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Forum > Announcements > Team Waiting List
Cedo, I signed up right before Season 2 started, as in the post season of Season 1. I am not a veteran quite yet, but I think I know enough to own a team. I am at 26 days, and will make 30 days in 4 more days. 30 is just fine in my book!
I've 24 Days so far.

So according to the explanations, if the List is posted in a WEEK from now, I'd have 30-31 Days in and be in the same standing as someone that has been here for 50+ Days?
Coach. So what your saying is that unless your account is 30 days or older then your chances of getting a team are next to 0?
Originally posted by Kool Sooner Fan
Coach. So what your saying is that unless your account is 30 days or older then your chances of getting a team are next to 0?

Thats pretty much how I take it.

I am hoping the list doesnt get made til after friday.

Then again if its over the wkd I ll be gone so I ll be screwed either way.
Last edited May 19, 2008 11:20:54
Well, at least immediately yes. If you can sign up really early, like I plan on, then once you hit 30 days, you have a better chance. I'd advise anyone with <20 days to just understand that it will take you all longer, even if you sign up really early (not that I don't advise against it, just that lower your expectations). Between 20-30, when you sign up is crucial, and 30 and above, obviously have the best chances.
Originally posted by Kool Sooner Fan
Coach. So what your saying is that unless your account is 30 days or older then your chances of getting a team are next to 0?

Sounds like it, but all it means is you won't slide down the list anymore when you hit 30 Days.

So example, if the list where to come out TODAY, and you was the 1st to Sign up, you'd be #1 on the List. But if 300 other People with 30+ Days in signed up, you'd be moved to #301 on the List.

Then you hit your 30th Day and say another 100 People with 30+ Days signed up, you'd still remain 301st on the list.

The whole 30 Day thing only allows you to slide so much. It is actually a good thing for newer members who want teams because if it was just by Joining Date of the Game, you'd really have to WAIT A LONG TIME.

This way, its kind of like joining a Union, you'll get the same rights, seniority as everyone else after your 30 Days.
I'm begining to think this waiting system stinks.
Originally posted by GoHooterGo
I've 24 Days so far.

So according to the explanations, if the List is posted in a WEEK from now, I'd have 30-31 Days in and be in the same standing as someone that has been here for 50+ Days?

Yes. Your order on the list would be determined by which one of you signed up to the waiting list first.

Originally posted by Kool Sooner Fan
Coach. So what your saying is that unless your account is 30 days or older then your chances of getting a team are next to 0?

Until the supply outwieghs demand, that is probably the case.

We've seen quite a few teams that were bought early on that have had their owners go inactive, so a 30 day waiting period seems like a pretty good idea. But by doing it this way, instead of just putting in a strict 30 day limit, you'll still be able to buy one if the demand decreases enough, or they're able to add teams faster than expected.
So for me, as soon as the list goes up, I am signing up, since Friday marks 30 for me. GoHooerGo, you have Sunday to mark 30. We could have great chances, especially if we sign up early and the longer they wait to have this worked out.
Originally posted by CoachB05
So for me, as soon as the list goes up, I am signing up, since Friday marks 30 for me. GoHooerGo, you have Sunday to mark 30. We could have great chances, especially if we sign up early and the longer they wait to have this worked out.

I know, :-P I have no problem waiting till Sunday (hint)
OK no I cant say I like this idea at all.
Last edited May 19, 2008 11:28:44
Originally posted by Kool Sooner Fan
I'm begining to think this waiting system stinks.

This is the revised system. The initial idea would have placed you on the waiting list by account creation date period. That would have meant that you could be on the list for oh, say a year, and could still be trumped by someone who's been here longer suddenly changing their mind and signing up, and going ahead of you.

30 days is a good compromise - it basically ensures that the guys who've stuck it out for close to a season will get a team before some yahoo who signs up to GLB that day and happens to notice that a team is for sale, without having any idea of what the game is about.

I think that this revised system is great- it rewards the vets, keeps out the n00bs (lack of experience), but basically every season, your chances improve dramatically to own a team. Because a n00b in season one should become a vet by season two, and so on.
How many people have signed up before me now? 20,000? How many of those peopel are going to want a team? It may be a year anyway. Do it the way of the land run. Everyone line up and sound the gun.
Originally posted by Kool Sooner Fan
OK no I cant say I like this idea at all. What they are saying is that just because player A heard about GLB before I did has precedence. Can't say that's a very fair way to handle things. I'd rather put us all in a bucket and draw names. I've been sitting on the FP's for about a week now anticipating when the teams would be realeased to all of a sudden be told that I can't get one because of the date my account was created! That's BS.

Look at it this way - under the current system - which is none at all - the only way you'll get a team is to actually be online and waiting when a team is released for sale. That's pretty random luck of the draw, and comes down to fastest fingers. You could potentially lose out getting a team simply to not being online at the right time, or not being quick enough. Worse, you could lose out getting a team while a bunch of guys who've been here 2-3 days get one, then completely ruin them because they don't have any idea what they are doing.

With a waiting list, once you're on the list, you're guaranteed to get a team when it's your turn, as long as you do what's necessary to maintain yourself on it. It will probably be more than 30 days out, sure, but it's guaranteed.

Or we could go with the current system, and you could miss out getting a team for several seasons in a row, just because you weren't online at the right time, or weren't fast enough. Overall, which do you prefer?

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