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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Going blind, an Obamacare critic now needs a bailout
Originally posted by Sellars
The ironic part of this thread is liberal bashing of an isolated case of one moron who chose to ignore optional healthcare when they happily handout food stamps, free housing and cell phones to people who choose not to better themselves or get some form of a job on every tax payers tab. But hey u gotta have you're cake and it eat to once in a while

Eat it to where?
Sorry corndog I didn't bring the grammar police. Good thing you are here
If it makes u feel any better I don't have health insurance either and I really don't care if this guy goes blind or not it's his own personal choice. But then again I make over 100K so yea I can get away with go team and still win. If u do not make decent money well you are on you're own
Edited by Sellars on May 23, 2015 18:00:28
Originally posted by Sellars
Sorry corndog I didn't bring the grammar police. Good thing you are here

Just trying to help you improve.
Well I appreciate that corndog. I would buy u a beer but u probably live far and away from NJ. The armpit of the US. But if I had to guess u prefer a nice dry red or a good IPA. Both are excellent choices
Originally posted by Sellars
I make over 100K so yea I can get away with go team and still win. If u do not make decent money well you are on you're own

Im not sure where you live, your age or what kind of a nest egg your got going, but 100k a year....isn't going to be enough to cover a major medical expense.

I would look into a health care plan, honestly they are reasonably priced. Just because the country might not be able to carry the burden down the line it shouldn't preclude you from protecting yourself, family and your assets.
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 23, 2015 19:12:01
Originally posted by Longneck1845

Im not sure where you live, your age or what kind of a nest egg your got going, but 100k a year....isn't going to be enough to cover a major medical expense.

I would look into a health care plan, honestly they are reasonably priced. Just because the country might not be able to carry the burden down the line it shouldn't preclude you from protecting yourself, family and your assets.

Obviously I I could easily afford a plan. I paid over 7K in penalties this tax season for not having it. However my reasoning is about the principal of the entire thing being wrong. Yes the healthcare system in American was not working but this BS healthcare act is completely wrong. A few years ago I honestly could not afford healthcare and did not have a plan. But now that I can I refuse to give in to this borderline dictatorship ideology. It's what I choose and while I do wish every decent person should have access to it, telling someone they need to have it when they should in a supposedly free country be allowed to make a choice... no sorry that is not America. Libs act like healthcare is a right. Nope, it's not. Unless your on wellfare or illegal then u just get it on my tax dollar. But hey when the IRS sends u a bill for 140K at the end of the year who cares that u worked hard for it because there are thousands of people who need that money for free shit. Oh well at least I can sleep at night. Plus I have plenty of toys guess how I got them? Not from drinking booze out of a brown bag sitting on the front porch.
BTW longneck I wasn't firing at u just venting in general. U just really have to wonder how anyone can think taxing small business' like this is ok when we spew money at the rate we do all the while handing out healthcare to a large portion of our population. Makes sense though, tax small business to death, enforce healthcare laws on said business and then wonder why things are broken...
Ghost Recon
Got that right Sellars!
Originally posted by Sellars
BTW longneck I wasn't firing at u just venting in general. U just really have to wonder how anyone can think taxing small business' like this is ok when we spew money at the rate we do all the while handing out healthcare to a large portion of our population. Makes sense though, tax small business to death, enforce healthcare laws on said business and then wonder why things are broken...

Trust me Sells I hear you and I agree that many of the costs of the ACA has been put on the shoulders of small business and debt ridden states. I also understand quite well how it feels to be on the "paying" side of tax season.

I also feel like our tax dollars should be used to pay off our existing debt to foreign country's, before adding a huge tax consuming health care system. I am actually of the mindset that I would be willing to pay higher taxes, if the government would use it to pay down debt, and dig us out of the hole were in. I say cut spending 10% raise taxes 10% used the 20% to pay off debt, once America owns America again......then we can discuss spending programs and tax cuts.

However that doesn't change the fact that the ACA can and will save you money if you become sick or injured. It sounds like you have a lot going for you and accidents and illness do happen. Why risk all or part of what you have worked so hard for to lose it over a political statement?

