Originally posted by cavalier
I do think the whine threads is fair though. No game should ever have more than 100 points combined, this time it was more than 200. It is extremely embarrassing for GLB and takes all the fun out of the game.
I am tempted to get as many guys as possible to sign up on quitting GLB after this season if the goal of the game is not to simulate football (at least to a certain extent). This has gone on for too long without Bort giving a damn about it.
The game actually simulates football to a certain reasonable degree....it's the agents who cause the sim to look crazy at times (and a natural consequence of not allowing in-game adjustments).
If the agents "cooperate" in trying to achieve a " real football sim" then the results are pretty reasonable (see MPHD games). If the agents think this is a fantasy game (which it also is) and want to do something you just don't see in the NFL (Jam Arcade) then it looks like that.
When those two teams meet up, the results are at least entertaining. To be fair, I have never had a problem competing in this game using very traditional football tactics and builds that are not terribly extreme.
If something like the Jam strategy becomes broken, it will surely be nerfed. I am not convinced that it is over powered right now, but time will tell.