a fan. Just take a look at all the teams struggling this year, SD, INDY, NE.

Remember Miami almost went O-fer last yr, NE almost went undefeated, and a yr later? Yes Miami beats the Pats. THAT my friend is parity. In our league you cant tweak it and make just a few changes to Mali and have them beat your team, even if you lose your best player.

So quit being so defensive. It was a point and I didnt write it as an attack or read it as one against you. Why then are you so attacking and defensive???

Overall I think we have been competitive in the league. OVERALL.

If you look at the season 3 game log it was hardly a dominate performance but with each season this team gets better through effective recruiting and great management. Surely this team won't last forever nothing ever does but instead of complaining when you're witnessing greatness just relax and enjoy it
This is the 3rd season i've been with the legionnaires and i've never really been paid any attention to the APL forum but this attention is way to interesting to stay away now.
Originally posted by mikelj
YES the NFL is a fine example of parity. Look at the AFC hokie. My point is this, your team is a great assembled team. It outlevels EVERY team in the conference pretty easy. I would say this early that Angola has proved itself as a middle of the pack team in this league.

But your team in this league doesnt fit just like Mali in the league doesnt fit.

Saying stuff like this is exactly why APL gets absolutely no respect from any other region. USAORG doesn't belong because they are too good? No thats not how it goes. This is a PRO league. The highest league that you can possibly reach while playing in Africa. The best talent in all of Africa is in APL to play. And you're saying "hey one of the teams is too good they should be somewhere else". No, no no, no, no. I don't agree with that in the least bit.

I can't stress this enough the absolute BEST talent in Africa should be in the APL. Everyone wants to point fingers at USAORG for being the 1 team thats too good (and honestly I think this is terribly disrespectful to a bunch of teams in APL) but maybe we should start pointing fingers at the 5-10 or so teams that don't belong because they aren't up to par. You don't want to take talent out of APL you want to bring talent in. Getting rid of the 2 time APL champions isn't going to legitimize APL in the least bit, just like how losing teams like Cape Town and Conakry aren't helping either.
Originally posted by mikelj
YES the NFL is a fine example of parity. Look at the AFC hokie. My point is this, your team is a great assembled team. It outlevels EVERY team in the conference pretty easy. I would say this early that Angola has proved itself as a middle of the pack team in this league.

But your team in this league doesnt fit just like Mali in the league doesnt fit. That is my quick point. I was not crying about it. I was merely making a point. Sorry you are so defensive about it. Kudos to the BORGS recruiting, but if we look at record, levels or whatever, your team is the best in the league, BY FAR in my opinion and the numbers back it up. So by realigning ALL teams this should help with parity.

Oh and by the way if you dont think the NFL has parity you must not be a fan. Just take a look at all the teams struggling this year, SD, INDY, NE.

Remember Miami almost went O-fer last yr, NE almost went undefeated, and a yr later? Yes Miami beats the Pats. THAT my friend is parity. In our league you cant tweak it and make just a few changes to Mali and have them beat your team, even if you lose your best player.

So quit being so defensive. It was a point and I didnt write it as an attack or read it as one against you. Why then are you so attacking and defensive???

Overall I think we have been competitive in the league. OVERALL.

Uhh, I think you might be a tad bit wrong there, buddy. The AFC is the more divided conference by FAR.

Since '02, the NFC has had the 1st overall pick ONCE ('05). Since '97, the NFC has only won the superbowl 3 times (Rams, Bucs, and Giants). That means the best and worst teams in most of the recent years have been in the AFC. In 2 of the last 3 years, a 10-6 team didn't make it to the playoffs for the AFC. In the last two years, the NFC's wildcard team has been 8-8 and 9-7, respectively. Since anywhere from 10-12 games are in conference, that means that the AFC teams are usually more sure winners than the NFC. In the NFC South, no team has repeated as division champs in a long time. In 5 years (since '03), only one team has won it twice (the Panthers, and this is, ofc, mathemetically impossible to not have a team repeat). Since the beginning of a 4 division conference, the NFC South has had no team repeat, and only 2 teams have won twice. Here are the teams that have won the NFC South since its inception:


I dunno about you, but I think that the NFC is the epitome of parity, whilst the AFC displays DISparity.

Edit: And as to your argument as it pertains to this thread... IT'S A VIDEO GAME, not the NFL.
Last edited Sep 26, 2008 16:47:44
Originally posted by Chugga34
Originally posted by mikelj

YES the NFL is a fine example of parity. Look at the AFC hokie. My point is this, your team is a great assembled team. It outlevels EVERY team in the conference pretty easy. I would say this early that Angola has proved itself as a middle of the pack team in this league.

