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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Knocked Loose Nerfed? (Bort replies, see first post)
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
My WR has 70 strength and carrying, so I'm gonna walk around and pretend that all WRs should be build that way, and if they aren't then they deserve to suck and need to listen to me brag all day.

For the record I hate drago. Hence, me agreeing with him on an issue is proof that it is a real issue and that drago is correct about it....
Originally posted by odg62
So its okay that LBs to have to fill up every attribute but god forbid an offensive player has to do it.

I think its more complaining about what causes it and how much is enough more than having to fill up attributes.
Originally posted by steellithium
Originally posted by PierreThomas

70 carrying is more than most power backs have. Are you saying that WRs should need more carrying than RBs?

I'm just saying 2:1 cap it first. It is the most return on investment. You will still be able to cap everything else and ignore from level 3 on. By the time you get to level 50+ your receiver will have carrying be a none issue. You will secure every catch.

1st capping carrying off the bet will net you close to 66 carrying once you are level 56, fyi.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
For the record I hate drago. Hence, me agreeing with him on an issue is proof that it is a real issue and that drago is correct about it....

Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN

Our WR Joe Monk had 12 catches and 7 knocked loose balls in our first scrim. Keep in mind this is a WR who has ~50 carrying and ~75 catching who has been one of the top receivers in USA Pro the past several seasons

That's messed up. I hope Bort takes one last look at this before we head into the regular season.
Originally posted by blln4lyf
1st capping carrying off the bet will net you close to 66 carrying once you are level 56, fyi.

Yeah steellithium needs to go back and think. He never bothered calculating how many sps you lose by putting carrying first and then putting speed,catching,carrying farther down the line. Guy doesnt understand math.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN

Our WR Joe Monk had 12 catches and 7 knocked loose balls in our first scrim. Keep in mind this is a WR who has ~50 carrying and ~75 catching who has been one of the top receivers in USA Pro the past several seasons...

Interested in how much strength he has?

(Slightly off-topic)

Originally posted by Dirtmcgirt66
Yeah steellithium needs to go back and think. He never bothered calculating how many sps you lose by putting carrying first and then putting speed,catching,carrying farther down the line. Guy doesnt understand math.

He understands math quite well.

He doesn't understand that 5 points of speed at the 9th-10th cap is more valuable than 10 points of carrying at the 2nd and 3rd cap. Not only is it less in total actual value but it is in an attribute that isn't as important. You can't go back and increase speed because it is too expensive on the back end, you can always come back to carrying.
Originally posted by PierreThomas
He understands math quite well.

He doesn't understand that 5 points of speed at the 9th-10th cap is more valuable than 10 points of carrying at the 2nd and 3rd cap. Not only is it less in total actual value but it is in an attribute that isn't as important. You can't go back and increase speed because it is too expensive on the back end, you can always come back to carrying.

Well that seems like pretty basic math to me.

This TE just toasted my defense. I guess that is what happens when a QB leads the receiver.
Originally posted by PierreThomas
Originally posted by Dirtmcgirt66

Yeah steellithium needs to go back and think. He never bothered calculating how many sps you lose by putting carrying first and then putting speed,catching,carrying farther down the line. Guy doesnt understand math.

He understands math quite well.

He doesn't understand that 5 points of speed at the 9th-10th cap is more valuable than 10 points of carrying at the 2nd and 3rd cap. Not only is it less in total actual value but it is in an attribute that isn't as important. You can't go back and increase speed because it is too expensive on the back end, you can always come back to carrying.

This is what I was trying to imply without bothering to actually state it.
...and the bullshit continues:
I agree with the OP ... this shit is crazy ... out of control!!

In S9 my WR had a total of 16 regular season drops = with 15 drops coming by way of "Knocked Loose" and 1 REAL dropped pass.

So ... what did I do ... read the boards and asked around. Anyway, Drifter provided me with this Bort quote
Originally posted by Bort

Worthy of taking a look at.

I think moving the stat off into "drops" would underscore for the WR the need for something to hold onto the ball when getting pummeled. I believe it needs to be recorded for the defender as well, though, in some fashion.

When we upped the fumble likelihood this season, the likelihood of dropping passes due to hard hits went up as well (same calculations). We actually did quite a few tests with this before the season started because we noticed PD's being up as a result. If you look at some early test sims, you'll see quite a few fumbles and PD's.

I'm not sure I like the idea of changing the formula to use catching instead of carrying. It makes carrying MUCH more worthless and carrying FAR more important for WR's (and it's already going to be a fairly high stat), while right now you actually need some carrying to avoid dropping the ball all the time when getting hit. It would make it a stat to just completely ignore for just about every WR.

Reading that quote .... it leads one to believe that increasing carrying will help to combat the knocked loose fiasco.

So ... What did I do to get ready for Season 10
1) maxed out Mr. Reliable,
2) got carrying to 50,
3) picked up the Steady Grip VA to help with carrying .
4) upped my strength to 40ish, as I thought that would help too

... hmmmm ... can you guess what happened in Season 10?

With ALL the above "improvements", my WR had a total of 23 regular season drops - with 23 drops coming by way of "Knocked Loose" and ZERO REAL dropped passes.

That is 8 MORE drops coming by way of knocked loose after all the so called improvements.

Anyway ... this shit is crazy and needs to be either toned down ... or give the WR something to combat it with.

Oh yea ... if you're wondering ... Season 11 is off to another record breaking dropped ball season for my WR. In our first preseason game ... 4 dropped passes by my WR coming by way of "knocked loose". WOHOO!! Jeez ... at least change the stat to a PD instead of a dropped pass ...


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