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Time Trial
GG D-Cup. Close right to the end.
doc ock
¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤ JON'S POWER RANKINGS ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤

The rankings below are based off of nothing but roster evaluation, past records (seasonal, playoffs, and scrimmages), team chemistry, and personal knowledge of the team. I didn’t use a greasemonkey script or spreadsheet or anything fancy; just my opinion. These rankings are up for debate amongst yourselves on the forums, but if you want to move up in the rankings; you’ll have to prove it on the dotball field!

Western is marked in BOLD


~ Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen! Move up
~ Indianapolis Gurupies move up
~ Texas Bigga Bois fall
~ Call of Duty Black Ops falls to Meh


Tier 1 - Elite

1 .. 14 – 0 . Mentone Beach Chiefs . 0
2 .. 13 – 1 . Johannesburg Jackals . 0
3 .. 14 – 0 . 8-Bit NES Heroes . 0

Tier 2 - Great

4 .. 10 – 4 . North Side Mob . 0
5 .. 11 – 3 . D-Cup Dots . 0
6 .. 11 – 3 . Dallas Paladins . 0

Tier 3 - Above Average

7 .. 11 – 3 . Scorpions Cult of Wu Fu . 0
8 .. 11 – 3 . Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen! . +4
9 .. 9 – 5 . Macedonian Phalanx . -1
10 . 9 – 5 . KC PLAYMAKERS . -1
11 . 10 – 4 . Sachem Tribe . -1
12 . 9 – 5 . America's Team . -1

Tier 4 - Average

13 . 9 – 5 . Cape Town Airhogs . 0
14 . 9 – 5 . Indianapolis Gurupies . +2
15 . 8 – 6 . Las Vegas Gamblers . -1
16 . 7 – 7 . Alpine Snow Vermin . -1
17 . 8 – 6 . Chesapeake Panthers . 0
18 . 8 – 6 . Jersie Crushers . 0

Tier 5 - Below Average

19 . 6 – 8 . Winnipeg Wrath . 0
20 . 5 – 9 . Moose Jaw GRIZZLIES . +1
21 . 6 – 8 . Zweibrucken Warriors . +1
22 . 6 – 8 . Texas Bigga Bois . -2
23 . 3 – 11 . Lima Vipers . 0
24 . 4 – 10 . Big Island Growas . +1

Tier 6 - Meh

25 . 4 – 10 . Call of Duty Black Ops . -1
26 . 2 – 12 . Mopar Super Bees . 0
27 . 3 – 11 . Homicidal Killbillies . 0

Tier 7 - The Cellar

28 . 2 – 12 . Carteret Devil Dogs . 0
29 . 1 – 13 . Memphis Blues Cats . 0
30 . 1 – 13 . Dixie Demons . 0
31 . 0 – 14 . Straight Cash Homey . 0
32 . 0 – 14 . Crimea Baby Dragons . 0


> > > > > > > > > > Great game between 8-Bit NES Heroes and D-Cup Dots 16 - 6 < < < < < < < < < <


<'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> S T R E A K . W A T C H <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''>
Here's a list of the current winning streaks in National Minor Elite #1...

Mentone Beach Chiefs - 49
8-Bit NES Heroes - 35
Johannesburg Jackals - 11
North Side Mob - 7
Scorpions Cult of Wu Fu - 5
Chesapeake Panthers - 3
Indianapolis Gurupies - 3
Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen! - 2
Dallas Paladins - 2
Cape Town Airhogs - 2


<'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> P L A Y O F F . W A T C H <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''> <'''>

Two games left to go and the seeding is not clear at all for the West, but everyone is fighting for position. The East is all but set, outside from one game and maybe a freak loss that could mess things up. For the most part this upcoming week will decided who is facing who.

¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤ W E S T E R N . C O N F E R E N C E ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨

OFFICIALLY ELIMINATED FROM THE PLAYOFFS: Straight Cash Homey, Carteret Devil Dogs, Mopar Super Bees, Lima Vipers, Big Island Growas, Call of Duty Black Ops, and Winnipeg Wrath

Seed # 1 .. 14-0-0 .. 8-Bit NES Heroes
No change here, 8-Bit in the drivers seat.

Seed # 2 .. 11-3-0 .. Mayan Prophecy 2013: It's Bound To Happen!
Mayan beats KC and forces a three way tie where they come out on top; nicely done! Now they have the red hot Mob to deal with, but it looks like they've locked in a home playoff game.

Seed # 3 .. . 11-3-0 .. D-Cup Dots
Had a close one with 8-Bit, but came up short. Just need to ride out the easier games and hope the Mob can take down Mayan so they can move back to the #2 seed.

Seed # 4 .. . 11-3-0 .. Dallas Paladins
Two tough games left, but the top teams seem to be too much for KC so Dallas needs to worry about that Mini Football the Mob is throwing out there.

Seed # 5 .. . 10-4-0 .. North Side Mob
The Mob is red hot right now and they've secured their future in Elite next season. Two more playoff teams to beat to try and improve their record, but everyone wants that home game so it will be a battle.

Seed # 6 .. . 9-5-0 .. America's Team
I know they're in the #6 seed right now, but America's Team will not make the playoffs. Have fun in Competitive #2 next season!

Seed # 7 .. . 9-5-0 .. KC PLAYMAKERS
The top teams have really given KC problems and Dallas has to win for them to get a home playoff game so there is another tough game coming up. I'm sure KC can beat Mopar, but it will be a battle for the last spot if Dallas wins.

