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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by eastcoastbrian
Sorry about posting this in suggestions thread as well...didn't see this one until now:

Please bear with me as this will be long. Also, this will smell of "locked leagues" but isn't. Teams can move, there is flexibility for natural growth and contraction to make the games popularity.
This merely eliminates the promotion/demotion system which has plagued GLB since season 3.

Here's the idea, create:

- One League that operates like the NFL does today w/ strict min level requirements. I.E. 32 teams, 2 Conferences, 8 Divisons and a end of season playoff for Championship.
- The next "tier" operates like college football w/ lots of conferences, some power, some not. At the end of the season the winners go to a toruney for the title. Strict min/max. No promotions
- The next tier down is like highschool, lots of smaller conferences assigned to a region, lots of ranges in talent/builds, multiple championship tournaments with the league winners in regions playing, and then the regional winners playing. Shorter regular season, more tourneys. Again, strict min/max levels
- The next tier down is Pop Warner
- Create an entire separate league for farm teams. Allow them 16 free scrims with no one other than other teams in the farm leagues. No championships, no titles, no ensdorsements...nothing. Want to play on a farm team and slow build, you can have your reward at the end of your career or when you join a college based team.

How this supports the next set of changes:

This would also allow for Bort to be able to tier his "complexity" of the game. Pop Warner, you just get to use basic AIs, stadiums and salaries are small. High School, you can use the AI, but things are simpler there than the next level which uses packages and free popcorn days. Lastly, in the Pros, you have the most complex level AI, DPCs, Stadium Deterioration, marketing, etc. You want to own a team, only one way...put your name in and have a proven track record to own an elite team....or have more flex. Again, flex for owning a highschool team could be 200/ season...for owning a Pro Team 1000/season.

How it helps prevent gutting/teams in over their heads

If at some time you want to "run" a college team you need to have had success in the high-school ranks and apply for a college team. When an owner of a college team is looking to step down, the new "owner" steps in. Contracts remain in place and the transition is easier. No more mid-season gut jobs, etc. An owner can not step down until a suitable replacement has been found (i.e. someone has put in a request to run a team that you are looking to step away from).

Again, the easier you make the lower levels, the easier it is to coordinate, recruit, etc. By having rivalries folks get back into the forums, owners try and recruit more, and with the designated farm team league the slow builders move out of the competetive leagues because they essentially don't care about "lollowerleague gifs".

How it supports growth or contraction without having to restructure the entire lineage of teams

It also allows for teams transferring across the league structure, i.e. one college level team moving from non-elite to elite, as long as they can find a team ready to transfer as well, but no more moving up or down. No matter how bad Michcigan is they will never be a "Highschool" team nor will Florida ever be a Pro team. Again, this is similar to real life when teams leave one conference to move to another.

If there are perennial crappy teams, so be it. Northwestern has historically been a doormat in the Big 10, so GLB can have those as well. But as in real life they are able to recruit 55 players because players have to graduate "highschool" and move on if they want to continue playing.

Obviously this does not prevent an owner from starting in pee wees and begin applying up the ladder and taking their team "with them", but it will get expensive, and they are risking that a team in the next level is going to open up. Maybe one won't...and those players will have to move on.

Helps recruiting issues
Because players have to "move up" they have two choices, play for a team in an upper level or retire. This means College Level teams will not be competing with "Highschool" teams for the same dots. If there aren't enough players, then you contract the conferences. There should always be enough players for the Pros, as the number of teams there are limited.

I've still yet to hear why this wouldn't help with our current issues and prepare GLB to move out of Beta. It is what most people who are involved in any form of athletics are used to.

Post what you see as holes.

Originally posted by A. Carter
Why do teams have to move to a higher level league?
Why not just raise the league cap and keep the teams constant from season to season?

If a team has a player that is disqualified from his team , by being over leveled , then he becomes a free agent that can sign in a higher league.
I think having the same teams season after season would create rivalries and teams would have to improve or stay as a bottom dweller just like in real football.

