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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
until you stop teams from moving all their players around it doesn't really matter how you do it.

people keep talking about "teams" promoting. who cares when you can just take everyone off the team and put it on another. that is all the cap leagues are. oh we moved up 3 levels. oh we have another team that is lower. we'll just move everyone over there.

AA is even a joke. how many teams have mid to upper 60s and even level 70s on their teams? consolidation isn't going to fix forcing teams out of a 48 cap into a conference with level 70 players. that isn't competition. that's an easy trophy. which is all this game is anymore. using the system to get your "coalition" or "affiliation" or whatever you want to call it an easy trophy.

so really does the structure really matter when all your doing is moving team IDs ( and not players) around?

wow I am so late to this topic, anyone who has been keeping up can you list the most popular suggestions?
Mimimum required levels... allowing teams of lvl 1 players ina cap 14 league wastes everyone's season.

i like the idea of putting in the age of the player into account. It's like brith cirtificates in pop warner football.
A. Carter
Why do teams have to move to a higher level league?
Why not just raise the league cap and keep the teams constant from season to season?

If a team has a player that is disqualified from his team , by being over leveled , then he becomes a free agent that can sign in a higher league.
I think having the same teams season after season would create rivalries and teams would have to improve or stay as a bottom dweller just like in real football.

We have a decent league this season but next season we'll be put with a lot of other owners we know nothing about and it'll all start all over. How about some continuity from season to season?
Originally posted by Robbnva
wow I am so late to this topic, anyone who has been keeping up can you list the most popular suggestions?

Not really.

Originally posted by lrunkle911

so really does the structure really matter when all your doing is moving team IDs ( and not players) around?

The structure matters if it stops that. And if it stops others things like 70's playing against 50's.
Separate boosting teams and non-boosting teams.
Make a few separate leagues...

Give us a chance.

Season 5, my buddy and I decided it was too time consuming trying to recruit a team of FAs to play with the players him and I have. We decided the two of us would field the entire depth chart and avoid FA headache all together.

We do not boost as a team.
May spend the free holiday hand-out, but that's it.
We want to keep the team the same level.

Season after season, we are forced to a league we have no chance in!
We have solid builds across the whole team with the same caliber back-ups, a detailed and effective AI and still we are always outmatched by being over-leveled.

Love the game, but as a co-team owner that doesn't boost, it gets pretty darn frustrating when it comes time to move up leagues.

Especially since we are penalized for making the post-season.
*make owning a team mean more / cost more than a single boosted skill position player. Freeze selling/ gutting of teams a day prior to relegation/promotion and have team selling only able to occur the week prior to relegation/promotion rollover. The fact that CPU teams *still* get promoted up to Pro leagues is inexcusable and after 15 seasons is pathetic imo, and needs to be addressed once and for all in whatever manner you deem fit

*have a farm team league, where those who just want to groom dots for the high levels do not interfere with others' desires for competition at lower levels. Please do not rid the ALGs, that would make this game far too easy and boring and kill the player development process for those of us who enjoy that aspect

*Using any combo of the above ideas from other posters, consolidate the leagues such that CPU teams are kept separate from human teams as much as possible.. and beef up the CPU players to be roughly comparable to average human players of similar levels. Get rid of entire regions as needed. Anything that brings max competitiveness at every level will help. Factor into this design a modular expansion that can handle an influx of new users once the game leaves Beta and advertises

*factor into the above separate leagues for non-boosters, boosters and farm teams, basing relegation/promotion upon effective level in addition to playoff succsess

Edited by Doug_Plank on May 3, 2010 20:49:08
There is a thread in here somewhere and a Private Forum, that talks about what they call "Locked Leagues". I like that idea. 32 teams are locked into a league for ten seasons. No shuffling of teams. It would also foster team rivalries, restoring interest by players.
Originally posted by feardeeznutz
Separate boosting teams and non-boosting teams.
Make a few separate leagues...

