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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Originally posted by dbreeze
...than having options taken away because some don't want the challenge of adapting and overcoming "exploits".
... I just hope we get the tools to make our own adjustments so I can fix it.


It's not an exploit if I have to tools to stop it.

Give me those tools instead of taking tools away.
There's a long list of things that need to be fixed in this game and the DPC is not in my top-10 so I'm wondering how it's getting so much attention. That said, some moderate limitations on defensive setups may be a temporary solution for now till enough other things get fixed that limitations can eventually be lifted.

It will just take us back to a 1940's defensive mentality and we'll be 50+ years behind the modern game.

Here's some more important things to focus on, when you guys decide to fix the real problems:

1) Interceptions - QB's need to be better at recognizing potential interception situations and avoiding them. The way the game is today there are all kinds of plays I simply cannot run because they will get picked way too often, and even then it's not at all unusual to see games with 4-5 picks a half.

2) Coverage - WR's should normally have to get open in some way to have a good chance of catching a pass; covered WR's should not expect to catch many passes; pass prevention to well-covered players needs to be improved dramatically

3) Stopping the run game -
a) Players read runs inside of them pretty well, but do a very poor job or reading runs outside of them; players should read runs outside of them as well as they do for runs inside of them; players should understand that once an offensive player has run outside the tackle, unless they are currently covering a player, they need to react AT THAT POINT the same as if the offensive player had already crossed the line of scrimmage; instead players wait till the offensive player runs way outside and ACTUALLY crosses the line of scrimmage before reacting; that's too late!
b) Defenders who are well blocked need to have logic to recognize that they are well blocked and instead of trying to defeat the block, just make sure they don't get pancaked and perhaps try to occupy a 2nd blocker as well; this is what happens in real defenses - plenty of times guys help out by occupying critical or multiple blockers thus leaving an easy tackle for a teammate; have defenders recognize the game situation and make an assessment of how they can be most useful in defeating the offensive play, and that may be for them to occupy 2 blockers and instead of trying to break the blocks use all their efforts just to avoid being pancaked and continue to occupy the blockers
c) Testers should be able to put 8 (or 9) in the box and shut down (limit to 1-2 yards per carry) almost every run from an equivalently talented team, inside or outside; if you can't do that, then you need to keep working!
d) Testers should be able to play man coverage with a cover-3 (or cover-4) umbrella and shut down almost every deep pass from an equivalently talented team; if you can't do that, then you need to keep working!
e) Testers should be able to play a heavy zone focused on stopping passes of a particular depth (ie deep, medium, short) and shut down almost every pass at the focus depth; if you can't do that, then you need to keep working!
f) Defenders who are completely unblocked should normally tackle the running back; partially blocked defenders can be beat at about the same ratio that unblocked defenders are beaten today; if a running back has beaten one defender on a play already, a 2nd, unblocked defender within 5 yards behind the 1st defender should have a nearly 100% chance of making the tackle (assuming good builds).
is this being implemented just before playoffs? If so, that is crap
Originally posted by ptompkins
is this being implemented just before playoffs? If so, that is crap

No, a few seasons from now.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by neoliminal
You can already choose your personnel based on players on the field (HB/FB/TE and QB). It's part of inputs.

TE is always lined up on the right. Strong side is always right. Period.

Only the LBs and the NT. With an OPC, need ability to do safeties, DT, and DEs as well. Would also be nice if you could pick which CB you wanted in based on which WR was in the game. So if WR A is at WR #1 one play I can put CB A on him. If he lines up at the WR #3 on another play, I can still have CB A on him. If their backup WR is in the game, I can put my backup CB in the game.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Only the LBs and the NT. With an OPC, need ability to do safeties, DT, and DEs as well. Would also be nice if you could pick which CB you wanted in based on which WR was in the game. So if WR A is at WR #1 one play I can put CB A on him. If he lines up at the WR #3 on another play, I can still have CB A on him. If their backup WR is in the game, I can put my backup CB in the game.

Would also need to be able to set up the defensive coverage based on which WRs are in the game and at which WR position. So defenses can make sure to give help to the most dangerous threat.
Originally posted by neoliminal

It's not an exploit if I have to tools to stop it.

Give me those tools instead of taking tools away.


Originally posted by The Avenger
LMAO, do you even look at replays kid?

Ya, working as intended?......nope exploit blitz, grab a hint.

