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Forum > The Best Damn Mafia Forum > Past Games > The Quick and The Dead Mafia
Final Day 2 Nomination Board
Sugar Kapaa (4) - marcmann2, Timmah, Badass Mcfister, schrauben
zook28 (4) - marcmann2, benmint0n, schrauben, zook28

marcmann2 (2) - Timmah, Badass Mcfister
benmint0n (1) - zook28
schrauben (1) - Sugar Kapaa

Not Voted: Sugar Kapaa, benmint0n

With 7 players in town, it takes 4 nominations to be placed into the daily duel.

Sugar Kapaa and zook28 have been nominated to partake in today's duel. Both of you need to send me your first 3 R-P-S throws. I'll post a write-up once I have processed the results.
Edited by spindoctor02 on Jul 8, 2013 14:06:34
Edited by spindoctor02 on Jul 8, 2013 14:06:29
End of Day 2

Once again, it's shortly before 5 pm in the town of Redemption. The townsfolk start to file out and take their positions along the main street. John Herod steps slowly out of his office, taking his spot at the head of the street.

"Whom have you decided will fight today?" he beckons to the crowd.

"Sugar Kappa and zook28" is said by a member of the crowd.

"Sugar Kapaa again? Interesting decision" Herod proclaims. "Fighters, take your positions in the center of the street!"

With that, Sugar and zook take their respective spots, roughly 20 paces apart, just waiting for the clock to strike 5.


Just as soon as the clock strikes 5, you hear both people shoot. However, one of them was much more accurate than the other. You see Sugar looking around, trying to find if or where he's been hit, and when you pan to the other end of the street, you see zook laying flat on his face, with a rather large hole in the back of his head.

zook28 (Spotted Horse) is killed

Get your night actions in, if you haven't yet. I'll open the game back up once I've had a chance to process all the actions.
Edited by spindoctor02 on Jul 8, 2013 15:26:59
Start of Day 3

The townsfolk awaken with the sun and begin their normal days activities. The tournament participants all gather in the town center to discuss yesterday's events, as well as work towards deciding who will participate in today's duel. People start gathering in the center and after a while, it definitely seems like everybody who is coming, is already here. A quick count of the group reveals only 5 players. You notice that schrauben is missing, so you head over to his house to see what is going on.

You approach his house, and quickly see that the front door is open, so you slowly head inside. You see schrauben slumped over in a chair in the middle of the room. A quick investigation reveals his throat was slashed, and what appears to be 2 gunshot wounds to the back of his head.

schrauben (Sgt. Clay Cantrell) is Dead

The group makes its way back to the town center to begin their day.

With 5 alive, it takes 3 votes to nominate a player into the duel.

Link about unpopular...
So based on Zook's character it seems as if his 'officer of the law' claim was yet another lie

I've thought Marc and badass seem the most scummy of the people left:

vote:Marc and vote:badass
Originally posted by BadassMcfister about unpopular...

Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by benmint0n

Slashed and two gun shots to the head.
Lets go Sugar and Timmah today.

Vote Sugar and Vote Timmah
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa

Slashed and two gun shots to the head.

Oh, haha I get it now. Yeah that's a little excessive
Originally posted by marcmann2
Lets go Sugar and Timmah today.

Vote Sugar and Vote Timmah

Any particular reason?
Originally posted by benmint0n
Any particular reason?

he hasn't given any reasons for anything all game
A couple of thoughts:

I was leaning towards Sugar being John Herrod and having an advantage in duels, but the writeup suggests that John Herrod is presiding over the duel, so may not be in the duel himself. However, Sugar's lack of concern about being in duels does make me think he has some extra ability that gives him a leg up in the duel.

It's also weird that the duel ended with zook face down and a hole in the back of his head. I understand the physics of a bullet going through and out the back, but it would seem that in a game write up like this a shot through the head would knock zook backwards with a hole in his forehead? Maybe someone else made the kill from behind? Just a thought, and I may be over thinking it by a mile.

I still don't like marc's gameplay. short posts, avoid any questioning, votes with no explanations. It's going to come off as an OMGUS vote, but I had my vote on him yesterday for this very reason, so perhaps his is the OMGUS vote

vote marc

I'm not sure what to do about my second vote though. If Sugar does have "help" winning duels, I sure don't want to be going up against him...

@sugar did you win the first RPS battle more convincingly than the last one? Just wondering if the fact that TheS didn't draw his gun because you beat him so badly or because of his role possibly?
Sugar Kapaa
Vote marc for duel
playing too reckless
Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by Timmah
A couple of thoughts:

I was leaning towards Sugar being John Herrod and having an advantage in duels, but the writeup suggests that John Herrod is presiding over the duel, so may not be in the duel himself. However, Sugar's lack of concern about being in duels does make me think he has some extra ability that gives him a leg up in the duel.

just because i'm 2 for 2 does not mean i have a special ability. i'm just like the majority of you.


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