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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Reorganize National Pro Leagues
Originally posted by jdbolick
Please, Borticus: Under Consideration/In Progress

Originally posted by .spider.
(1401 votes for, 508 against) I havent quite gotten a gauge yet on what the vote count needs to be at to be considered. Right now you have 26.6% against it and 73.4% for it.

The votes don't really matter. It just comes down to whether Bort/DD like it, and me proposing it did not help.

Originally posted by
And even if considered I doubt it would be implemented for a season or two....think they need to flesh out the new structure first before messing w/ the "top" of it

They really don't. It can be implemented quickly and easily, which is what should happen since it's desperately needed right now. It's actually kind of funny that they're making all these changes to supposedly improve competition when Pro is the least competitive it has ever been.
Originally posted by Greywolfmeb
Originally posted by jdbolick

Please, Borticus: Under Consideration/In Progress

Apparently it's NGTH. In any case, I went ahead and updated the OP for what these leagues might have looked like this season.
Excluding the one gut, we're now up to 1521 points scored and 93 points allowed. That was a spectacular waste of time, especially given how much GLB has talked about improving competition. Meanwhile Canton, Windhoek, Jebediah's, Black Sea, and Djibouti have all had similar experiences. Pro just isn't fun anymore, and it's because there is way too much gap between the elites and the average teams.
Jaxon Voom
I'd take the hint that no-one but you has posted here in a week. There's a limit to how much you should bump your own idea.
no u
Of all the suggestions receiving attention, this one should be the #1 priority. With the new league structure coming there is no better time to implement this. There is no excuse... GLB is failing hard by putting this on the back burner in favor of the cosmetic fluff that is being worked on.
Originally posted by beenlurken
Of all the suggestions receiving attention, this one should be the #1 priority. With the new league structure coming there is no better time to implement this. There is no excuse... GLB is failing hard by putting this on the back burner in favor of the cosmetic fluff that is being worked on.

Originally posted by beenlurken
Originally posted by beenlurken

Of all the suggestions receiving attention, this one should be the #1 priority. With the new league structure coming there is no better time to implement this. There is no excuse... GLB is failing hard by putting this on the back burner in favor of the cosmetic fluff that is being worked on.

I couldn't agree more....

Originally posted by jdbolick

The gap between the absolute best World League teams and the best Pro league teams is smaller than ever, but unfortunately the gap between the best Pro league teams and the worst Pro league teams is bigger than ever. To give people a better regular season experience, you need to have these teams grouped together in tiers that better represent their talent level. By adding hemispheres, you no longer drop World League alums into Pro leagues where they out-match everyone but the Pro elite. You would also have the Pro leagues themselves be legitimately competitive, with teams that actually should be playing one another. Meanwhile it would not take teams any longer to reach the World League than in the current model, as the only quicker way would be to win that first season in Pro, which hardly any teams have ever done. This proposal would not only increase competition for the elite Pro teams, but also for those Pro teams below them.

This is the truest statement you will find on these boards, especially the bolded part. IMO it is a huge mistake to overlook this plan.

Originally posted by jdbolick
Excluding the one gut, we're now up to 1521 points scored and 93 points allowed. That was a spectacular waste of time, especially given how much GLB has talked about improving competition. Meanwhile Canton, Windhoek, Jebediah's, Black Sea, and Djibouti have all had similar experiences. Pro just isn't fun anymore, and it's because there is way too much gap between the elites and the average teams.

I wouldn't imagine how boring that would be if I were on either of those teams. I would get bored quickly from being through so many uncompetitive games. This statement mentioned by jdbolick has proven a point here. +1000. We would be protesting bronze/silver/gold in Peewee if it were like this.
OPL already has one CPU team, and I know of 3 more that are gutting, plus one of our demoting WL teams is gutting (at least that is the current word).

I was unsure about this plan earlier in the season, but in light of these guts (and those are just the ones that have been announced, who knows how many more might happen), I think some sort of Pro contraction really does need to happen. This plan is as good as any I have seen. Make it happen.
Originally posted by Plankton
OPL already has one CPU team, and I know of 3 more that are gutting, plus one of our demoting WL teams is gutting (at least that is the current word).

I was unsure about this plan earlier in the season, but in light of these guts (and those are just the ones that have been announced, who knows how many more might happen), I think some sort of Pro contraction really does need to happen. This plan is as good as any I have seen. Make it happen.

Teams are gutting because Extended Plateau is ending and teams can't recruit enough quality dots to meet their expectations.

Only the elite teams with farm teams run by trusted agents that know how to build elite dots are going to remain at the top game. Since recruiting is so demanding and the supply of dots worthy of the WL is so low, along with there not being a way of creating an insta-dot or faster leveling to get dots to the end-game, you will see a ton of teams fold up shop this season.

So the options are: "Do you wanna shrink the game and make it harder for teams from the bottom to ever end at the top" or do you want to "accelerate the dot build process to feed dots to teams already in the end game." Either way you end up meeting the demand of dots to fill out the WL / Pro League teams, its just that one way is prohibitive and the other constructive.

Personally I'd prefer the later method before going option 1.
Your post has nothing whatsoever to do with the OP.
Originally posted by jdbolick
Please, Borticus: Under Consideration/In Progress


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