Roster Slot Sun-Tzu Liao QB Jeremy Lin ❤ RB Stevie Wonder RB I ❤ WL Defenses WR Effervesescent Slinky WR Richard Phillips FeymanFlex Andre Banks TE South Bend Immortals DST Spaghetti Legs McTaggart KR Grant Roddick K Pedal to the Floor Res Jake Boozer Res John Wilkes Booth Res
Just a head sup we are going to take the next 2 games off. If that messed up your waivers at all send me a PM and I can work through them. I am behind and going out of time this weekend so I am going to use the time to get caught up on week 5 and 6. So here is what we will do:
Week 5 - already played, will count Week 6 - already played, will count Week 7 - not yet played, won't count Week 8 - not yet played, won't count Week 9 - not yet played, will count etc.
Since we have only 13 weeks of games we need to fill including the playoffs this puts us finishing week 15 unless I need to take 1 more game off.