Seed # 8 .. . 8-6-0 .. Chesapeake Panthers
Nachos, nachos, nachos, and the Panthers have secured a playoff spot; unless something crazy happens with the next two games. They should find themselves at 10-6 to close out the season with their wins over Mob and America's Team; the seeding in the West will come down to the final play of the regular season.

Seed # 9 .. . 8-6-0 .. Jersie Crushers
Well they lost, but the final two games will be wins and as long as everything goes according to plan; the Crushers will be the #8 seed and face 8-Bit.

¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤ E A S T E R N . C O N F E R E N C E ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨

OFFICIALLY ELIMINATED FROM THE PLAYOFFS: Memphis Blues Cats, Crimea Baby Dragons, Dixie Demons, Homicidal Killbillies, Moose Jaw GRIZZLIES, and Zweibrucken Warriors.

Seed # 1 .. 14-0-0 .. Mentone Beach Chiefs
The Chiefs have a home playoff game locked up and only one game stands in front of them for a perfect regular season.

Seed # 2 .. 13-1-0 .. Johannesburg Jackals
The Jackals shouldn't move anywhere in the rankings so they'll get to ride the other side of the bracket from the Chiefs

Seed # 3 .. 11-3-0 .. Scorpions Cult of Wu Fu
Scorpoins locked in the #3 seed even with a loss to Phalanx, but I'm not sure that will happen.

Seed # 4 .. . 10-4-0 .. Sachem Tribe
The Tribe has two easy games left and locked in a home playoff game; now they can start to prepare for their game against the Gurupies and possibly the Chiefs.

Seed # 5 .. . 9-5-0 .. Indianapolis Gurupies
They won the big game against Phalanx and have locked in the #5 seed with their easy games left. This should place them against the Tribe in the first round; both teams will fight it out to see who gets the Chiefs in the second round.

Seed # 6 .. . 9-5-0 .. Macedonian Phalanx
Phalanx has had some problems with the top teams so they are looking at a loss and a win on their remaining schedule which won't change their seed. So, start planning for your game against the Scorpions.

Seed # 7 .. . 9-5-0 .. Cape Town Airhogs
With a win and a loss remaining on the Airhogs schedule; they shouldn't be moving up or down so start planning for the Jackals in the first round of the playoffs.

Seed # 8 .. . 8-6-0 .. Las Vegas Gamblers
Well they got a big important win over Alpine, but they are still in trouble of being eliminated by the Bigga Bois. They must win that game to stay in Elite next season; however, a win over Texas means they'll get back to back weeks with the Chiefs. GL

Seed # 9 .. . 7-7-0 .. Alpine Snow Vermin
The loss to the Gamblers forces Alpine into a must win situation over the Jackals. If they win, they're in. They lose that game and they are out. Losses to the Gamblers and Bigga Bois puts Alpine in a bad spot.

Seed # 11 .. 6-8-0 .. Texas Bigga Bois
Texas has to win out to get in, but they must beat the Gamblers in order to knock them out of the playoff hunt.

Originally posted by Time Trial
GG D-Cup. Close right to the end.

Yea it was a good game. I went pass heavy because I wanted to maximize the amount of drives we had before the slow starter kicked in. I figured we would have got more plays on offense in if we passed as compared to running the ball heavy like we normally do. It almost worked but same old same old as far as our passing game goes. We get hurried a lot and the QB just shanks the throws. I felt good about that game plan too lol
You pick
GG panthers. My kids were super sick and I did not get to put a gameplan in, but you played super well anyway.
GG KC, Your oline really blew apart our dline the second half......lucky we were able to hold on!
Originally posted by ezra_
GG panthers. My kids were super sick and I did not get to put a gameplan in, but you played super well anyway.

GG Ezra. R.L. does get in the way sometimes. I consider myself fortunate to have held you to 7. GL next season.
I really wanted the #8 seed. Guess I'll have to win my way to a chance to beat 8-Bit.
Originally posted by Pnthrz1
I really wanted the #8 seed. Guess I'll have to win my way to a chance to beat 8-Bit.

Dub J
My name is Cliff, brother of Joe. I got me some crack. I want me some hoes!
Originally posted by husker4life

I didn't say it was going to be easy. I get either you or D-Cup, neither of which I have had much success against.
Time Trial
Originally posted by burn_209
Yea it was a good game. I went pass heavy because I wanted to maximize the amount of drives we had before the slow starter kicked in. I figured we would have got more plays on offense in if we passed as compared to running the ball heavy like we normally do. It almost worked but same old same old as far as our passing game goes. We get hurried a lot and the QB just shanks the throws. I felt good about that game plan too lol

Yeah, I was really worried about that sim. Going into half I was suffering some low morale from failed drives and I needed something on O to bounce back.
I think had I ran the ball more we might have pulled it out because we have been hitting home runs in the run game all season and I figured the way to best you guys was hit home runs instead of long drives and chewing the clock. Basically in my mind I had to beat you in three quarters. Sucks that one got away. I really thought we had a chance.

That my problem though. When I play the top teams I figure I have to come up with a magic gameplan and get too cute and it bites me in the ass everytime. One day ill learn
Under further review I am a fucking idiot for not understanding how Slow Starter works and not actually reading the description. I didnt know that the the amount of plays you get in the first quarter correlate to the boost you get in the 4th.

Here I was all juiced about playing 8-bit and my dumbass whiffed because I misunderstood the VA lol. Playoff time hopefully we will see you
doc ock
Don't worry burn, in a few days I'll show you what an offense should look like against 8-Bit

Well I at least want a scrim against them at some point lol.

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