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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by MadCow DTD
because you wont be building your players on day 40 now, because thats still past of the last season, you will create your players on day 0 so you dont start declining until the end of your last season

You still don't age in the off season.
I have no clue what MadCow is talking about tbh, decline starts at age 401

under the system posted
Edited by Timetoshine-Beta on Jul 13, 2011 19:34:35
So wont 400 day old dots get kinda screwed? Wont they be converted to 280 day olds just like the 440s? Doesn't that lose them a whole season of training?
Originally posted by Meatdawg
Just once I would like to build players and have them finish with the same rules I built them under.....

I has 7 titles
Originally posted by peadawg
Originally posted by Genie1

And GLB continues it's decline.

Originally posted by joemalaka

You have spent a lot of money on GLB, haven't you. I am sure you are keeping them afloat with all that you spend.

Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

I don't think the amount of $$ a person has spent should merit bashing...especially from an "Admin". Big spenders or little spenders, they all make GLB go.

A lot of people are trying to grasp everything in the first couple hours. The last thing needed is to take the wrong approach towards them. When the numerous threads about "What can we do to increase membership" pop up...these are the types of things that discourage people from sticking around or joining

Personally, I don't think this is the decline of GLB. I actually think it will make the game a bit more enjoyable to those that dread the first half dozen seasons of dot-building. Hitting the PRO circuit in 6 seasons will enable people to start focusing more time developing their dots earlier; they won't have the luxury of waiting around.


its a game, stop being a pussy.
Originally posted by Sal Basss
The only thing I can see as problematic in here is that a player who was properly started on day 40 or 41 before is now not "in line" with the new leveling system.

Take Madcow's example. His player will be aged somewhere between 200 and 240 under the new system, which means his decline is going to be funky (will start on day 27 or something), but everyone will be on the same page with that and it shouldn't provide an advantage or disadvantage at all.

this is what im going by
Originally posted by MadCow DTD
Originally posted by Sal Basss

The only thing I can see as problematic in here is that a player who was properly started on day 40 or 41 before is now not "in line" with the new leveling system.

Take Madcow's example. His player will be aged somewhere between 200 and 240 under the new system, which means his decline is going to be funky (will start on day 27 or something), but everyone will be on the same page with that and it shouldn't provide an advantage or disadvantage at all.

this is what im going by

I still don't understand, tbh. But isn't that example only referring to old dots being converted to the new system and not new dots being created?

Originally posted by Thunder66
Originally posted by avgbrad

nice change GLB, looking forward to it

Originally posted by MadCow DTD
this is what im going by

He's talking about the conversion process, not how things will be with newly created players.

The conversion is a one time deal.

Originally posted by Catch22
Well I'm assuming by end of season they'll be 64ish right? That would be 64000 XP which would equate to approximately 227 days old in new system so they'd be converted to that age.

so existing dots "new" age will be determined by their current level?

I made it to page 9 of this thread, so if already answered I apologize.

But if the new age will be determined by the players current level at the time of conversion, will the really old, never once boosted dots turn into really young dots?
Originally posted by Behn
Originally posted by Catch22

Well I'm assuming by end of season they'll be 64ish right? That would be 64000 XP which would equate to approximately 227 days old in new system so they'd be converted to that age.

so existing dots "new" age will be determined by their current level?

I made it to page 9 of this thread, so if already answered I apologize.

But if the new age will be determined by the players current level at the time of conversion, will the really old, never once boosted dots turn into really young dots?

Not determined by level. Determined by the amount of XP the dot should (if fully boosted) have accumulated by its current age
So how does the conversion account for boosting pre-rollover of the first off-season for a dot? Will my dots who will finish this season at level 15 w/800 xp suddenly become older than the ones who finish at level 14 because they didn't boost?
Originally posted by CaptainUniverse
Originally posted by Behn

Originally posted by Catch22

Well I'm assuming by end of season they'll be 64ish right? That would be 64000 XP which would equate to approximately 227 days old in new system so they'd be converted to that age.

so existing dots "new" age will be determined by their current level?

I made it to page 9 of this thread, so if already answered I apologize.

But if the new age will be determined by the players current level at the time of conversion, will the really old, never once boosted dots turn into really young dots?

Not determined by level. Determined by the amount of XP the dot should (if fully boosted) have accumulated by its current age

u sure?

catch said 64000xp...kinda hints conversion is by XP only
so should i not boost my younger players at the end of the season? will that even matter
Originally posted by 5STAR

u sure?

catch said 64000xp...kinda hints conversion is by XP only

Yeah, it's not by how much XP a dot actually has. It's by how much XP a 'fully boosted, always got max XP' would have by that age.

Edit: let me try to dig through this thread to see if I can find a good quote for you
Edited by CaptainUniverse on Jul 13, 2011 19:56:11

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