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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Since you are online and making appearances Bort
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by RobertRJS

oh, what about the 4 WR sets. Any news on those?

I'd love to get some 4WR plays done. I want to make sure all the other formations are filled out first, and people have enough warning to set up defenses.

Show em the plays mid to late season but dont make them accesible till season 11. That way defenses can make plays w/o having to play against them.
Originally posted by RWCol2011
Originally posted by Bort

Jeez....look at the time. I gots stuff to do!

Been fun tonite!

Read my post please!

Send PM
Chris Hansen
Tiger knee!
Its ova. So much for the Beer!!!!
tiger tiger tiger uppercut!!
lock this junks
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by RWCol2011

Bort, will there be news plays on offense in the near future?

Yep! Working with some testers to try and figure some out. Feel free to make suggestions.

misdirection run plays that required the defense to make reads/vision would be cool.
Originally posted by Darren Sanders
Originally posted by polydamas

Yeah I only ignore people I really think are stupid

so my ignore lists is this

Love Goose
Boltz (sometimes)
Assortment of other people (now Eethan)

I had a few people with the scripts that changed what they said but I took them all off when I became a mod.

yeah I had Love Goose saying


but I disabled it because his trolling makes me laugh tbh
lol shoryuken!

shun goku satsu
u beat me LOL
Edited by DAKING on Jun 4, 2009 02:21:12
I agree, lock this now.
Originally posted by Bort
Jeez....look at the time. I gots stuff to do!

Been fun tonite!

Yeah no kidding, it's friggin 3:20am here, and I gotta be up at 8am.

So on that note, one more cliff's notes for everyone (same as the last one but added the stuff since then) and I'm off to bed!


Originally posted by tigerbait22
Any guess on offseason length? About normal 6-8 days?

Originally posted by Bort
Bout normal I'm sure. Not quite as much to get done this offseason as last.


Originally posted by tigerbait22
That's what I figured.. Last season had a ton to do, this one not so much.... Vet reset or definitely not? You could always just take it away completely ... wink

Originally posted by Bort
No full vet reset. Just special teams related ones, since we're making people cut rosters.


Originally posted by MingeyMatt
2 scrim games or 4?

Originally posted by Bort
Likely 2, though 4 wasn't so bad last season I guess. DPC definitely required it, but there's no MAJOR new thing like that this season. Main interface tactics thing is just a "pick your O AI play with a picture" update, like the D AI allows you to do.


Originally posted by samuel17
Can we have a retirement home page for our high lvl players please?

Originally posted by Bort
In the works. Lots of retirement related stuff is on my plate for next season.


Originally posted by BengalDuck
I PMed a moderator and they weren't sure, but is the reorganization occuring before day 42 or afterwards?

Originally posted by Bort
Day 41-42 rollover as usual.


Originally posted by tigerbait22
I think the full reset is way more exciting. It enables teams to try certain things each season depending on personnel and not being locked in forever if they take a chance and it doesn't work out.

I would choose to do away with Vet points all together but if its a must, I would rather a full reset every season. Makes things way more interesting.

Originally posted by Bort
I disagree. The sim is through the major overhaul phase at this point IMO (I think we're nearing a fairly close balance, with the exception of pass rushing, which isn't really that far off, and a few other random things here and there) and vet abilities are something you are meant to build up over time as your player becomes a veteran.

I understand the want for something to reset every season, to make it interesting, but I don't know if the VA's are it. That was certainly never the intention of them, and trying to shoehorn them into that mold probably isn't the best idea.


Originally posted by DAKING
Bort, when will the Caps get higher and promotions happen?

Originally posted by Bort
Day 42. Same as every season for the last 3 or so.


Originally posted by Virgin Goldstandard
Bort, there was a question in the FAQ forum I was hoping you could address, will training points remain on this offseason?, please and thanks!

Originally posted by Bort
Yes, training goes on.


Originally posted by PaqMarq11
what about a gradual reset? wlarson suggested that you can give 1 vp back/day and put it where you want to.

you don't turn into something you are not OVERNIGHT. but you work for it.

