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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by Ravenwood
The game should work for more than just the elite leagues.

The problem is some of the teams tbh. Teams that go elite have a pair, but there are plenty of teams who really don't want a challenge, they think 12-4 with no shot at a championship is a failed season, and when that happens they appeal to support to circumvent the promotion system hoping to be dropped into a bush league where they have a chance to roll over the entire league.

Heck, I have seen teams filled with MOD's do this so it's fairly common.

Then you have the teams that intentionally lose. Most do it to prop up their team with an artificial level advantage a couple seasons later. Start a level 4 cap team, go 1-15 and get promoted to a 14 cap with their level 13-14 team. Lose again, try and be one of the bottom 2 teams so they will only go to a 18 cap, but most of their team is now level 19-22 and they roll that league and maintain that level advantage throughout the rest of the capped leagues until AA. Teams goes to 18 cap with level 19-22 players, they boost to start season to 22-25 and dominate all the way to AA, where they drop down and do it all over again..
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
The problem is some of the teams tbh. Teams that go elite have a pair, but there are plenty of teams who really don't want a challenge, they think 12-4 with no shot at a championship is a failed season, and when that happens they appeal to support to circumvent the promotion system hoping to be dropped into a bush league where they have a chance to roll over the entire league.

Heck, I have seen teams filled with MOD's do this so it's fairly common.

Then you have the teams that intentionally lose. Most do it to prop up their team with an artificial level advantage a couple seasons later. Start a level 4 cap team, go 1-15 and get promoted to a 14 cap with their level 13-14 team. Lose again, try and be one of the bottom 2 teams so they will only go to a 18 cap, but most of their team is now level 19-22 and they roll that league and maintain that level advantage throughout the rest of the capped leagues until AA. Teams goes to 18 cap with level 19-22 players, they boost to start season to 22-25 and dominate all the way to AA, where they drop down and do it all over again..

It is fairly easy to find those teams and penalize them heavily. It's just that GLB does not have the stomach to do it.
Wait until next season to screw with it.

After all the owners selling their teams off, I'd be curious how it all shakes out.
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
The problem is some of the teams tbh. Teams that go elite have a pair, but there are plenty of teams who really don't want a challenge, they think 12-4 with no shot at a championship is a failed season, and when that happens they appeal to support to circumvent the promotion system hoping to be dropped into a bush league where they have a chance to roll over the entire league.

Heck, I have seen teams filled with MOD's do this so it's fairly common.

Then you have the teams that intentionally lose. Most do it to prop up their team with an artificial level advantage a couple seasons later. Start a level 4 cap team, go 1-15 and get promoted to a 14 cap with their level 13-14 team. Lose again, try and be one of the bottom 2 teams so they will only go to a 18 cap, but most of their team is now level 19-22 and they roll that league and maintain that level advantage throughout the rest of the capped leagues until AA. Teams goes to 18 cap with level 19-22 players, they boost to start season to 22-25 and dominate all the way to AA, where they drop down and do it all over again..

Yep, this league structure blows

The way it was before was better. I need to read through this thread later, I'm interested to read whats been suggested.
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
Originally posted by Mightyhalo

The problem is some of the teams tbh. Teams that go elite have a pair, but there are plenty of teams who really don't want a challenge, they think 12-4 with no shot at a championship is a failed season, and when that happens they appeal to support to circumvent the promotion system hoping to be dropped into a bush league where they have a chance to roll over the entire league.

Heck, I have seen teams filled with MOD's do this so it's fairly common.

Then you have the teams that intentionally lose. Most do it to prop up their team with an artificial level advantage a couple seasons later. Start a level 4 cap team, go 1-15 and get promoted to a 14 cap with their level 13-14 team. Lose again, try and be one of the bottom 2 teams so they will only go to a 18 cap, but most of their team is now level 19-22 and they roll that league and maintain that level advantage throughout the rest of the capped leagues until AA. Teams goes to 18 cap with level 19-22 players, they boost to start season to 22-25 and dominate all the way to AA, where they drop down and do it all over again..

Yep, this league structure blows

The way it was before was better. I need to read through this thread later, I'm interested to read whats been suggested.

lots of different ideas in here. some might work too. still debating things.
hey dd, take the -x factor back off my acct will ya?
Dr. E
Originally posted by Phantom_Opera
LINKS please
Dr. E
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
hey dd, take the -x factor back off my acct will ya?

It's the aliens, ask S. Hawkings if you don't believe me.
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by 5STAR
consolidate leagues and quit spreading the user base over some many different options.

Example would be casual and normal....make normal easier to run and remove casual.

Way too many caps...we have a cap for just about every level...serious overkill

Stop adding layers to the game. Each time you add an additional layer it is something the best teams will master creating a bigger gap between the haves and have nots.

You gotta ask yourself...
Do we really needs coaches? Because it will be one thing teams must have to win

Do we really need 55 man rosters? Most average teams can not field a full team and thus have no shot

Do we really need to increase the energy/morale drain? You are causing more morale spirals making decent games blow outs

Do we really need to add more options to team finances? Another thing great owners will master while the average guy has little chance

AEQ and VAs are another thing that kills competition. The best dots always have the best VAs and AEQ and that leads to blowouts. If you want to have VAs and AEQ you need to cap it at like 30 VAs and 1-2 AEQ pieces or the normal user will NEVER compete.

