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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
there are lots of good ideas in this thread and we have been discussing them.

I have a question -

With all the new ideas that have been suggested in this thread (and some, apparently, being considered as "good ideas" by Goal Line Blitz), does this mean that the finance/training/coaching changes announced earlier this season are being put on-hold, until a more finalized package of changes can be formulated?

Or are we going to completely change the game this off-season, only to completely change it again next off-season?
Edited by Ravenwood on May 2, 2010 14:38:24
.Originally posted by Ravenwood

I have a question -

With all the new ideas that have been suggested in this thread (and some, apparently, being considered as "good ideas" by Goal Line Blitz), does this mean that the finance/training/coaching changes announced earlier this season are being put on-hold, until a more finalized package of changes can be formulated?

Or are we going to completely change the game this off-season, only to completely change it again next off-season?

Changing the League structure shouldn't have any effect on finances, training, or coaches. The changes will more than likely go forward as planned.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
there are lots of good ideas in this thread, especially r8's, and we have been discussing them.


Dr. E
Lots of suggestions, but it looks like they are all based on the assumption that there are no competitive leagues. I've been in very competitive leagues for two seasons now, currently in cap38 #1 and it's killer and if the system of balancing being used now continues it will be even rougher next season. So any suggestion needs to consider that the current system works and it just hasn't had that effect on all leagues "yet".

Another consideration, some Owners want to play good competition, but don't want to spend a couple hours scouting and prepping their team, so any balancing system that considers levels or effective levels alone wont make everyone happy nor will it create the ultimate leagues of competition.

I imagine that as the best of the best all end up in the same league there will be teams that go 2-14 that would be capable of crushing any other team from a less competitive league of the same level. I also think it will be hard to keep players despite the fact the team is one of the best at it's cap. There needs to be an incentive for Agents to want to play in a competitive league. I think the answer most common would be rewards points, but since Bort likes to eat and do all the stuff the rest of us do, I'm thinking that isn't a very good answer. Probably some in game privilege. Some Ideas: special icon for Agents with players in elite leagues, the ability to create new players at higher levels, higher training bonus or higher ALG.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
How would you change it?

The goal being to keep the leagues as competitive as possible.

Fire those ideas out here.

Honest answer is not one they want to hear - which is to do away with boosting.

As far as structure, you won't be able to fix the balance problem with structure. The problem is in player creation and the team buying and building process. No matter how cool your balancing system is, if players are as widely disparate as they are now, and if team owners can sell their teams midseason, then you will have a lack of competition.
Edited by yello1 on May 3, 2010 12:04:35
I think a game rating system needs to be established. I think Maddens used to have something like this where points were awarded when certain things would happen such as lead changes and so on. Basically blowout games where teams get totally dominated would be rated very low and close games with lots of lead changes would be rated high.

So at the end of the season some sort of formula could be established that counts wins, losses, as well as game ratings for each win or loss. Simply put losing a low rated game should drop a teams value when it comes to promotions. That way teams could be placed in more competitive leagues.
Originally posted by Pietasters
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC

A new minors pyramid would be created each season. So it would essentially be a capped league. No exploiting this. No signing a non-booster that is level 38/48. These would funnel into the main pyramid at I use season 7 as a time line(it could be altered). At which time the best teams (A+B+C) move into the main pyramid, and all others are sold back.

The free agents from the teams that didn't make the cut would move in to fill in "Pro" teams easing recruitment for teams that need to recruit to stay competitive. We all know how similar the builds of great and mediocre dots are. The main difference is play calling and supporting staff. "Syndicate" teams already have farms teams set up and will not have many of the troubles recruiting. This way teams that have not set up a farms system can continue to stay competitive. They did get there by being a decent Owner/coach...

Not sure if I had said this but promotion/demotion would likely need to be doubled in the minor pyramid.