Originally posted by Bort
I could get on that boat. I think that VA's, just like SA's and Skill Points, should be something you have you think about and not fling around willy nilly because you can just reset all the time.


Originally posted by SikoraP13
So bort, what's on the horizon as far as which suggestions from the suggestions forum you plan on implementing in the near future and next season?...haven't really seen much of you over there lately

Originally posted by Bort
Coaches! Main thing.

I also want to do a "rate this play" kinda thing so we can have plays of the week or something similar.

A few other things in the works with some design updates and such.


Originally posted by Anarcho
Hey Bort, since you mentioned OAI earlier (pictures to pick plays), is there any chance that we could get some of the AI enhancements looked at this off season? You know, the stuff in Epic Suggestions in regards to improving AI functionality.

Originally posted by Bort
Yeah, I've perused that (which prompted the pick via a picture thing).

TBH, I think that in order to do some of the other stuff I will need to basically scrap the current AI interface and start over from scratch, with those things in mind.

One thing I think that could be really great, too, is to come up with an "intermediate" tactics option. Something where there are preset conditions, such as 3rd and long or 2nd and short, etc, and you just pick a list of plays to run in the situation. Sort of a pre-programmed AI, with a pick n' choose interface instead.

Originally posted by Boxcutter
Don't we already have that? That is how I set up my entire AI.

Originally posted by Bort
Yeah, sorta. I'm thinking more of a basic thing, separated out for you, where you don't add and remove things yourself. Something more visual oriented, with maybe pictures of the spots on the field, etc. I dunno. It needs some fleshing out, but I would love to have something that is sort of a bridge between the basic and AI, to fill the middle ground of people who want more control but are put off by the AI's potential complexity.


Originally posted by BengalDuck

Referring to speed for a CB:
Originally posted by

You could actually be even higher, but from what I've found a CB doesn't quite need the Speed a WR has to be an effective coverman.

Originally posted by

IMO speed only needs to be 95-100, since it doesn't seem CBs can ever get beat deep. Instead I think the points are better spent in agility (~80) and then have some high vision + jumping.

and a lot of this entire thread:

Bort, what are your thoughts on CB speed versus WR speed? Is Route Run SA an ample defense versus Shutdown Coverage SA? Does Ballhawk tilt the balance?

Hey, as long as you're in the thread and all...

Originally posted by Bort
Yeah, Run Route is basically the opposite of Shutdown Coverage. Ballhawk seems to work best for zone guys, IMO.

That's all sorta stuff for debate amongst the players - build strategies, etc.


Originally posted by DAKING
Also, are we having more endorsement items giving to the players next season? Can one be named after me?

Originally posted by Bort
I'd love to expand the list. I'm kinda out of ideas for names though.


Originally posted by Modok
Bort, what about VA's such as Clever Instinct, etc that become useless as a player nears the close of his career?

Originally posted by Bort
It's not necessarily useless. If you don't boost, there's tons of people higher level than you.

Originally posted by Modok
Your answer is to not boost? Excuse me if I am missing something but that is just absurd.

Originally posted by Bort
There are people who play this game and don't boost, and that is perfectly fine. What's wrong with having a couple skills for them?

Originally posted by Modok
Because agents that build good players and "play up" are being punished for using CI.

Originally posted by Bort
I like how you use the word "punish." What would make you think the intent of a VA would be to punish players? You don't have to use it. It's just an available skill in a list of many. Not a trick or a bait n switch intended to screw anyone. It does what it says.

Originally posted by Terminate
Bort you're ignoring me

Originally posted by Bort
*adds to ignore script*



Originally posted by BengalDuck
Did you ever address the Pass Blocker (2nd and long, 3rd + 4th) vs. Pass Rusher (solely 3rd and 4th) disadvantage?

Originally posted by Bort
Meh, done some testing, doesn't have that big of an effect really.

Originally posted by Mat McBriar
Quick question/comment w/ the pick your play in the OAI.

