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Originally posted by Westwind
I'm confused. I now hate you for all life because you are a cowboys fan but I love you for hating on the phillys. Such confusion emotions, don't know what to do

Life throws these conundrums at you. Sometimes you pause (drink) and choose the lesser of the evils
Originally posted by Border Runners
anybody thinking of playoff scenario yet? Looks like it could get interesting for the younger teams..

I think we're locked into facing the Goon Squad for the playoffs, #2 vs #7. I'm a little nervous about it. They damn near took me out in the first game.
GG RIRW. GL in playoffs to you and any younger teams to make it.
WCG are in, and looking to extract some revenge on our first round opponent. Only question is will we be #4 seed at home or #5 on the road. Either way, we gonna DECIMATE our first round opponent, then put big bounty on QB of round 2 opponent.
Originally posted by Bane
WCG are in, and looking to extract some revenge on our first round opponent. Only question is will we be #4 seed at home or #5 on the road. Either way, we gonna DECIMATE our first round opponent, then put big bounty on QB of round 2 opponent.

Last season we about took out your Hawaiian King's squad when you had the level advantage. Now you look to challenge us with a younger team?
Edited by Farlig on Jul 18, 2012 07:07:39
Edited by Farlig on Jul 18, 2012 07:07:28
Originally posted by Farlig
Last season we about took out your Hawaiian King's squad when you had the level advantage. Now you look to challenge us with a younger team?

Don't put any stock into the game against the Kings last season. You did good against a higher level team, but to use the oldest excuse ever , we where not trying.

And fwiw, I am not challenging you, just plan to put a big mark on your QB.
Just to be clear....

I expected to face either Woody Island or BlackHand Goons in first round. Looking at it now, it is possible that will not happen. Those are two of the younger team's here that my Grizzlies came up through the ranks with. In those seasons since rookie, BlackHand defeated us once early on, and WoodyIsland never beat us. Both those teams caught us napping this season and stole a victory from us. Those are the 2 I have a hard on for right now.

Queen City , we don't stand a chance against, and it will show in the next regular season game. However Farlig, if you are so unfortunate to have to play WCG a second time this season (in the playoffs) I would advise you to keep a couple extra blockers in any time your QB drops back to pass, cause we coming at him bro. Also, I did not mean to take anything away from how well your team did against the Kings last season, you fought valiantly and did almost pull the upset.
QCB to the 'ship. Ain't nothing any of you can do about it.
Originally posted by Ashnknuckles
QCB to the 'ship. Ain't nothing any of you can do about it.

I hopefully get one more shot at them. I'm thinking I should have two plays. The first one is to drop everyone, including my linemen, into coverage. The second play is to blitz everyone, including the waterboy and cheerleaders on the next play. I think it will work.
Originally posted by Bane
Queen City , we don't stand a chance against, and it will show in the next regular season game. However Farlig, if you are so unfortunate to have to play WCG a second time this season (in the playoffs) I would advise you to keep a couple extra blockers in any time your QB drops back to pass, cause we coming at him bro. Also, I did not mean to take anything away from how well your team did against the Kings last season, you fought valiantly and did almost pull the upset.

Our QB likes to get hit from time to time. Keeps him focused or at least that is what I tell myself
GL to you Pnthrz1. I don't doubt that you have a quality team, but I'm rooting for QCB and STEEL in the 'ship. We've come up together since our rookie season and have history. Gotta root for another awesome matchup.
Originally posted by Ashnknuckles
GL to you Pnthrz1. I don't doubt that you have a quality team, but I'm rooting for QCB and STEEL in the 'ship. We've come up together since our rookie season and have history. Gotta root for another awesome matchup.

That's cool. If I were a betting person, that's who I would put my money on for playing for Gold.
Originally posted by Pnthrz1
That's cool. If I were a betting person, that's who I would put my money on for playing for Gold.

Anything can happen. I won't bet on it, that's just who I'm rooting for.
Originally posted by Ashnknuckles
Anything can happen. I won't bet on it, that's just who I'm rooting for.

Understood. I'm just trying to be humble and get somewhat of a game face on.
BTW, I've opened all my builds. It is something Time Trial, jdbolick and a few others do and I admire.
I'd really like an honest, (obnoxious comments and false comments to lead me astray under 10 ) opinion of my builds from anyone. Fire away!
Edited by Pnthrz1 on Jul 18, 2012 16:57:44
I think you should just gut and start over

... oh honest ... well personally i find your HB (the only dot i looked at) a bit low on attributes overall but hard to notice because you've got maxed SA's across the board on everything. six of one, half a dozen of the other. who is to say what is best at the end of the day. of course when my dots grow up and reach that magic retirement age, they should be pulling up jackpot across the SA boards as well and with the higher attributes all around I would hope they perform better then they did this season

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