Here is an example of how I see different teams working:

Regular builders(Pee Wee style):

imo These types build dots for immediate success. They would end up at the top or close to it in this "Capped" League's pyramid in the second season. Then depending on their game planning (un-measurable variable) move up or down. If they move up it is because they deserve to be with better teams if they move down the opposite. Result: Competition.

Cap builders:

These build dots for success at the top of the game. They care the least about the lolminors, and would not even try and be competitive. They would still end up with other teams that are , trying or not, un-competititive) As their build even out the would start working their way to the top. Result: Competition.


These guys would start out closer to the top of the pyramid. They would lay against like teams, and loose ground every few seasons to boosting teams as they can no longer keep up. Result: Competition.


Ok so we get a new Pyramid each season for new teams that plays for 7 seasons. When those 7 season are done, those teams either make or they don't based one what cut off? What happens when there is no room in the Pro Pyramid? Do less teams make it? What if there is room for no teams? Do we just create a new Pro Pyramid? Then we are filling two pyramids each season with only one lower level one each season. There will come a point where flow will not longer be able to keep up with demand. The other issue with your idea is that it has set teams. Which requires your to have a set amount of teams each season. What if there are not enough teams made in a season to fill up a new pyramid? That means 7 seasons down the road their won't be enough teams to flow into pro. You idea relies on having a constant flow of teams which in business steady flow doesn't happen very often.

Originally posted by DONKEIDIC

Seriously you were asked to either give input or stop.

You seem to me, to be one of those guys that is almost intelligent enough to know that no one person has cornered the market on good ideas, but not quite.

Well there is a difference in Input. From what I've read is your input really is only about your idea. You have not really been discussing anyone else' s ideas. Other than turning the conversation to your idea when the group is discussing another idea. What you are doing really can't be called input as it is more trying to drive the conversation to the only input your have really given.

It's more than that, what about FA's since you are locked into one league (pyramid?) What happens when too many teams and/or players leave/retire in that league and there is not enough to go around? There are too many open ended ways to kill this idea, it doesn't work.
make it more realistic like a the worst team in the league gives the best team a scare and mayb couple of upsets during the season
Originally posted by geekor
It's more than that, what about FA's since you are locked into one league (pyramid?) What happens when too many teams and/or players leave/retire in that league and there is not enough to go around? There are too many open ended ways to kill this idea, it doesn't work.

I agree that those could become problems. The only way to know for sure would be to see the numbers that bort sees. I think the retirement sell back rate is about even atm.

Any other things you see wrong with it I'd love to hear. Honestly it would be a load of my mind to believe this idea wouldn't work. Thank you.
Originally posted by iselin90
make it more realistic like a the worst team in the league gives the best team a scare and mayb couple of upsets during the season

Easier said than done, but many people would like to see this happen me included. The problem lies with people complaining, for good reason, that there is no way X team should have beat Y team.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I think a game rating system needs to be established. I think Maddens used to have something like this where points were awarded when certain things would happen such as lead changes and so on. Basically blowout games where teams get totally dominated would be rated very low and close games with lots of lead changes would be rated high.

So at the end of the season some sort of formula could be established that counts wins, losses, as well as game ratings for each win or loss. Simply put losing a low rated game should drop a teams value when it comes to promotions. That way teams could be placed in more competitive leagues.

Not bad.
Dr. E
Originally posted by iselin90
make it more realistic like a the worst team in the league gives the best team a scare and mayb couple of upsets during the season

In some elite leagues you get this now.
Originally posted by Dr. E
In some elite leagues you get this now.

The game should work for more than just the elite leagues.
Originally posted by Dr. E
Originally posted by iselin90

make it more realistic like a the worst team in the league gives the best team a scare and mayb couple of upsets during the season

In some elite leagues you get this now.

What fantasy world do you live in?
Originally posted by Dr. E
Originally posted by iselin90

make it more realistic like a the worst team in the league gives the best team a scare and mayb couple of upsets during the season

In some elite leagues you get this now.

LINKS please

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