1. Thanks, on the off chance that this is somewhat a result from hazy's USAPL compilation. Thanks regardless.
2. Does this mean we'll have the possibility to call Shotgun 5WR - Streaks and Shotgun 5WR - Post Corner in the same OAI?(there are other combos but you get the point, the plays that fall under the same classification, in this case Pass, Shotgun 5WR, Long WR)

If yes, make sure to get that tested in the test server, although that's a no brainer.

Once again, thanks. I appreciate these additions that not only cut down on the time necessary in creating/altering an AI, but eliminate general errors by the less savy users.

Originally posted by Bort
Yep, it's in testing already. You literally pick the play just like the D AI. Was done a few weeks ago.


Originally posted by Terminate
Are there any new Major Features coming in Season 11?

Originally posted by Bort
Nothing MAJOR major beyond coaches and the World League. Little stuff here and there I suppose, as usual. Main thing I want to get knocked out is coaches.


Originally posted by DAKING
Bort, will you be fixing the GM Titles? Owners can't become OC or GM

I know you can just leave it blank, but some people can take it the wrong way...

Originally posted by Bort
Owners are owners. They are above OC's and DC's, and have the highest title in the game for team management.

The point of the titles was to make the GM trophies for GM's who actually do something a bit more special, instead of everyone just having 50 GM's.


Originally posted by PDO
Originally posted by BengalDuck
Did you ever address the Pass Blocker (2nd and long, 3rd + 4th) vs. Pass Rusher (solely 3rd and 4th) disadvantage?

Logic says this should be the exact OPPOSITE because the DE gets to pin his ears back and ignore the run.

Originally posted by Bort
He can already do that with his tunnel vision SA and such.

Only change I might really consider is removing the 2nd & long from blocker.


Originally posted by Modok
Bort, you had mentioned a few weeks back of possibly making a change to the First Step SA. Any word or plans regarding this?

Originally posted by Bort
I was discussing it in the pass rush thread earlier. It seems to work pretty well like I was thinking; will probably go with it, with a couple adjustments.

Originally posted by Modok
This effect all players with First Step or just DE's?

Originally posted by Bort
The skill in general for all players.

Originally posted by Mat McBriar
For the love of the GLB Gods, make sure to test your First Step changes w/ a Julius Dee clone. I don't need to see the results, just need to avoid the angst of blocking that 'animal'

(on a lighter note I'm like 7 Bort posts behind, slow down for me to catch up )

Originally posted by Bort
One of the DE's I use on the test server is pretty studly. TBH, the first step update didn't do anywhere near as much as just making the QB throw more slowly. Adding a single tick to the throw duration increased sacks by a magnitude of about 6 or 7. Similar results when making the vision check to see the defender coming and throw it away was made much harder. Sacks+++. Without that, and just the first step update, minor difference.


Originally posted by BengalDuck
Bort, have you ever experienced the frustration of rolling for a decent AEQ piece?

Originally posted by Bort
Yes, when testing it. I ran a LOT of rolls.

Originally posted by BengalDuck
Yeah, and it's no fun, right?

Are you ever going to allow for that fourth box to give an item for sale? 3 just looks so... uneven.

Originally posted by Bort
Maybe...I like the randomness myself. Though it might be kinda fun to have something like the "rune" system in Diablo - sockets, etc. There have been lots of ideas thrown around about it.

Originally posted by BengalDuck
Back to AEQ, is there or will there ever be a way we can sell back the Bonus Tokens but not sell the piece? Ya know, if you are a west coaster and you wait around late every night to roll for something... finally get it, and then accidently upgrade it to +1 strength? Any way to get that point back?

Originally posted by Bort
As for AEQ, probably not. You need to think about your actions and plan ahead.


Originally posted by DAKING
I have a question non-GLB related...

Lakers or Magic?

Originally posted by Bort
I am a Blazers fan. What do you think?

Originally posted by DAKING

Correct a 34 cap? (current 24)

If we win next year League Finals...Will we be uncapped cloud league?

