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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by Fumanchuchu
Keep going with the Rivalry points and make it the primary arbiter for team grouping (into groups of 32).

Make effective level the primary arbiter of League level cap.

Remove all the capped league levels above 14, cap 4 and 14 remain as leagues to start new teams in.

Get an effective level average of the rivalry group of 32, add 3 levels and that's that cap that is placed on the league. If the average effective level is 20, the cap is 23 for that league (regular level cap).no reason to shoehorn teams into caps that don't fit.

Any team in the group who is 8 effective levels under the cap demotes into an appropriate level group also based on the group they have the most rivalry points in. This will require some smooshing, but should be doable without putting more that 1-2 CPUS in a league, the rivalry points should keep teams close enough that this doesn't need to happen because the cap is based on effective levelThis would keep the non-boosters at an appropriate level instead of expecting them to play the same teams who all boosted.

Once your team has effective levels above 50, they move out of the cloud into AA which expands and contracts to however many full rostered teams there are, also grouped by rivalry points.

Top 4 teams from and AA league promote to AAA, which also expands and contracts to keep leagues full and is also sorted by rivalry points.

Bottom four AAA teams demote to AA, all cpus and gut jobs are removed from the system every season.

AAA champions are ranked based on some sort of aggregate relating to league strength. Promotion to pro is based on bottom 4 demoting and removal of cpu and guts. Conference champions are also ranked to fill pro spots still open after League champs are exhausted.

All Cpu and Guts (from all levels of play) are shunted off to crap leagues with no playoffs, endorsements, or trophies, or ticket sales. You don't have to sell your team back, but it's not going to earn anything while you're not using it.(reset rules still apply anyway).

This is pretty close....but the only -1 I see in here is using the effective level. The effective level just isn't a good enough gauge yet. Re-work the effective level figuring first...then you have a fine idea.
Extend the level capped leagues, right now the most competitive leagues are there.

Consolidate uncapped leagues, what good is it to have oceania, south east asia... yatta yatta if the the AA rung is 50% cpu teams
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
The real question to ask is why is Pee-wee such a big hit?

I think you are onto something here. It is probably because most people do not want to wait a year to develop their player.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I think you are onto something here. It is probably because most people do not want to wait a year to develop their player.

Or they want equal competition. Which was why season one was so fun. Equal Competition.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I think a game rating system needs to be established. I think Maddens used to have something like this where points were awarded when certain things would happen such as lead changes and so on. Basically blowout games where teams get totally dominated would be rated very low and close games with lots of lead changes would be rated high.

So at the end of the season some sort of formula could be established that counts wins, losses, as well as game ratings for each win or loss. Simply put losing a low rated game should drop a teams value when it comes to promotions. That way teams could be placed in more competitive leagues.

I was also thinking more on this idea. I was thinking that the amount of time that the score is close and the amount of time the score is lopsided could also be part of the rating system. I have seen some close games turn into blowouts in the last quarter due to teams taking more risks. So the end rating should be better than a blowout from start to finish imo.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Or they want equal competition. Which was why season one was so fun. Equal Competition.

I was part of the Pee Wee leagues in the 2nd or 3rd season we had them. It was clear that some teams knew how to compete at this level better than others. I seen some serious lopsided scores. I don't know if this has changed or not but I doubt the leagues are really balanced.
A draft would be nice to keep the flow of talent going up... but that is probably to hard to do.. i mean we do have a lot of off time during the offseason.. maybe a draft could keep owners occupied.

I figure something like this..

I create a player lvl 1 - he gets signed by a lvl 4 team (3 year contract) - once the three season contract is up (my player goes into the next tier)whatever it may be. ( if you can figure a way to move teams up and down why not the same with players) LVLs 14 - 24

* the players go into a pool where the minor league teams can pick them up. (3 year contract)
Since every team will have to keep a player for 3 seasons they will gel better, once they become senior on the team the owner will have to start looking at the talent pool to replace his graduating members. The seniors would go into a pool for Lvl 32 - 50 teams

Have an allstar team for the minor league team, make a bonus for players who get onto the team to improve their draft instead of having just lvl 32 people in the draft there could be some lvl 40s

My player graduates from minors and goes into the next lvl draft Semi-Pro or Pro. Same thing goes except there is an option for contracts 1 yr, 2 yr, 3 yr and 4 year franchise player. 4 year contracts have a bonus fot players who are dubbed franchise players. These would be Lvl 50 - 75 teams (same draft bonus applies)

Have AllStar or AllPro teams... (have them play each other in a tourny) This will be for world league consideration.

The world league can be the final stop if my player is good enough, makes the all pro, has a solid build, isnt too old and whatever. Have the world league players sign 3 - 4 year contracts and by that time they will be almost ready to retire. Lvl 75 -100

(also make it possible for players to reach at the minimum lvl 75 without becoming too freaking old to be effective... Have the great builds and legendary players get bonus's to achieve higher levels and the very best players able to get to 100)

Just my 2 cents... proly impossible but would be great.
Edited by KINGS on May 4, 2010 15:24:17
Edited by KINGS on May 4, 2010 15:21:41
Edited by KINGS on May 4, 2010 15:16:38
Nobody wants 3 or 4 year contacts
thats why we see so many teams flop..

Im talking about making it more realistic.

a real life team rarley signs a player for a year.

