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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by jdros13
if on the offensive packages they changed the drop down boxes (and the coding obviously) for the HB and FB positions to allow you to determine "pass block left" and "pass block right" and made a very difficult vision check to override that assignment it would make it much easier for offenses to pick up blitzes by keeping a back in to block (although the backs would probably get run over and miss blocks a fair amount as well of course).

It would also open up the strong side for blitzing as well, which would be nice.

Or if there were an option to bring the TE back into the backfield to help block on single back/shotgun sets.

I don't think the blitzes are a problem. However, if they don't want the crazy blocking logic that appears vs. some blitzes, I think they have to add the limitations. If people can deal with the crazy blocking schemes, that often work in spite of how ridiculous they look, then I say leave the DPC in tact as it is.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
yes, but some of those combinations would not have to be accounted for since they would be impossible due to restriction of player movement.

For instance, you have to use at least 2 numbers from the 1-9 when using a 4 man DL and 1 when using a 3 man. I also believe that with current restrictions, you can only have a max of 6 blitzers on one side of the center. So options like 7,8,9, 21,22,23, 24.

You can also add further limitations that cuts down on the number of possibilities that doesn't cut down on reasonable creativity. For instance, you could say that at least 1 pass rusher has to be on each side of the C, and no more than 5 players can be pass rushing on either side of the C. So you could still get 6 pass rushers from C over, but it cuts down the amount of combinations that have to be coded.

I am just providing the math service. Give the rules and I can do the combinatorics
I'm actually good with this change, if and only if they introduce sub packages to the game and expand the number of defensive formations.

I would really love to see the ability to have run down player packages and pass down player packages, i.e. pass rush DE's vs run stuffing DE's.

Also one of the reason the DPC is so widely used is because the number of formations available in the current setup is too limited to allow for sufficent protection against certain formations.
My own two cents worth...

GLB is a game, I understand, but it's supposed to be a footbal sim, right? Why so much effort to make it less like football?

There are so many great suggestions about how to counter exploit blitzes, which really to me isn't nearly as likely to cause some rage quits as this decision, but it seems like you guys chose the path of least resistance. I think it's a clear step back for GLB.

I put tons of work into my DPC and was actually quite proud of it.

This isn't a rage reaction, but I will say that this decision will definitely make me spend less and less time on GLB. Less time spent, eventually leads to less money spent. I'm not a heavy user, but I'm sure there are other who agree.

I also have been recently working to put together a good group of owners and FO types to become an owner in season 20. I will seriously rethink this if the new DPC is as much of a handicap as it sounds like it will be.

Two questions...

How many complaints did it take to come to this decision? I doubt it was as many as will come from this decision.

And when does it kick in?
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Or if there were an option to bring the TE back into the backfield to help block on single back/shotgun sets.


The pass blocking in of 2 back sets is much less glitchy than in 3WR sets (the only problems I've seen it have is when the TE is flopped to the left). So you would think that basically turning a 3WR set into a 3WR 2 back set when you keep the TE in to block would solve a lot of the "problems" they're having now.
Edited by Hcreek27 on Oct 25, 2010 09:10:59
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Or if there were an option to bring the TE back into the backfield to help block on single back/shotgun sets.

I don't think the blitzes are a problem. However, if they don't want the crazy blocking logic that appears vs. some blitzes, I think they have to add the limitations. If people can deal with the crazy blocking schemes, that often work in spite of how ridiculous they look, then I say leave the DPC in tact as it is.

Originally posted by Hcreek27

The pass blocking in of 2 back sets is much less glitchy than in 3WR sets (the only problems I've seen it have is when the TE is flopped to the left). So you would think that basically turning a 3WR set into a 3WR 2 back set when you keep the TE in to block would solve a lot of the "problems" they're having now.

Rage Kinard
Originally posted by tragula
I am just providing the math service. Give the rules and I can do the combinatorics

At least 2 players must blitz from the 1-9 spots.
No more than 5 players can blitz from the 1-9 spots.
You can't put more than 2 players in consecutive numerical # order between 1-9 or between 10-24. (so no 4-5-6 or 10-11-2, but 8-9-10 would be allowed)
No more than 4 players can blitz from the 1-4 & 10-16 spots combined.
No more than 4 players can blitz from the 6-9 & 18-24 spots combined.
yeah.. it seems we can now make fun of GLB for being Brett Favre-like. Awesome!
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by AlBarsch
There are none... Only the lower level OCs with limited experience are having problems trying to figure out which plays to counter an overload blitz.