We have a decent league this season but next season we'll be put with a lot of other owners we know nothing about and it'll all start all over. How about some continuity from season to season?

Yes, but then leagues would have a permanent underclass, guttings would be even higher than they are now. I don't think it was anyone's intent to have the same team win gold 9 seasons in a row in the same league.
Originally posted by beenlurken
As is being discussed in this forum...

Here is a decent model of what extending the plateau would look like (involves shortening the building process)

Season 1 - level 8 times, boost 3 times = level 12
Season 2 - level 8 times, boost 3 times = level 23
Season 3 - level 8 times, boost 3 times = level 34
Season 4 - level 7 times, boost 3 times = level 44
Season 5 - level 7 times, boost 3 times = level 54
Season 6 - level 6 times, boost 3 times = level 63
Season 7 - level 6 times, boost 3 times = level 72
Season 8 - player has hit plateau, don't increase/decrease = level 72
Season 9 - player has hit plateau, don't increase/decrease = level 72
Season 10 - player has hit plateau, don't increase/decrease = level 72
Season 11 - player starts to decline

That said, I think it would HELP to condense the leagues with a different sturcture... but it is not the solution. The plateau should be lengthened and building process should be shortened first.

ETA: If you just condense the league it does not solve the problem that teams face by having to manage the harsh rules of decline. Teams will still peak/valley with how competitive they can be from season to season.

This too
Originally posted by Fumanchuchu
Keep going with the Rivalry points and make it the primary arbiter for team grouping (into groups of 32).

Make effective level the primary arbiter of League level cap.

Remove all the capped league levels above 14, cap 4 and 14 remain as leagues to start new teams in.

Get an effective level average of the rivalry group of 32, add 3 levels and that's that cap that is placed on the league. If the average effective level is 20, the cap is 23 for that league (regular level cap).no reason to shoehorn teams into caps that don't fit.

Any team in the group who is 8 effective levels under the cap demotes into an appropriate level group also based on the group they have the most rivalry points in. This will require some smooshing, but should be doable without putting more that 1-2 CPUS in a league, the rivalry points should keep teams close enough that this doesn't need to happen because the cap is based on effective levelThis would keep the non-boosters at an appropriate level instead of expecting them to play the same teams who all boosted.

Once your team has effective levels above 50, they move out of the cloud into AA which expands and contracts to however many full rostered teams there are, also grouped by rivalry points.

Top 4 teams from and AA league promote to AAA, which also expands and contracts to keep leagues full and is also sorted by rivalry points.

Bottom four AAA teams demote to AA, all cpus and gut jobs are removed from the system every season.

AAA champions are ranked based on some sort of aggregate relating to league strength. Promotion to pro is based on bottom 4 demoting and removal of cpu and guts. Conference champions are also ranked to fill pro spots still open after League champs are exhausted.

All Cpu and Guts (from all levels of play) are shunted off to crap leagues with no playoffs, endorsements, or trophies, or ticket sales. You don't have to sell your team back, but it's not going to earn anything while you're not using it.(reset rules still apply anyway).

Damn this is pretty smooth.
i'd make it so you get to play at leased 4 - 8 in your division every season so you still have some of the same faces.

And that overall matchup. If I have a team that has a 60 and your team has a 68 or more, i've already lost the game. There has got to be a way when setting up the league games that the system does a prematchup check during the preseason and just prior to the last preseason game the full schedule is released and the system automatically adjusts games to be played based on that.

I'm sure if you run a report you might find that most acquisitions are completed by game 2 of the preseason. Then maybe we wouldn't see so many blow out games.

I also think you need to give every owner that had 10 or more 255-0 blow out games a season extension on their teams.
Edited by ptompkins on May 4, 2010 09:54:49
Originally posted by 5STAR
consolidate leagues and quit spreading the user base over some many different options.

Example would be casual and normal....make normal easier to run and remove casual.