Also it would limit the amount of players on the free agency list, by giving players homes for a period of time. Also it will promote a sense of team spirit, create rivals and also make the game more enjoyable with offseason drafts, instead of the chaotic free agent cluster we have now.
Edited by KINGS on May 4, 2010 15:19:09
Originally posted by BP
Ok D, here is your can thank me later via a large flex deposit into my account (I don't want a job, but thanks )

For everything above the Capped Leagues

Eliminate Oceania and One of the Europes

here is your new league set up

1 WL
6 Pro
12 AAA
24 AA

take the oceania and one europe teams and redistribute them. Teams that made the playoffs in those leagues in Pro go into pro in the other leagues, those that didn't get distributed into AAA. You make room in Pro in the 6 leagues by demoting non-playoff teams in order of record down to AAA. Then repeat those steps in AAA and down and all league will be filled up. 6 teams demote from WL each season from each region instead of 8 in this scenario.

AA is horrible right now, 24 leagues is probably perfect for how many teams/players you have.

Very simple solution. We'll have 6 great regions with great competition. Not 8 with waaay too many AA's and horrible competition below AAA.

For the capped leagues...a little tougher, but the level caps don't work. Even though SSB has effectively been killed, non-boosters with 8 old season lvl 38 players still ruin things for the boosters.

You have to decide how interested you are in keeping non-boosters around and if those profiles really bring you money in.

If they don't and you don't care about them

1) Leagues with date creation caps

if you do

2) Make boosting a requirement to enter non-casual capped leagues. How you would this is have a maximum level AND a minimum creation date for capped leagues that use a full AI setup. Make the casual leagues have no such rules. That way, casual players can play casually...serious players play seriously. You'd probably have to reduce the amount of regular capped leagues and increase the amount of casuals in this scenario

Just to qualify my plan, I currently own my own business...I did in gross transactions about 10 million dollars in 2008/2009 (no I didn't make that much..only a fraction, a small fraction, nobody ask me to buy them flex please ). I have no employees and do it all myself. I'm not some angry ass 16 year old with ideas, running businesses and putting together good solid plans is what I do. Take it for what it's worth.


3 absolutely great points here...IF competition is the goal.

1. Narrow down the regions.
2. Fix the amount of teams available.
3. Make lower regions based on AGE instead of Level.

1. This really gets us more compact like earlier in GLB. Getting back to rivalries ftw.
2. I think the over-expansion has created the largest gap in competition in mid-game.
3. This destroys SSB all by itself. Non-boosters can still play in D-league and Pee-Wee. New players, that are trying the game out, can still get a taste of the game, but realistically, this game should be for the paying customer.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
How's that?

300 Create cost
900 Boost cost
900 Custom.

1560 returned.

Cost 540 flex. That is more than any other type of player per season.

Well why would they be buying full custom it's not like peewee players have the stats to support those SA's that custom gear gives them. Also look at a WR who is in their full career. Also your number is only if they are retiring their Pee Wee every season.

300 Create cost
900 Boost cost * 10
900 Custom.

10200 Flex
7140 returned
Cost 3060

While peewees lose more flex due to return they also have a lower and shorter investment in the game compared to the player who is growing their players to completion. When talking investment you can not only consider Flex but also Time which is a more valuable commodity than anything else because you can never get it back.
i'm not a fan of the forced 2-3 cap jumps for playoff teams. Forced promotion is fine (unless the team guts itself to start over), but promote to the cap level where the players are. I'm tired of having a team in a cap 2 levels above their current average levels only to make it to the playoffs due to our schemes and get further behind with the forced promotion.

I agree with the consolidation, though.

Somebody mentioned paring down the max roster number. Please don't. I like to have strictly ST players on my rosters, and they get those extra slots.
Edited by Clarka3 on May 4, 2010 20:25:00
chief c
Originally posted by Mstr_October

3 absolutely great points here...IF competition is the goal.

1. Narrow down the regions.
2. Fix the amount of teams available.
3. Make lower regions based on AGE instead of Level.

1. This really gets us more compact like earlier in GLB. Getting back to rivalries ftw.
2. I think the over-expansion has created the largest gap in competition in mid-game.
3. This destroys SSB all by itself. Non-boosters can still play in D-league and Pee-Wee. New players, that are trying the game out, can still get a taste of the game, but realistically, this game should be for the paying customer.

1. Keep roster size at 55.
2. Demote the non-competitive teams. Make them earn the right to stay in the higher leagues.
3. and no more leagues with CPU's!
Seriously, my team will have 9 games this season with scores of 255-0.
Edited by chief c on May 4, 2010 21:34:53
Originally posted by Hagalaz
The system doesn't work properly as of now. If you get stomped by a team 200-0, you're likely to face them again next season, while a real rivalry system would do the opposite.

I thought the rivalry points were based off of teams who you played close games with.

If they're not, they should be.

The worked really well for my cap 22 team this season, basically got rematches of most good games from last season. League was stillmostly crap, but familiar faces at the top.
I have seen many teams in AAA and lower lose many games due to a lack of depth. Sometimes it is at all positions but many times it is just a few key positions. This tends to put teams on a downward spiral. As one losing season generally leads to a poor recruiting offseason and the cycle gets worse over time.

I was thinking if we could clone enough season 1 and 2 players and make them CPU players. Without the decline of course. Then hold a draft for them players. Drafting order would be similar to the NFL so bad teams get the best picks. I am thinking only one or two total picks per team and no trading picks until after they are signed.

Anyways, the point would be to give teams a chance to fill some positions with a quality CPU player that they might not be able to get in the FA market. It should not be a major game breaking addition to any team. The hope is that it would give some teams a quality nudge in the right direction.
Edited by AngryDragon on May 5, 2010 02:46:06

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