Give us a chance.

Season 5, my buddy and I decided it was too time consuming trying to recruit a team of FAs to play with the players him and I have. We decided the two of us would field the entire depth chart and avoid FA headache all together.

We do not boost as a team.
May spend the free holiday hand-out, but that's it.
We want to keep the team the same level.

Season after season, we are forced to a league we have no chance in!
We have solid builds across the whole team with the same caliber back-ups, a detailed and effective AI and still we are always outmatched by being over-leveled.

Love the game, but as a co-team owner that doesn't boost, it gets pretty darn frustrating when it comes time to move up leagues.

Especially since we are penalized for making the post-season.

Eliminate the WL, go from 8 leagues to 4 leagues. 4 league winners get golds, then play eachother for the right to be the World Champ.
Originally posted by Lamoix
There is a thread in here somewhere and a Private Forum, that talks about what they call "Locked Leagues". I like that idea. 32 teams are locked into a league for ten seasons. No shuffling of teams. It would also foster team rivalries, restoring interest by players.

The problem is that after three seasons of watching the same 5 teams vye for the title, the bottom 27 teams quit.
Keep going with the Rivalry points and make it the primary arbiter for team grouping (into groups of 32).

Make effective level the primary arbiter of League level cap.

Remove all the capped league levels above 14, cap 4 and 14 remain as leagues to start new teams in.

Get an effective level average of the rivalry group of 32, add 3 levels and that's that cap that is placed on the league. If the average effective level is 20, the cap is 23 for that league (regular level cap).no reason to shoehorn teams into caps that don't fit.

Any team in the group who is 8 effective levels under the cap demotes into an appropriate level group also based on the group they have the most rivalry points in. This will require some smooshing, but should be doable without putting more that 1-2 CPUS in a league, the rivalry points should keep teams close enough that this doesn't need to happen because the cap is based on effective levelThis would keep the non-boosters at an appropriate level instead of expecting them to play the same teams who all boosted.

Once your team has effective levels above 50, they move out of the cloud into AA which expands and contracts to however many full rostered teams there are, also grouped by rivalry points.

Top 4 teams from and AA league promote to AAA, which also expands and contracts to keep leagues full and is also sorted by rivalry points.

Bottom four AAA teams demote to AA, all cpus and gut jobs are removed from the system every season.

AAA champions are ranked based on some sort of aggregate relating to league strength. Promotion to pro is based on bottom 4 demoting and removal of cpu and guts. Conference champions are also ranked to fill pro spots still open after League champs are exhausted.

All Cpu and Guts (from all levels of play) are shunted off to crap leagues with no playoffs, endorsements, or trophies, or ticket sales. You don't have to sell your team back, but it's not going to earn anything while you're not using it.(reset rules still apply anyway).
Edited by Fumanchuchu on May 3, 2010 23:01:18
Edited by Fumanchuchu on May 3, 2010 22:59:32
Fumanchu wins
Originally posted by Fumanchuchu
Keep going with the Rivalry points and make it the primary arbiter for team grouping (into groups of 32).

The system doesn't work properly as of now. If you get stomped by a team 200-0, you're likely to face them again next season, while a real rivalry system would do the opposite.
Originally posted by eastcoastbrian
Sorry about posting this in suggestions thread as well...didn't see this one until now:

Please bear with me as this will be long. Also, this will smell of "locked leagues" but isn't. Blah, blah, blah, words, words, words.

Post what you see as holes.

The glaring hole is the social aspect of the game. If you find a good group of guys and you want to stay with them, it is virtually impossible under this system. (Ultimately, what would develop amongst the best and most-connected would be a feeder system of teams where everyone just promotes up the ladder to the same team as they age. It is human nature to stick with other humans with whom you have a certain comfort level, and nature always finds a way to win out.)

There are no other massive holes; it is a good idea if you decide that you don't care about keeping teams together as their agents' players age.

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