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Originally posted by sehorn31
I wanted to start a new Team and do something to make things interesting again but after what the Ocean City Crabs were allowed to do this Season in our League, What is the point? Am I and alot of Agents going to spend all those hours of time and all that money Boosting just to get up there and every Season be like this one was? Is there always going to be a Team that beats the System and ruins it for everyone involved? How are things like this allowed to happen? They need a Mod in the League Structure Branch looks to me like!!!

Im not sure if your serious because you have 2 players past plateau on a team full of lvl79's. Also that team is pretty terrible also
GG Havo(Warriors) Crow Dog bobbled that one and my NT smashed him!! LOL

Never seen a game won by 2 Safeties!!! Damn that Serpents DC is awesome!
Originally posted by regnac
GG Havo(Warriors) Crow Dog bobbled that one and my NT smashed him!! LOL

Never seen a game won by 2 Safeties!!! Damn that Serpents DC is awesome!

GG, yeah, with the inside run nerf I've been forced to redo my entire OAI, and there was no imput for that situation. So the OAI dialed up a FB screen, to the Blocking FB.

I was still in it until that happened.

Nice punt btw.
Originally posted by Jaxon Voom
It's one season out of your career. If you're building a team to shoot for Reg Pro then yeah, don't bother.

Next season most of us will be moving on to Nat Pro and leaving those e-peen teams behind to jerk themselves off at how they can beat teams 10-15 levels lower while we go for real competition.

Originally posted by Havo
GG, yeah, with the inside run nerf I've been forced to redo my entire OAI, and there was no imput for that situation. So the OAI dialed up a FB screen, to the Blocking FB.

I was still in it until that happened.

Nice punt btw.

Wait, what? Inside run got nerfed? Guess that explains the C.U.N.T. game today......
I guess 100% sweeps now until that's nerfed?
Jaxon Voom
Originally posted by regnac
Originally posted by Havo

GG, yeah, with the inside run nerf I've been forced to redo my entire OAI, and there was no imput for that situation. So the OAI dialed up a FB screen, to the Blocking FB.

I was still in it until that happened.

Nice punt btw.

Wait, what? Inside run got nerfed? Guess that explains the C.U.N.T. game today......
I guess 100% sweeps now until that's nerfed?

That and we're so much better than you. Of course.
Originally posted by Jaxon Voom
That and we're so much better than you. Of course.

Well that and you have sex with Bort and Catch, my only question is do you do them at the same time?

Plus two 79/84 HB's help a little too?
Edited by regnac on May 20, 2012 10:42:02
Jaxon Voom
Originally posted by regnac
Originally posted by Jaxon Voom

That and we're so much better than you. Of course.

Well that and you have sex with Bort and Catch, my only question is do you do them at the same time?

Plus two 79/84 HB's help a little too?

Luckily for you one of them got nerfed so the score wasn't as bad as it would've been.
Playoffs almost here and I still have zero cares.
Originally posted by whodey08
Playoffs almost here and I still have zero cares.

Yeah, it's tough to get motivated. I had some guys hit level 69 and was thinking with the boost to 72 I'd get the bonus SPs, but I'm one boost short. lol. So I'll have to wait til next season to get those extra SPs. I thought I might have a shot if I had enough guys get that boost, but that's not gonna happen.

My team was built to run the ball from the very get go, passing was always on a need to basis. So with running being gutted, I'm forced to do something I was never supposed to be good at anyway.

And the passing game is so random. It's -

Set your progressions to get your QB to throw into Single Coverage, then hope when you get it, that the QB actually throws it to that guy. Then hope your guys catches the ball over the defender. Maybe he will, maybe he won't.

Or, find one play that works, like a quick out to the HB and just whore it.

Or find a weakness in your opponents pass coverage, put a couple of plays in to exploit that whole in coverage. Get that play to fire at just the right time, then you see the play develop as you imagined, you see your receiver find that open spot, wide open. Then watch as your QB throws the ball into the ground, or into the stands, because a Dlineman is with in 3 steps of him.
Originally posted by Havo
Yeah, it's tough to get motivated. I had some guys hit level 69 and was thinking with the boost to 72 I'd get the bonus SPs, but I'm one boost short. lol. So I'll have to wait til next season to get those extra SPs. I thought I might have a shot if I had enough guys get that boost, but that's not gonna happen.

My team was built to run the ball from the very get go, passing was always on a need to basis. So with running being gutted, I'm forced to do something I was never supposed to be good at anyway.

And the passing game is so random. It's -

Set your progressions to get your QB to throw into Single Coverage, then hope when you get it, that the QB actually throws it to that guy. Then hope your guys catches the ball over the defender. Maybe he will, maybe he won't.

Or, find one play that works, like a quick out to the HB and just whore it.

Or find a weakness in your opponents pass coverage, put a couple of plays in to exploit that whole in coverage. Get that play to fire at just the right time, then you see the play develop as you imagined, you see your receiver find that open spot, wide open. Then watch as your QB throws the ball into the ground, or into the stands, because a Dlineman is with in 3 steps of him.

I think you need to sit down with a GLB counselor.

Suckas got SERVED.

Hey Voom... maybe there's some room in University or Prep?

Edited by markm6770 on May 23, 2012 14:05:23
That was a hell of a game!!!! Glad we beat the team that Catch22 is on
Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by whodey08
zero cares.


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