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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Originally posted by LordEvil
Thanks Halo, I saw one bug posted. Looks like players are just too fast. Those same schemes would not work in pee wee. Might put pressure on the QB and make a bad pass but most teams would scout that defense and just run a Single back slam or to the other side all game long.

when you watched the replays of the "exploit" blitzes... you said the dots just looked too fast.

What about raising the minimum speed of dots and decreasing the disparity in speed of the slowest/fastest dots ... u think that would help ? This would give more mobility to Olineman and help with blitzes...

I'm thinking about typing up a suggestion about this.. since it would help the lower levels too. The speed that dots have around Level 8 should be the starting speed/agility for this game. Lower level games are painful to watch, and the dots don't really start moving until Level 13-14...

Weight still factors into this.. but with the new training system - dots are gonna hit INSANELY high numbers...

To use the NFL as an example.. an athletic Olineman usually runs a 5 second forty - fastest player in the NFL runs a sub 4.3... there's tons of data from the combine that could help balance the attributes of our dots.

After watching that replay.. the HB and LB run right through each other.. what about a HB route set to block first then release?
Edited by mccollums on Oct 23, 2010 14:00:54
Originally posted by neoliminal

Add the freaking OPC. Ever heard of the Sword and the Shield analogy? Simplified... Defense finds an advantage, Offense finds a counter advantage.

For every blitz there is a draw play, for every draw play there is an inside zone, for every inside zone there is a fly pattern. Give us the tools and we will solve our own problems.

Just make the O-Line logic reasonably NOT STUPID and we can do the rest. You already have some good stuff, I've seen a center run all the way outside to take a blitz from a SS on the outside. Well done!

Now let me create offensive plays to exploit what the defense is doing. What's broken here is NOT the DPC. It's the lack of an OPC.

We're on the same page 100%

I'll bet if this went to a vote:
- Keep DPC and add OPC
- make new changes

I know which way it would go
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by LithoMan

Your running a HB draw, with a stacked OLB.... WTF do you think is going to happen? The OLB has no blocker, because the LT is pulling to block.... run a HB Slam..... you get a clue.... and your ignorance is making this BS my problem...

LMAO, since WHEN does an LT pull to block on a Draw?

A stacked OLB< what is your major malfuction?? I have a WL offensive line and perfectly placed LB's (see DPC exploit) tears apart and ruins a run play before it even begins and there is NOTHING in the land of GLB to counter that BS play because TE's cannot be moved to the left side to run block!

Do you even know what what defines exploit? In accordance to the custom D creator, when DOTs are "custom" placed where ever they want to cause an Oline to go all bat-out-of-hell blocking then thats an exploit! The DC knows it, the Oline can't play a "normal" surge forward for a "normal" run blocking surge......they just go off the scale or normality due to that specific defensive exploitive set-up...regardless if the LB is 100 speed or 130!!

Originally posted by secondeye
This should go without saying, but if you have never used the DPC, or been an OC planning against it, then you have every right to make any comment you want, but it is incredibly weak if you only oppose the DPC because of pure individual laziness or desire to get an edge at any cost in your particular field of operation.

Saying "This is the best decision ever!" simply because you're the kind of guy that wants to set and forget, and never make changes to your OC and still experience never-ending success means you belong in the Casual Leagues.. it doesn't mean you vote to take away the DPC to cover your deficiencies as a game planner.

Originally posted by jdbolick
I still question why this is even necessary, or what it would accomplish.

#1) As Catch himself admitted, there is not any blitz or alignment in the game that consistently works against offenses that keep the TE in to block. In S17 there were "exploit blitzes," but Bort's inside-out coding change worked. If you keep the TE in to block, then the QB always has time to throw. Always. And "but I don't want to keep the TE in" is just whining. I don't want to have to blitz either, but sitting back in coverage just means more of my defenders look like idiots when they get pump faked into the bleachers.

#2) Scores and offensive production are insane, but handicapping defenses even further is actually a priority? In what world does that make any sense? If defenses were dominating, and nano-blitzes were resulting in 10-3 scores, then I could understand the need for change. That isn't happening. People pay for defensive dots too, you know.

And we don't really use the TE to block much, we just use one of the RBs and no problem with the exploit blitzes.
The game is fine except maybe outside rushes are over powered and this will just make that worse...
Defense wins championships; offense keeps people buying flex.
Originally posted by bacardi

jd i agree with you in principle, especially coming from a DGM perspective. but the sim still lets things like happen. keep-the-TE-to-block is not the answer.

What exactly is wrong with this play?!?
Everybody had at least 1 blocker on them!!!
The LE who made the sack was DOUBLE TEAMED!

This shows the main problem with all these complainers- they don't even know what they are complaining about!
Too many sacks given up, because your players are inferior, has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DPC!!!

Can GLB stop basing all their decisions on the whiners who have no idea how to play?
OPC is not needed - and you hit the nail on the head with the sword and shield analogy.

As an OC, when I scout and see a team using any overload formations for a certain formation, down and distance - I in turn select pre-existing plays that counter. Contrary to popular belief, the defense can certainly shut down one side of the field and create havoc in blocking schemes, but there is always a backside, or up the gut, or screen or quick pass option available that WILL work; if it were truly otherwise, there would be a scoring vacuum across the board. I've played plenty of games against gimmick defenses to know that if the defense didn't have a DPC and the ability to show different looks, they'd be severely out gunned with the current offensive playbook.

If you think we've got blocking problems now with creative use of defensive alignment, installing an OPC would double them...