But your team in this league doesnt fit just like Mali in the league doesnt fit.

Saying stuff like this is exactly why APL gets absolutely no respect from any other region. USAORG doesn't belong because they are too good? No thats not how it goes. This is a PRO league. The highest league that you can possibly reach while playing in Africa. The best talent in all of Africa is in APL to play. And you're saying "hey one of the teams is too good they should be somewhere else". No, no no, no, no. I don't agree with that in the least bit.

I can't stress this enough the absolute BEST talent in Africa should be in the APL. Everyone wants to point fingers at USAORG for being the 1 team thats too good (and honestly I think this is terribly disrespectful to a bunch of teams in APL) but maybe we should start pointing fingers at the 5-10 or so teams that don't belong because they aren't up to par. You don't want to take talent out of APL you want to bring talent in. Getting rid of the 2 time APL champions isn't going to legitimize APL in the least bit, just like how losing teams like Cape Town and Conakry aren't helping either.

Thank you chugga, that's exactly what I've been trying to get across, but your words are much clearer.

And I can tell you for a fact there are plenty of APL teams out there trying to get better by recruiting. the Ridgebacks and Royal Knights are 2 teams that were in the running, along with the Legionnaires, for some HIGH lvl recruits this off season in the PLfT foprum. None of us landed them as far as I know, but to be in the running for the talent is a start, to me anyway.
I've got no problem with realignment of teams who volunteer to leave their leagues in search of equivalent competition. On the other hand if a team manages to escape relegation and doesn't want to leave their league, I say they deserve to stay as well. Of course avoiding relegation might become more challenging if we up the promotion/relegation rates, but at least it's still a fair way to do business. If there are teams here at the Pro level who feel they can't handle the competition here, then by all means let them volunteer to move down so far as their (choose average roster level, scouting bar rating, player age, or whatever other metric you choose to use) might allow while not moving them to any league that's below their relative strength.

But I'll tell you that as two-time defending champions, Legionnaires are in Africa Pro League to stay. We've earned that. The only way we're leaving is relegation... and tbh I don't see that happening this season.
Painmaker, that surprises me. The "Oinks", lol, seem to love competition and the APL is, from what I've seen others say, a weak pro league in comparison. Why would you guys want to stay here when you've tackled this league? You wouldn't want to move up to a league in which you're competing with teams more on your "level"?

Bots is a lower level team, as we are mostly comprised of a bunch of friends, yet I love the challenge of beating higher level teams. APL is a challenge for us and I really like playing in the APL and competing against the Rwanda's, Cameroon's, and Tsavo's of the world. My favorite thing about GLB is looking at a matchup and seeing an opponent that is 3-4-5 levels higher and still getting the victory!!!
Probably the worst thread ever.
Originally posted by majech
Painmaker, that surprises me. The "Oinks", lol, seem to love competition and the APL is, from what I've seen others say, a weak pro league in comparison. Why would you guys want to stay here when you've tackled this league? You wouldn't want to move up to a league in which you're competing with teams more on your "level"?

Bots is a lower level team, as we are mostly comprised of a bunch of friends, yet I love the challenge of beating higher level teams. APL is a challenge for us and I really like playing in the APL and competing against the Rwanda's, Cameroon's, and Tsavo's of the world. My favorite thing about GLB is looking at a matchup and seeing an opponent that is 3-4-5 levels higher and still getting the victory!!!

Pro is the highest level you can get. We started out here, we've even got some players with names selected for the region (a la my own Erwin Rommel), and we've earned every right to stay. Botswana manages to compete just fine here as well and I'm glad to see them stay for as long as they manage to avoid relegation (which looks like it will be quite a long time).

If others want easier competition, they're free to move. We intend to stay and aren't afraid to compete (including against any tougher replacements who might come in) in order to do so. Those people wanting an easier time of things shouldn't expect others to move just to make their lives convenient.

edit: I had thought I was replying to mikelj for some stupid reason... my bad indeed! Comments adjusted to make sense lol.
Last edited Sep 26, 2008 20:03:55
My point is this, the BORG is an example and so is Mali, the best teams should play against each other, I dont think gutted teams get demoted fast enough, I have never been a big fan myself of how everything is broken up, once you are the best in your region that is it, so SA, USA, etc never play each other. I am for making just ONE Pyramid. That way teams can move up and down within one structure. Wouldnt that be the best system? C'mon I am on an Africa Pro league team, but as pro leagues go, Africa doesnt rate well overall, mostly due to its newness I would say.

That is my point. Wouldnt it be more fun to be the best of ALL teams? Rather than just Africa, or just Canada or whatever? THIS would be a much better way to rate teams.
Last edited Sep 26, 2008 21:13:26

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