ALGs force dots to be built in a way that is counter intuitive.....if you do not train correctly or hit high caps early enough you will never compete. Plus building in this manor make the lower leagues worthless. People do not want to build a dot for a full calendar year to spend 2-3 seasons playing meaningful games but yet ALGs make them do just that.

League structure is a very minor problem to the competition problem. The main cause is there are way too many things for the normal user to keep up with and in result he gets annihilated by teams who can manage everything.

This game has been on a track to cater to the hardcore user for so long it has lead to a few elite teams and 29 others that have no chance in EVERY league.

I agree with everything said here. Also, I liked the previous BBB, A, AA, AAA, Pro set up.
Well, here is my 2 cents worth on the league structure.

First, spread out the caps in the minor leagues more. Make them (all except for 4 and 14) double what they are now. This allows teams to stay in the same cap/region for an extra season, and develop a rivalry with another team or two.

Example starting at the bottom and working up...

Level 4 cap
Level 16 cap (as this will allow for players created and boosted on day 41 to only move up one cap after their first season)
Level 30 cap
Level 42 cap

Then you place a floor and a ceiling on the AA leagues so they look like this...

AA - minimum level of 40, and a maximum level of 56. Period. No exceptions.

No elite, no competitive, just plain old fashioned leagues with players spending at least 2 seasons in each tier, after their second season. No more moving up one two or three caps either. Everyone moves up based upon their level, until you hit level 56. At that point you either promote to AAA if your team is good enough, or you will be forced to reset back to level 4.

Now AAA and up is uncapped and free.

Another thing would be to auto-promote at any time in the season due to a gutting at the next highest level. Adding to that, any team gutting during the season, the owner would forfeit their team (or the right to own a team) for an entire season. Not sure exactly how this would work yet, but it should be the case.

Do not eliminate any regions, only the unnecessary caps. The regions will fill out as we eliminate the "cap every 4 levels" BS. People need to face the facts that not everyone is going to win, at every level. So your team "takes it on the chin" in it's first season of promotion. It is all part of the growing experience in the game. Winning and losing. Agents, teams and players need to spend more time in the same leagues developing friendships, rivalries and enemies. That is what makes MMO games compelling, no matter the platform. The game itself is secondary to the people playing it.
My problem is, our team consists currently of mainly level 30s. We are already 10 levels behind many of the teams in our league. Unfortunately we have several teams in the league that are horrible so we wont finish in last or second to last place. Thus we will be promoted to a level 42 cap league next season. After the other teams in the league boost we will be 15 levels behind. We currently arent boosting. We spent our money creating a whole team and hadnt planned on boosting. But there is no way we can be competitive unless we do a couple of things.

1. Ask to be demoted and then we will lose our current stadium and our current money.
2. Throw a season or two so we DO finish last.(Thats no fun)
3. We can stay where we are and but 10-15 levels behind each season because there are always teams that are terrible that finish worse.

I dont see why people arent paired by level. The boosters might not be as strong as the non boosters initially but they will boost out of the current league of the non boosters anyway. It just makes more sense then the current setup.

The Avenger
Hulk Smash
New GLB League structure:

World League
Pro League1
Pro League 2
Semi-Pro League 1
Semi-Pro League 2
Semi-Pro League 3
Semi-Pro League 4
AAA League 1
AAA League 2
AAA League 3
AAA League 4
AAA League 5
AAA League 6
AAA League 7
AAA League 8
AA Leagues 32 total


Change to this pyramid of mine, no regions and voila....... you've got instant structure back with motivation to move up and succeed as a whole team too!
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by The Avenger
New GLB League structure:

World League
Pro League1
Pro League 2
Semi-Pro League 1
Semi-Pro League 2
Semi-Pro League 3
Semi-Pro League 4
AAA League 1
AAA League 2
AAA League 3
AAA League 4
AAA League 5
AAA League 6
AAA League 7
AAA League 8
AA Leagues 32 total


Change to this pyramid of mine, no regions and voila....... you've got instant structure back with motivation to move up and succeed as a whole team too!

With this structure you have a "perfect" amount of FEEDER leagues for every top level from AA to WL now.
Originally posted by The Avenger
With this structure you have a "perfect" amount of FEEDER leagues for every top level from AA to WL now.

A structure without any sense of identity or community inevitably means that the only real satisfaction comes from winning, which half the teams don't do on any particular day. Creating competitive games and having the "best" teams promote is important, but that can't be the only value in this game or else you lose the interest of those who aren't as "good" at it as the elites.
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by jdbolick

A structure without any sense of identity or community inevitably means that the only real satisfaction comes from winning, which half the teams don't do on any particular day. Creating competitive games and having the "best" teams promote is important, but that can't be the only value in this game or else you lose the interest of those who aren't as "good" at it as the elites.

Your avatar is my reaction to this retort.....

How can a "sense of identity" be satisfying if you don't have a pyramid to work hard towards? Since when is building to win not important? We're all here to do that, win and move up to elitism, not to brag about winning lolOPL!

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