That is what I thought. Good thing we are ruining one of the best parts of the game so lazy people with fragile egos can be competitive.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by tragula

I am just providing the math service. Give the rules and I can do the combinatorics

At least 2 players must blitz from the 1-9 spots.
No more than 5 players can blitz from the 1-9 spots.
You can't put more than 2 players in consecutive numerical # order between 1-9 or between 10-24. (so no 4-5-6 or 10-11-2, but 8-9-10 would be allowed)
No more than 4 players can blitz from the 1-4 & 10-16 spots combined.
No more than 4 players can blitz from the 6-9 & 18-24 spots combined.

You like it simple.
Here is the first part of the calculation, just assigning players to slots 1-9
2 players =36 combinations
3 players = 78 combinations
4 players = 95 combinations
5 players = 61 combinations

This is a total of 270 combinations just from the 1-9 slots. The rest of the slots will add much more multiplication over that. So we are talking about a very big number.
I've already retired all my players that I paid for. Since I'm not getting anything back for the players I got with bonus flex points I'll keep them as non-boosters and see how the changes are going to work out. My friends have done the same and also sold the team we were building. That's about 40 players and one team just from the 7 of us. ( all 7 have put money into this site.)

Somebody should do the same thing for Jay Cutler and the Chicago Bears O-line, because as we know... exploit blitzes just aren't fair.
Originally posted by bodhisfattva
even with this i have to restate my original complaint. the goal should be to add to the game never to take away. with that in mind again

This is by far the worst idea I have ever seen from this game and is a very lazy way to proceed. ESPECIALLY when you consider how much money we pay to play this game.

the real answer is:

to fix blocking code so blitzers have to slow down when they are passing near players or shooting gaps as they pass by blocking circles of offensive linemen.

to fix blocking code so the off side G instead of pulling to block a safety or cb off the edge just shifts to block who the center would normally block. the center blocks who the G would normally block. the G blocks who the OT would normally block. This way 350lb linemen wont have to pull 5 yards to block a 180lb blitzer with his ears pinned back.

to fix blocking code so the linemen can hold a pocket better and not have them give so much ground up the middle and have the qb step into the pocket like they actually do in real life. a blitzer would have to run a much more radical path to hook around the line to reach the qb. this would force him to run farther and lose much of his speed as he is turning the corner. This will give the qb time to get off a quick pass

to fix qb awareness of the outside blitz or any overload blitz and put hot routes into the game and allow the qb to call preset audibles(notice the 1v1 coverage and call a go route or quick slant). if a hot route is called give the D a large vision penalty making it very difficult for them to defend the short hot route as they are very hard in real life to cover. You could also put in logic for the qb to notice 1v1 coverage and have him be able to throw down field high against the single coverage and make it much harder for the defender to make a pass defense and not really be able to intercept the ball unless it is a "bad throw". Either of these will make sure there is actual risk in blitzing 6 or 7 guys.

to fix qb awareness of the blitz and allow him to adjust his throwing tactics so he can throw a deep lob pass (instead of always throwing lofty or bullet passes) with actual touch on the ball so you can have a safe pass that is hard to intercept for a deep completion

change the path to the qb for the blitzers so their path isnt as direct or as fast to the qb.

there you now have 6 alternatives that could be used in part or whole to fix the situation so there is actual risk in using overload blitzes.

this took me all of 10 mins to think about better ways to fix this situation. HIRE MORE PROGRAMMERS with all the money 10s of thousands of us pay every month for this game to correct the issue instead of dumbing down the game and removing what has become one of the most integral parts of the game.

Couldnt have said it better myself. Never take away, always improve! We pay alot of money to play this game....GLB is going to lose its faithful if it keeps making all these stupid changes
Originally posted by dviss1
I am an OC and I say this:

Removing the DPC would be a travesty. I guess this for SURE means there will NEVER be an OPC....

Way to take a step back guys... Wouldn't it be better to add an OPC??? Wouldn't that balance out the issues you seem to be having...?

or just add an audible system.. make QB vision (and WR vision) able to detect where a blitz is coming from and allow a check-down to hit a quick slant to the WR or TE.. or check to a pitch or a screen or a swing pass.

the idea about rushers having to slow down is traffic is good.. they play like they can run trough the big bodies and have 20 in QUICK CUT
Edited by thorpemark on Oct 25, 2010 15:15:16
If this change goes through then I think DC's should have more options like DLine stunts, and spy's that actually work.

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