Originally posted by Bort


Originally posted by BengalDuck
Sign Ramon Sessions, Andre Miller, or stay with Blake/Bayless (kill Sergio)?

Originally posted by Bort
Blake/Bayless IMO. Bayless has tons of potential.

Originally posted by BengalDuck

Except he can't shoot a jumpshot. I'm a big fan, but he's worse than Sergio as a starter right now because teams don't have to respect his scoring (like Sergio) and unlike Sergio, his PG instincts are poor and underdeveloped. He jumps without a place to pass far too often, etc.

He can play good defense, though, and is explosive. I love that he's in Ohio working out with Oden this summer.

Originally posted by Bort
I think he can work on that. He's got a ton of talent and a good work ethic, and a lot of energy. Just makes too many rookie mistakes, trying to do too much. I have always said the same for Sergio though, too.


Originally posted by r87
Oh, small favor while we're here.

fix this and we can all sleep at night!

Originally posted by Bort
I think the design guy has that in the works, actually. He mentioned something about it.


Originally posted by atomicrooster
Currently in Canada A, and making the Conference finals, would that promote my team to AA like the top 4 usually do? or would only the teams in the championship promote and i stay in the uncapped cloud?

Originally posted by Bort
Only the teams in the champ game go up automatically this season. Then, after the shuffle, if you're still uncapped, you will be eligible to promote for CPU dropdowns, assuming you did favorably compared to other teams in the same position.


Originally posted by DAKING
Bort likes rap right?

Originally posted by Bort
Good rap. Not crap rap.

Nelly sucks, for instance. So does Kanye.


Originally posted by maz621
does that mean you wont be slowing the QB throws?

Originally posted by Bort
I think making QB vision worse as far as seeing pass rushers coming (worse on the weak side maybe?) will work best. The actual throw animation isn't really the issue. It's the QB's ability to cut it short when he senses pressure.


Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Have you considered/is it possible to make QB hit a mark before he can begin the throwing motion. Basically force him to take a 3, 5, or 7 step drop based on length of pass play selected.

Originally posted by Bort
Yeah, he does already actually, so he won't instathrow. It could be modified to various depths of course, if needed.


Originally posted by RobertRJS
Bort, I remember you earlier saying higher vision increases the likelihood of certain SAs going off like Juke and head Fake (for like a receiver). Is this correct or did I remember incorrectly?

Originally posted by Bort
Yes, and carrying is important, too!


Originally posted by Rage Kinard
I think one option you might test if the extra tick to throwing motion and extra vision check for seeing defenders results in too many sacks may be to test an increase in the depth a QB needs to drop back. This should increase the sacks where DL completely beats the OL, but not the ones where DL beats an OL after being blocked for 7-10 ticks.

Originally posted by Bort
I think the QB often drops back too fast, actually, when he has high speed. That causes issues sometimes.


Originally posted by Sweet Jesus
Slick Rick?

Originally posted by Bort
Is awesome.

So is this:


Originally posted by blln4lyf
What about Go To Guy??? Guys whose old teams wanted them to get the ball at a higher rate, but now do not want that after joining a new team.

Many people chose this because there team insisted, thinking there would be another reset in the works.

Originally posted by Bort


Originally posted by BengalDuck
Are you going to assist Octowned in figuring out your bars?

Originally posted by Bort
No, I'm going to let him finish and then modify them.


Originally posted by RWCol2011
Bort, will there be news plays on offense in the near future?

Originally posted by Bort
Yep! Working with some testers to try and figure some out. Feel free to make suggestions.

Originally posted by RobertRJS
oh, what about the 4 WR sets. Any news on those?

Originally posted by Bort
I'd love to get some 4WR plays done. I want to make sure all the other formations are filled out first, and people have enough warning to set up defenses.


Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS
bort, can you clarify how mentor VA triggers? for example would all CBs get triggered if the mentor was in CB1 but another CB only played special teams?

Originally posted by Bort
All natural CB's on the team. Depth chart plays no part.

Originally posted by tremele
I agree, lock this now.

Done. waitwat?

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