I personally have always carried private non-group insurance, even before ACA. It was for sure unaffordable for even upper middle class and a sacrifice even some higher income families. This is of course a non-group plan, meaning it wasn't employer driven so the insurance company "claimed" they couldn't pool the risk (Cough BS Cough).

Anyhow ive looked at the quotes that some of my friends have been getting and honestly they are fair and many middle class self employed people are able acquire health care at a fair price.

Im not saying im going to leave my private carrier, but im weighing the monthly cost savings of an upper tier (diamond?) ACA plan vs my private plans extremely low deductible. Ill probably end up staying with my plan cause im on the wrong side of 40 and stick with my low deductible, even though the ACA deductible isn't that bad....but my income level is making it pretty much a wash.

But seriously do yourself a favor and get yourself covered, im pretty sure you can see I wasn't 100% behind nationalized health care. But from one man to another, its not going anywhere despite you not participating. There is no reason not to ensure yourself and family.....and put yourself in the way of unnecessary financial burden.
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 23, 2015 22:26:00
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 23, 2015 22:24:59
Originally posted by Longneck1845

However that doesn't change the fact that the ACA can and will save you money if you become sick or injured. It sounds like you have a lot going for you and accidents and illness do happen. Why risk all or part of what you have worked so hard for to lose it over a political statement?

That's why I bought insurance long before I made it--I knew my parents would have blown their own money on me if the day ever came that I needed something huge and I wasn't insured. I refused to do that to them.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
That's why I bought insurance long before I made it--I knew my parents would have blown their own money on me if the day ever came that I needed something huge and I wasn't insured. I refused to do that to them.

Yeah health insurance is a no win situation/catch22/rock in a hard place kinda topic.

I view it from a humane side and feel like nobody should have to suffer with a broken leg or debilitating illness, I think through out history our ancestral doctors really cared deeply for others within their communities and tribes. When someone got sick he went to the local doctor and the doctor treated him weather he had money or not. He was a healer, it was his role in the community it was his calling in life.

Fast forward to our current day where health comes in a bottle or at least claims it does with 250 other side effects..... including 6 hour erections ....Doctors are in it for the money and the ones making most of it are doing nose jobs, tummy tucks and boob jobs.....Due to the malpractice lawsuit frenzy of the 80s and 90s Doctors have to carry huge insurance policies which have them hoping and praying people get sick so the can pay the monthly premium and have enough left over to justify working 65+ hours a week and payoff student loans of 250k.

So this drives up the cost of health the only way to afford it is through insuring the insurance companies are involved in our health and "helping" the doctors decide how sick we are.....soon it will be the Uncle Sam "telling" the doctors how "healthy" we are.....Sometimes I would like to give Uncle Sam a health exam.....a mental one

As a humane person I don't want to see people in pain and if I can do something about it I wanna help. If someone breaks their leg fix it if someone is ill and you can make him feel better do it.

But as a practical person I understand we have a much larger and more complicated medical system now and like most things money drives the ship. But whos job is it to ensure a whole country where there's not one doctor but 100,000s? Not to mention hospital costs, CAT scans, IVs and bed pans?

I liked it when Obama said that "everybody will have skin in the game" when trying to pass health care.....I would have liked it more if he would have "done it" not just say it.....I am cool with paying more based on my income for insurance......what im not cool with is some people pay nothing because of their income..... while others pay even less based on their citizenship...foreign

Ive heard Michelle Obama talk about healthy food choices in schools to help raise healthier children with better eating habits that will help reduce future health care costs......I applauded her......I routinely walk into over priced convenience stores and see people buying bags of chips, donuts and soft drinks.....and putting it on a foodstamps card.

I am defiantly a person who is open and willing to pay higher taxes for the benefit of others, but sometimes I do feel my kindness is taken for weakness, and all this assistance my tax dollars is supposedly doing for others is not helping starting to feel its actually holding them back from the true American dream.....because its muting their drive of self-preservation, which leads to positive work habits, which inspires self confidence and is the framework for success......maybe there just to much technology to have 7 billion people on earth.....and keep them working......housed and feed.

