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Forum > The Best Damn Mafia Forum > Past Games > The Quick and The Dead Mafia

Originally posted by BadassMcfister
Vote Marc Vote Ben

Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa

not that i think there is anything wrong voting this way but to pop in and just vote...

Was just trying to get some conversation started, and you already proved you were pretty good at RPS'ing
Unvote Ben, Vote Sugar

At this point I think Sugar, Marc and Ben are interchangeable.
Monday Midday Update - Day 2 Nomination Board
Sugar Kapaa (3) - marcmann2, Timmah, Badass Mcfister
marcmann2 (2) - Timmah, Badass Mcfister
zook28 (2) - marcmann2, benmint0n
benmint0n (1) - zook28
schrauben (1) - Sugar Kapaa

Not Voted: Sugar Kapaa, benmint0n, schrauben (x2), zook28

With 7 players in town, it takes 4 nominations to be placed into the daily duel.

Sugar Kapaa is 1 vote shy of nomination while nobody else is more than halfway there.
Originally posted by benmint0n
Marc and badass both voting for themselves yesterday and now today they both vote with no explanations..

I'm not going to hammer Marc this quick though.

I was trying out Marc's technique, and boy is it boring. Seems like only a person who didn't really care about the day phase would, sit out the best part of the game, The Discussion.

Why not hammer him, he hasn't contributed much to the conversation and he seriously voted himself, I love the fact that you still found a way to slip in my joke vote again like it was the real must be the nominated deflector/distractor in your PF.
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa

Originally posted by schrauben
I've been playing mafia for nearly 4 years
Originally posted by schrauben
Why are you so sure that there is a SK? I think it's just as possible that this could just be the flavor that GO Spin has given the mafia for their night kills.
since when does mafia kill with a knife?

Originally posted by spindoctor02
Start of Day 2

It appears that his throat has been slashed.

Mumbles Steel (Ace Hanlon) is Dead

The group makes its way back to the town center to begin their day.

With 7 alive, it takes 4 votes to nominate a player into the duel.


Vote schrauben for duel

i don't know what you are planning with putting both of us at L1 then unvoting.

I know the quote pyramids are off, but I wanted to make sure that Sugar got the jest of this.

I know what the write up said, I've played plenty of games when the mafia had the ability to name their kill methods, if you are so apt to negate that it's possible for the mafia to kill with a knife, then why do you think that there is no mafia in this game? How often does that occur?
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa

of course you do

Cause your playing scummy.
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
Vote schrauben for duel

i don't know what you are planning with putting both of us at L1 then unvoting.

Oh and I didn't touch on this, I can have the right to unvote if I want. I not as sold on Ben as I am Zook at this point, but you are still right up there. And nice OMGUS vote there as well.
Vote Sugar, that should lock him in for another duel.

Now for this whole Ben and Zook thing, you both imo have deflected around direct questions, I know I get tired of asking guys the same question over and over, and they never seemingly answer what I'm asking, when they just restate over and over, "I already answered that, go reread the thread".

I hate that response personally, if you know you answer a specific question cut and paste the link or re-answer the question, for two reason, to help keep everyone on the same page with out everyone having to reread the whole thread to find an answer even when we know the question, let alone when we don't know the question for sure.
Originally posted by schrauben

Now for this whole Ben and Zook thing, you both imo have deflected around direct questions, I know I get tired of asking guys the same question over and over, and they never seemingly answer what I'm asking, when they just restate over and over, "I already answered that, go reread the thread".

I hate that response personally, if you know you answer a specific question cut and paste the link or re-answer the question, for two reason, to help keep everyone on the same page with out everyone having to reread the whole thread to find an answer even when we know the question, let alone when we don't know the question for sure.

I see your logic but I've given an answer and he keeps harping. What's the point in answering the same question over, and over, and over again? Isn't that what gets scum hunting off track?

Anywhoo. I'll answer this again. I had a vote on TheS as it was my first vote of the game. I am not online all the time, and I did not expect the train to get on him as fast as it did. Is that enough of a direct answer?

Schraub, I can go Timmah style and write a paper if you'd like
But zook, you were online while he was at L-1 long enough to post. If you were so surprised that the train had formed that quickly why didn't you unvote?

Point out any questions I haven't directly answered and I'll gladly answer them.
Originally posted by zook28
I see your logic but I've given an answer and he keeps harping. What's the point in answering the same question over, and over, and over again? Isn't that what gets scum hunting off track?

Anywhoo. I'll answer this again. I had a vote on TheS as it was my first vote of the game. I am not online all the time, and I did not expect the train to get on him as fast as it did. Is that enough of a direct answer?

Schraub, I can go Timmah style and write a paper if you'd like

I appreciate the direct answer but things don't fall the way your saying, I understand you're not online all the time, but you were at the time TheS was pushed to L-1 and yet you just mocked him for it with the Bang, Bang comment. Later after Ben pushed you stated the above.

I just went back through and reread everyone of your posts along with Ben's and I don't see a post where you really answered. Just said it was a quick train you didn't have time to jump off and that doesn't appear to be true.

Not sure I'm buying what your selling...
Originally posted by benmint0n
But zook, you were online while he was at L-1 long enough to post. If you were so surprised that the train had formed that quickly why didn't you unvote?

What reason did I have TO unvote? It's D1 and we have no information to work off of, how am I supposed to believe a claim on D1? Hell, it was my FIRST POST OF THE GAME, a fact that is conveniently forgotten about anytime this is brought up.

I can't think of another game where someone's first post/vote on D1 has garnered this much attention.

At this point I have no issue pushing zook to L-1, especially after he told me to reread the thread that the answer was there and I'm not sold that it was.

Originally posted by zook28
What reason did I have TO unvote? It's D1 and we have no information to work off of, how am I supposed to believe a claim on D1? Hell, it was my FIRST POST OF THE GAME, a fact that is conveniently forgotten about anytime this is brought up.

I can't think of another game where someone's first post/vote on D1 has garnered this much attention.

Not having a reason to unvote is completely different that you didn't have time too. Think about what you're saying. I would have understood that more than not doing it because you're not online much at that time. It's a stretch.

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