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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Season 3 Oceania Pro Thread
Originally posted by Ballbright
Don't look now, but G.B.R. is on a three game win streak....

I'm proud of my guys...we took what I consider to the high road, and didn't self relegate (obviously the much tougher path)...and we were successful in staving off relegation yet again...

/self pat on back

Congrats, you managed to prevent the inevitable another season
wombat killer
Originally posted by killertoad
Great game IC. We pride ourselves with our O-Line and you pressured us all day long. You have a great team.

Yeah, great game.
Originally posted by bigpimpin123
Originally posted by Ballbright

Don't look now, but G.B.R. is on a three game win streak....

I'm proud of my guys...we took what I consider to the high road, and didn't self relegate (obviously the much tougher path)...and we were successful in staving off relegation yet again...

/self pat on back

Congrats, you managed to prevent the inevitable another season

Don't mind anything the Gods say. They are unhappy if anyone is talking about another topic other than them. We on the Titans are glad you are here if just for your great weekly predictions. We would miss them greatly. Completely selfish reasons I know, but hey, at least I'm honest

Originally posted by killertoad
Originally posted by bigpimpin123

Originally posted by Ballbright

Don't look now, but G.B.R. is on a three game win streak....

I'm proud of my guys...we took what I consider to the high road, and didn't self relegate (obviously the much tougher path)...and we were successful in staving off relegation yet again...

/self pat on back

Congrats, you managed to prevent the inevitable another season

Don't mind anything the Gods say. They are unhappy if anyone is talking about another topic other than them. We on the Titans are glad you are here if just for your great weekly predictions. We would miss them greatly. Completely selfish reasons I know, but hey, at least I'm honest

What do you mean "at least you are honest"? Unless they do a lot of good recruiting they will eventually become one of the two worst teams in our conference and I don't see them in those forums at all.
Great game Titans, I made one big mistake in my game plan today... and I hope to beat EC to get a chance at a rematch in round one.
Well played!
The Lurker
Originally posted by killertoad
Don't mind anything the Gods say. They are unhappy if anyone is talking about another topic other than them.

It's more of a vocal minority. We have a couple players who like to talk, but most teams on here have at least one. We're a lot more down to earth this season as opposed to S2 when we were defending our title and squabbling with the Bandits.
Originally posted by The Lurker
Originally posted by killertoad

Don't mind anything the Gods say. They are unhappy if anyone is talking about another topic other than them.

It's more of a vocal minority. We have a couple players who like to talk, but most teams on here have at least one. We're a lot more down to earth this season as opposed to S2 when we were defending our title and squabbling with the Bandits.

I was playing guys. Laugh... Jeez
bigpimpin has got a lifetime supply of haterade!!
Originally posted by MC_Hammer
Great game Titans, I made one big mistake in my game plan today...

You showed up??

Hehehe sorry but we seemed to have swung to the other side of the pendulum from last year. We can all bust on each other without offending each other. Now everyone if afraid to offend anyone.

You have a great Goddammned team IC. Gave me headaches all the way thru. I hope we never meet you again or your plane crashes....(see guys joke haha)
The Lurker
Originally posted by killertoad

I was playing guys. Laugh... Jeez

Meh, the internet broke my joke and sarcasm detector a long time ago. I've been lost without it ever since.
Haterade? I said congrats and meant it. They undoubtedly weren't one of the two worst teams in our conference which is why they deserve to stay here, but unless they do some recruiting (which I don't see much of) they will fall lower and lower in the standings with all the promotions/relegation. Sorry if I came on the wrong way, I'm not dissing anyone are anything like that. Once again, congratulations on avoiding relegation
Originally posted by bigpimpin123
Haterade? I said congrats and meant it. They undoubtedly weren't one of the two worst teams in our conference which is why they deserve to stay here, but unless they do some recruiting (which I don't see much of) they will fall lower and lower in the standings with all the promotions/relegation. Sorry if I came on the wrong way, I'm not dissing anyone are anything like that. Once again, congratulations on avoiding relegation

Wrong thread lol
Jukin Jive
There are now two threads about the same thing. Look at all the E-penis. Awesome. Well done guys.
Originally posted by Mattarchy
bigpimpin has got a lifetime supply of haterade!!

Originally posted by killertoad
Originally posted by bigpimpin123

Haterade? I said congrats and meant it. They undoubtedly weren't one of the two worst teams in our conference which is why they deserve to stay here, but unless they do some recruiting (which I don't see much of) they will fall lower and lower in the standings with all the promotions/relegation. Sorry if I came on the wrong way, I'm not dissing anyone are anything like that. Once again, congratulations on avoiding relegation

Wrong thread lol

LMAO, I love how everyone thinks we don't do any recruiting...

The reason you don't see me in the recruiting threads is because I don't feel the need to post a redundant "pm sent" bumping the players I want back to the top for everyone to see...

I PM players directly...if you notice I added another lvl 17 HB (unboosted) just yesterday... the guy got no offers because he didn't bump his topic, and I wasn't about to help other people compete for him by letting my presence be known to other people, lol.

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