Way too many caps...we have a cap for just about every level...serious overkill

Stop adding layers to the game. Each time you add an additional layer it is something the best teams will master creating a bigger gap between the haves and have nots.

You gotta ask yourself...
Do we really needs coaches? Because it will be one thing teams must have to win

Do we really need 55 man rosters? Most average teams can not field a full team and thus have no shot

Do we really need to increase the energy/morale drain? You are causing more morale spirals making decent games blow outs

Do we really need to add more options to team finances? Another thing great owners will master while the average guy has little chance

AEQ and VAs are another thing that kills competition. The best dots always have the best VAs and AEQ and that leads to blowouts. If you want to have VAs and AEQ you need to cap it at like 30 VAs and 1-2 AEQ pieces or the normal user will NEVER compete.

ALGs force dots to be built in a way that is counter intuitive.....if you do not train correctly or hit high caps early enough you will never compete. Plus building in this manor make the lower leagues worthless. People do not want to build a dot for a full calendar year to spend 2-3 seasons playing meaningful games but yet ALGs make them do just that.

League structure is a very minor problem to the competition problem. The main cause is there are way too many things for the normal user to keep up with and in result he gets annihilated by teams who can manage everything.

This game has been on a track to cater to the hardcore user for so long it has lead to a few elite teams and 29 others that have no chance in EVERY league.

Talk about nailing it. Right on the money. Casual users who don't have time to devote hours to the game get left behind.
Originally posted by bowler844

Talk about nailing it. Right on the money. Casual users who don't have time to devote hours to the game get left behind.

Casual users should be playing in the Casual Leagues.... Casual League teams can't have coaches so THAT issue isn't any more complex or add any more time for "casuals".

They should probably lock the casual leagues as they are now (except training changes of course).

"Casual" users (and non-boosters) that aren't playing in the casual leagues... well, that's their problem, not GLB's.
The real question to ask is why is Pee-wee such a big hit?
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
The real question to ask is why is Pee-wee such a big hit?

I've no idea why people want to watch blind dots that can't catch run around at a snails pace... I'd rather watch paint dry myself.
Originally posted by bowler844

Talk about nailing it. Right on the money. Casual users who don't have time to devote hours to the game get left behind.

Disagree. League structure is a big factor. Alot of those have to do with things other than league structure, hehe and I do not agree with them either but thats another thread. League structure is a huge factor in competition.
Originally posted by Cronus6
I've no idea why people want to watch blind dots that can't catch run around at a snails pace... I'd rather watch paint dry myself.

Because its vs equal competition. Copper-new or sub par teams. Silver, average to good teams. Gold, one of the most competitive leagues in the game, if not the most competitive.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
The real question to ask is why is Pee-wee such a big hit?

Well it's a lower flex investment for people who get what they want out of the game.
Originally posted by Vortus
Because its vs equal competition. Copper-new or sub par teams. Silver, average to good teams. Gold, one of the most competitive leagues in the game, if not the most competitive.

To each their own I guess.
I find it very boring, but then again I don't really pay much attention until my dots hit AAA or better.
Originally posted by Pietasters
Well it's a lower flex investment for people who get what they want out of the game.

Actually PeeWee Gold, and most Silver is a bigger investment. As not only do they boost, but they buy AEQ sometimes every season.

Originally posted by Cronus6
To each their own I guess.
I find it very boring, but then again I don't really pay much attention until my dots hit AAA or better.

Alot of folks that only like the higher level leagues seem to think the same thing. Humorous that alot of them also like the BBB locked type leagues. The very leagues that messed up the league structure to begin with. It was fun at first, but then the lvl 60+ teams that were still in BBB started playing the newly made teams in BBB and folks stopped caring about the lower leagues.

Originally posted by Pietasters
Well it's a lower flex investment for people who get what they want out of the game.

How's that?

300 Create cost
900 Boost cost
900 Custom.

1560 returned.

Cost 540 flex. That is more than any other type of player per season.

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