Your running a HB draw, with a stacked OLB.... WTF do you think is going to happen? The OLB has no blocker, because the LT is pulling to block.... run a HB Slam..... you get a clue.... and your ignorance is making this BS my problem...
Originally posted by The Avenger
LMAO, do you even look at replays kid?

Ya, working as intended?......nope exploit blitz, grab a hint.

Your running a HB draw, with a stacked OLB.... WTF do you think is going to happen? The OLB has no blocker, because the LT is pulling to block.... run a HB Slam..... you get a clue.... and your ignorance is making this BS my problem...Originally posted by Rage Kinard
You have level 70+ players in AAA. Actually your DT builds appear to be pretty bad. Of course they do fine against CPUs and players 10+ levels lower than them.

Get into the Pros and you will see that DT sacks become virtually non existent. - 8 sacks looks OK until you consider 6 came against a team that went CPU - All 3 sacks vs the same CPU team

It's gotten to a point at the WL level where almost all sacks involve a player with 130+ speed (usually 140+) getting to the QB unblocked

Your ignorance is not an excuse.... you want to run pretty plays, that you can pwn with... and you got no clue wtf your doing. There is only 20 effective plays, roughly, in the playbook... why dont you vent, and make Bort give you better plays to pick from.... his ignorance of formations, and the lack of an OPC, is making your ignorance be my problem.

Name me just 3 DT's in the NFL, that have multi-digit sacks. each year? Marcus Stroud, nope. Tommie Harris, nope. Anyone? Anyone?

Dt's are extremely important, but you expect to get pressure by your DT every down?

Bort can't get us the plays we need, but he refuses to give us a OPC to make them ourselves..... But, if you think a stacked OLB shouldnt be able to give instant pressure, you dont watch the NFL much do you?

Originally posted by Rage Kinard
You have level 70+ players in AAA. Actually your DT builds appear to be pretty bad. Of course they do fine against CPUs and players 10+ levels lower than them.

Get into the Pros and you will see that DT sacks become virtually non existent. - 8 sacks looks OK until you consider 6 came against a team that went CPU - All 3 sacks vs the same CPU team

It's gotten to a point at the WL level where almost all sacks involve a player with 130+ speed (usually 140+) getting to the QB unblocked

And, just to let ya know, you got the build pattern, go with it. All my newer dots are just that. Speed and agility off the hook on the ends, and 150 strength at the T's. It what must be done. It's what Bort has made the game. You know that, your a tester. Hell, make a DT with even more then 150 strength. They are just blocker suckers. But, put the beatdown on the G/C. Make it easier on your DE's as the game goes on.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
If you add an OPC, then you need to allow the defense to chose personnel based on offensive personnel in a game.

I'm not talking about choosing to play a nickel when the scat back and receiving TE are in the game so you can get the LOLB1 or MLB1 in the game. I'm talking about if I'm the DC and want to use a 4-3 vs. strong I, I would need to be able to put different defensive players in the game based on tagging.

I also want to be able to chose to change my defensive alignment and blitz based on if the TE is lined up the the left or the right.

So, whats wrong with that? I want to be able to have a per play based personel selection too, for my O play called. If I want to run a Slam, I want my power back in. If I want to run a sweep, then I want my elusive back in. If I want to run Texas, I want to have my Scat FB in. I dont have a problem with you having the same decision making on the D side. But, because I got a Scrambling QB, that makes a full 11 man roster you have to account for on your side.

It;s the fun of the game, but we aren't allowed to have that?
DPC is too powerful if properly used
Somewhere in here they brought up how madden doesn't have a defensive play creator because ..... but Madden is all about "exploit blitzing" at the highest level as well, you just have to be creative enough to beat it
may hard work is now saved!
Originally posted by BBird40
DPC is too powerful if properly used

Please show me a team that is successful with it? There were games in WL....the guys in the know....with scores of 121 to 104. That's NBA scores not NFL. There are too many limitations with the DPC the way it is not to mention You can have 9 in the box and after 4 or 5 spins its off to the races by even an average back. Gimme a break. DPC is horribly flawed and very limited, defense as a whole is limited and has either been nerfed to death or the offense is too overpowering with average guys. If anything they need to enhance the DPC not take away from:

Gap assignments
Ability to do stunts
Possitioning defensive players anywhere on the field. There are no limitations in the NFL, why should there be in GLB.
Specific hole blitzes.
Reaction to the run at the point the ball is handed off or a few steps after based upon a vision check.
Safeties reading a play instead of just going to a zone and sitting until the ball carrier is 5 yards past the LOS.
Zone actually working.

Let's make this a defensive game, make it more realistic.

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