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Forum > Announcements > Team Waiting List
If you clikc the name of your player and go into his profile. Look two lines down from his name in it, the created date will show the season and day he was created but keep looking right (oops), it will give the actual day/month/year he was created.
Last edited May 19, 2008 08:59:40
(DT) Droop McMannis
Height: 72in. (6'0") Weight: 284lbs
Created: Season 2, day 3 (Apr 28, 2008)
Contract: $25,000.00/yr - Exp. season 4, Day 3
Team: Montana Crow
Agent: LithoMan

See, here is my first guy. See the third line down on the right. Apr, 28 2008. That is the day I created my account.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Dee

Originally posted by Bort

- The list is ordered by account creation date, up to 30 days back. If two accounts are at least 30 days old, it's ordered by the day you add yourself to the list.

Why distinguish between people who were here 31 days ago and people that were here 29 days ago?

Why dont you just say anyone who has the Alpha tester logo on their profile gets a free team.

Seems pretty hypocritical to favour your older players, but only up to some point.

It's called a compromise between favoring older and giving newer users a chance - it was a suggestion from another user somewhere in this thread.

I think you guys have come up with a very fair solution. Great job, guys.

This idea is taking too long to be implemented
While I support the use of a waiting list in the future I think there should be some further consideration as to how this next expansion should be handled.

I would like to suggest the use of a Lottery for a portion of the teams to be distributed in the next expansion. After that handle all future expansions with the waiting system.

A lottery could be implemented like this. First of all a sign up period of 2-3 days as you would for the waiting system. After that the sign up period for the lottery is over. Lets say there are a total of 750 teams that will be released, and 2000 people that are signed up for the lottery. Assign each person a number and randomly select 200 of those players. Those players regardless of when they signed up are guaranteed a team in either the first league or second league that they selected. All of the remaining 1800 players wanting a team will be put back into the waiting list as normal. This way atleast everyone had a chance to get a team in the up coming expansion.

One last thing. How will time spent on the waiting list effect a persons place in line if a player that created an account earlier suddenly decides they want to get on the waiting list? Will there be a certain amount of time for everyone that currently has an account to sign up on the list? I'm asking this because I don't think it would be fair for a person that has been on the list for 2 seasons to suddenly be bumped back in line because someone from season one decides that he now want's a team. If this question has already been asked I apologize for the duplication. If someone would direct me to the answer I'd appreciate it.

Sign me up!
c24 mvp
i also beleave that people with teams that go inactive if there inactive for a day or so should b striped right?
If someone is inactive for a week I'd say they should be flagged. After another week they should be stripped. People do have lives outside this internet game.

Maybe make a "On Vacation" button for someone going out of town but letting their GM's, OC's, and DC's take care of the team while they are away.
I know in one of my teams forums we have a Vacation thread.

I think that should be enough as long as you have an OC and DC and a GM.
c24 mvp
tha out of town button sounds great but two weeks be4 there striped is redicluse two weeks thats 10 games
Originally posted by c24 mvp
tha out of town button sounds great but two weeks be4 there striped is redicluse two weeks thats 10 games

More like 7
Last edited May 19, 2008 09:58:18
No, lottery why not but with this system:

2 groups like bort said and within the 2 groups lottery.

So the first group of +30 days will be randomly put in this waiting list and the same for -30 days.

I don't like "fast finger" part of the project but it's at least a correct solution. With the lottery part in this why not.
Originally posted by LithoMan
Originally posted by Dan4GS

Originally posted by scopur

Originally posted by scopur

Does the time of day matter as far as when your account was created goes?
Let's say player A signed up at 8 AM 1 week ago and player B signed up at noon 1 week ago. If both players get on the waiting list does player A still have priority?

Bump. Please answer if you can.

As far as my understanding, no, in that situation, whoever gets on the list first would be higher on the list.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but when the list comes out there will basically be two groups of people:

Group A: Those who signed up 30+ days ago (They are ordered by sign up on list, and put higher than group B)
Group B: Those that have signed up less than 30 days ago. (order will be when you signed up on the list).

No one in group B can be higher than group A.

No, those people that have account 30+ days old, are in the first group to receive teams, but it is whent hey signed up for the list. 45 days or 30 days, it goes by who sign up first.

The second group, under 30 day old accoutns, goes by teh account dreation date. Im 28 days, you are 27 days, I am in front of you, and if a 29 day old signs ip, they go in front of me.

Ok but none of this answers my original question.

If two people are both 27 days, does the time of day they signed up matter?
We don't know for sure because it has not been explained. But we can see that the first arrived first served should work at a minute! Day/H/M will be important for the joining in the waiting list.
Which is why if he doesnt announce exactly when the list is going to be open there will be a riot LOL.

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