Edited by AlBarsch on Oct 23, 2010 15:35:47
just another thing on the long list of how GLB shits on defense and is influenced by people who dont really understand football and/or feel like when they lose it cant possibly their own fault, it must be the sim.

Its insane how the same people who got on top in s1 still run this game and get whatever they want by crying all the time.

GLB needs to grow some balls and treat all users the same instead of catering to the select few who took advantage of being the first ones with their feet in the door.
Originally posted by AlBarsch
OPC is not needed - and you hit the nail on the head with the sword and shield analogy.

As an OC, when I scout and see a team using any overload formations for a certain formation, down and distance - I in turn select pre-existing plays that counter. Contrary to popular belief, the defense can certainly shut down one side of the field and create havoc in blocking schemes, but there is always a backside, or up the gut, or screen or quick pass option available that WILL work; if it were truly otherwise, there would be a scoring darth across the board, I've played plenty of games against gimmick defenses to know that if the defense didn't have a DPC and the ability to show different looks, they'd be severely out gunned with the current offensive playbook.

If you think we've got blocking problems now with creative use of defensive alignment, installing an OPC would double them...

I respect your opinion but I completely disagree with it.

There are a limited number of plays for the OC. You can affect them slightly by changing the order the QB scans for in pass plays, but for the most part that's not changing much because as a DC I know exactly where those routes are going. I have guys sitting there in zone, waiting to intercept the ball.

At best you can get the QB to move his tactics bar, but that is not always something you can get done (agents are agents... some respond some don't.)

The OPC would allow for a dynamic change of strategies across the spectrum.

Originally posted by LithoMan
So, whats wrong with that? I want to be able to have a per play based personel selection too, for my O play called. If I want to run a Slam, I want my power back in. If I want to run a sweep, then I want my elusive back in. If I want to run Texas, I want to have my Scat FB in.

Uh, we already have this capability on offense with the custom slots...
Originally posted by neoliminal
I respect your opinion but I completely disagree with it.

There are a limited number of plays for the OC. You can affect them slightly by changing the order the QB scans for in pass plays, but for the most part that's not changing much because as a DC I know exactly where those routes are going. I have guys sitting there in zone, waiting to intercept the ball.

At best you can get the QB to move his tactics bar, but that is not always something you can get done (agents are agents... some respond some don't.)

The OPC would allow for a dynamic change of strategies across the spectrum.

As a DC, you know that it's first down and 10 and I'm lined up in the I Form... There are more than enough rush and pass plays that hit enough areas that you can't possibly be "sitting there in a zone, waiting for an interception". You pick your poison as a DC - if you play a wide set up and double the WRs, my 25% outputs of sweeps and WR passes fail miserably, but my 25% outputs of runs up the middle and TE passes work beautifully. You can't cover everything and there are enough plays in each formation to counter any overloads. I would always support more plays, but not an OPC - the defense is already at a disadvantage and they have one...
Originally posted by neoliminal
I respect your opinion but I completely disagree with it.

There are a limited number of plays for the OC. You can affect them slightly by changing the order the QB scans for in pass plays, but for the most part that's not changing much because as a DC I know exactly where those routes are going. I have guys sitting there in zone, waiting to intercept the ball.

At best you can get the QB to move his tactics bar, but that is not always something you can get done (agents are agents... some respond some don't.)

The OPC would allow for a dynamic change of strategies across the spectrum.

Originally posted by AlBarsch
As a DC, you know that it's first down and 10 and I'm lined up in the I Form... There are more than enough rush and pass plays that hit enough areas that you can't possibly be "sitting there in a zone, waiting for an interception". You pick your poison as a DC - if you play a wide set up and double the WRs, my 25% outputs of sweeps and WR passes fail miserably, but my 25% outputs of runs up the middle and TE passes work beautifully. You can't cover everything and there are enough plays in each formation to counter any overloads. I would always support more plays, but not an OPC - the defense is already at a disadvantage and they have one...

I just cant get over what a shame GLB is...

It had the potential to be the hands down greatest thing for football fans on the internet, had it been run/built properly GLB could have had literally millions of users. Instead GLB repeats the same mistakes over and over while ignoring simple logic and common sense while inexplicably adjusting the game based on the "its not fair" whines of a few self serving users as it ignores tons of relevant and useful suggestions from people who have the best intrests of the game at heart.

This DPC thing is a great example - instead of moving the game forward based on football logic, GLB has decided to nueter one of the best things in the game because a bunch of computer dorks dont understand that overload blitzes are a part of football and they dont think its fair when they have to leave their TE and HB in to block when even with a lot of successful overload blitzes offense still is way way way more powerful than defense in GLB. But the right 10 people whined about it and incorrectley named overload blitzes a "exploit" so guess what? chop off the DPC's arms and legs...Its a lot easier than telling the people who think its unfair they have to use extra blocking "tough" or adding in quick passes to beat blitzes or improving OL logic.

a dam shame....
This play here shows the idiotic blocking logic on this game...

Tell me why the hell the TE doesn't stay and block the RE. Why does the RT not block the LO and RG the LDE?

WTF are the TE/RT switching places for??? What OC would want their line to do this?? I would be PISSED at that sack too!


There are 6 linemen (including the TE) and 6 players blitzing. FIX the SIM!!!

Don't take away the DPC because you guys don't know how to program the blockers....
Edited by dviss1 on Oct 23, 2010 16:41:08
Edited by dviss1 on Oct 23, 2010 16:39:13
Edited by dviss1 on Oct 23, 2010 16:38:43

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