But if someone breaks his leg....fix it.....if he's not a US citizen send him back......If you need public least be able to pass a drug test.....and now that we have free birth control and abortions.......please no more babies till your able to get off public assistance and provide a stable home for the child.

Im good with that!

Edited by Longneck1845 on May 24, 2015 00:34:18
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 24, 2015 00:33:10
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 24, 2015 00:31:23
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 24, 2015 00:27:34
Edited by Longneck1845 on May 24, 2015 00:18:12
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
So the article, as I stated the first time, accurately depicts what that bank does in a general sense. Cool. Thought so. Yeah it doesn't get into specifics, but again, as I stated there is no misinformation given in that article. You just don't want to agree with it for two reasons. Lurchy posted about it, and you don't agree with it ideologically. It works very well, and you and Cuiv don't like it. Cool.

The bolded is obviously the problem here.

Otherwise, how on earth do these two not get it?? Either they have emotional blocks to comprehending how the BND works, or they have logical ones. I'm guessing it's the former.
Originally posted by Cuivienen
Banks don't earn shit on deposits right now..

Your claim, which is obviously wrong from this article as well as any resource or data from the bank.

Originally posted by Cuivienen
Lurchy thinks I claimed that BND does not make a profit somehow, yet simultaneously thinks I am the one with the reading comp issues.

Yeah, it's almost as if you're projecting. And when I say "almost", I really mean omgstopalready, you're just embarrassing yourself again.

Originally posted by Lurchy
how about the costs of borrowing for the public/govt entities that taxpayers are on the hook for

Originally posted by Cuivienen
Lurchy thinks borrowing costs are high at the moment.

...and there's that infamous reading comprehension fail that you're so famous for.

Originally posted by Cuivienen
Lurchy thinks I believe this.

Yeah, I'm going to say chances are I haven't met very many 4 year olds.

lmaol. That was your quote to begin with!

As far as meeting many 4 year olds goes, you'll know when you meet them by the fact they have higher emotional intelligence than you do.
Originally posted by Cuivienen
I've met 4 year olds that pick things up faster than you do. Grats.

Is that really the best reply you can come up with? Seriously pathetic man. Let's try again and pretend you never replied to begin with....

Originally posted by Lurchy

Still working on that reading comprehension issue?

BND profits that you claim don't exist; fta:

In 2011, the BND provided more than $70 million to the state's coffers. Extrapolate that profit-per-person to a big state like California and you're looking at an extra $3.8 billion a year in state revenues that could be used to fund education and infrastructure.


BND blows away any Wall Street bank for low exec salaries; fta: (imagine how low their other overhead/expenses are compared to Wall Street banks)

As state government employees, BND executives have no incentive to gamble their way toward enormous pay packages. As you can see, the top six BND officers earn a good living, but on Wall Street, cooks and chauffeurs earn more.

Eric Hardmeyer, President and CEO: $232,500
Bob Humann, Chief Lending Officer: $135,133
Tim Porter, Chief Administrative Officer: $122,533
Joe Herslip, Chief Business Officer: $105,000
Lori Leingang, Chief Administrative Officer: $105,000
Wally Erhardt, Director of Student Loans of North Dakota: $91,725

The very existence of a successful BND undermines Wall Street's claim that in order to attract the best talent big banks need to offer enormous pay packages. Yet somehow, North Dakota is able to find the talent to run one of the soundest banks in the country? The BND is living proof that Wall Street's rationale for sky-high executive pay is a self-serving fabrication.


how about the costs of borrowing for the public/govt entities that taxpayers are on the hook for; fta:

In the 49 states without a public bank, there's no safe place to turn for loans to rebuild schools and finance other public infrastructure projects. That creates an enormous opportunity for Wall Street firms to hook localities on expensive bond programs -- like capital appreciation bonds, which can lead to repayments equaling 10 times the original loan. Investment bankers and advisers also make enormous fees by selling expensive, high-risk financial schemes to state and local governments (read an investigative report here). But such schemes are useless in North Dakota where the state bank provides the capital the state needs for a fraction of the long-term costs.


But apparently, all of that is wrong because you believe unicorns shit bricks of gold.


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