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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by zsc

3. People have also mentioned boosting three times during plateau, but I didn't see anything about that, all I saw was that you could extend your player's plateau by boosting 20 times throughout his career.

Just so I have my math right and so I can purchase the proper flex point package, I have the following players costing the following flex points:
Players costing 100 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 3100 FP (2200 FP w/o CEQ).
Players costing 200 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 5300 FP (4400 FP w/o CEQ).
Players costing 300 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 7500 FP (6600 FP w/o CEQ).

Not sure this is correct with the changes to CEQ?

The plauteau boosts are there under Additions to game.

You need to add three more boosts and 200 flex for +% CEQ to your calculations.

If you're getting "non-Beta" ready, don't worry as much about making everything line up perfectly with the past, and worry instead about what is ACTUALLY "non-Beta" ready.

For example,

Light = 48 Bonus Tokens
Normal = 32 Bonus Tokens
Intense = 16 Bonus Tokens

Upgrades = 384 Bonus Tokens


Um, come on, really? Any NEW player to "non-Beta" game is going to look at these numbers and think you are insane. There is something to be said for simplicity - if the numbers have to be that big, at least make them appear to make some sort of sense, beyond "oh, we had to line it up with an old version, which was made to line up with an older version, which was made to line up with our alpha version." If you do that, you're really not changing the game at all, are you?
Originally posted by Timetoshine-Beta

no? I'm only going to get 70% of the flex back I spent to make a player who's value is alot less after the change then before in regards to boosting requirements.

Should get that extra 30% back on the excess boosts I had to use in the old's not like I want cash, I'm gonna recycle it and that cash was spent by bort a long time ago...bleh.
Edited by BP [Cult] on Jul 13, 2011 15:09:13
I has 7 titles
Originally posted by Stray Doug
Originally posted by foshizzel17

but you will be getting 1.6x the training amount. non issue imo

That's not the point he's making... you're leveling up faster, meaning more of the quad training is taking place at higher skill levels (due to ALGs hitting sooner), where the gains are not as great (particularly for your 3-4-5 skills). I don't think it's a big enough delta to severely hurt multi though, but I haven't sat down and done the math yet.

You level up faster now at the early stages compared to the later stages. That will still be true after the conversion. However, you will get the higher training% to make up for it. They have set it up so that it all works out the same as it does not just at a different pace for everything.

Originally posted by Octowned

If you're getting "non-Beta" ready, don't worry as much about making everything line up perfectly with the past, and worry instead about what is ACTUALLY "non-Beta" ready.

For example,

Light = 48 Bonus Tokens
Normal = 32 Bonus Tokens
Intense = 16 Bonus Tokens

Upgrades = 384 Bonus Tokens


Um, come on, really? Any NEW player to "non-Beta" game is going to look at these numbers and think you are insane. There is something to be said for simplicity - if the numbers have to be that big, at least make them appear to make some sort of sense, beyond "oh, we had to line it up with an old version, which was made to line up with an older version, which was made to line up with our alpha version." If you do that, you're really not changing the game at all, are you?

Bort thought it would be simpler to multiply by 16 then to multiply by 1.6. He thought decimals would be more confusing/harder to understand.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Nevermind, was already answered. They'll be crushing the sophomores then.

Originally posted by CDZYO
I'm more concerned that the age conversion is going to put players in a league's mid-range. For example, I'm guessing that the current Local Minors, most of whom will be 200 days old at the end of this season, will convert to roughly 105 days old in the new system, putting them in the middle of the new Regional Minor, along with converted University and Regional Minor players. That seems to be a wide gap in talent level to me. Would it be possible to maintain the current age divisions -- with a smaller than 40-day window after conversion, natch -- and phase in the new ones as those dots get older?

I'm guessing that Catch22 is checking with Bort and DD before answering.
Lead Mod
Earlier you where discussing that there is a possibility of adding a 4th season of extended plateau, which is a good thing, but.....

I always thought the main uproar for acc development was for less seasons at the low levels and more at the top. The current structure sure gets us there faster, but we would actually be losing a season at the top....

imo, if we get more seasons at the top not only are you appeasing the faster development, but you are also increasing the pool of top level dots, which will trickle down in helping make Pro leagues competition better.

Currently it takes you 10 seasons (559 Real Life Days) to get to level 70 (Pro/WL ready dot) and you then have your plateau season +3 EP seasons. 4 total seasons at the top. Current system is Level 72 by 393 days, but then only 3 plateau seasons. So as stated you are actually cutting the top end of the player by a season. Sure adding in a 4th EP seasons gets back to 4 seasons at the top, but why not add more.

Have a chance here to kill 2 birds with one stone. I'd propose either a 5 season plateau (Season 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) and then normal decline.....That gives a dot at least 5 seasons at the top, 6 if they play their decline season, but it's STILL 1 less season than a current dot as far as total lifespan.
Edited by .spider. on Jul 13, 2011 15:13:22
couldnt you just divide the number needed for upgrades and round it to the nearest whole number while leaving BTs static?
Originally posted by tragula
16 and 10 has a common divisor. Multiply BT gains by 8 and cost by 5. (for human being it is hard to handle large number, any help is good).

Now if you notice the main BT cost (currently) can be divided by 4, which can help make the numbers better. You will need to change some BT cost l
- training star to be based on 4 instead on 5 (5->4 , 10->8, 15 -> 12...)
- AEQ cost based on 16 instead of 15 (15->16, 30->32, 60-> 64)
- Shopping cost (make the store larger by 2)
But these will not be major changes and will help keep the numbers small (multiply by 2 the gains and the costs by 5/4)

We could probably do 8 and 5. Will talk to Bort about that. Not sure about the other stuff you posted, is that really necessary? Shoot me a pm and explain and will discuss.
Originally posted by Hagalaz
Well, quite surprised. Mathematically it seems sound, which is something I rarely get to say here about GLB. Usually things are done first and thought over after.

I do believe it will work out well if you have the XP conversion straight. However, I think you guys will have problems concerning the players which are at their plateau season, but I'll let things develop for now.

One big question I have now is unfortunately not related to the system but about something else said in the announcement...

So you are ready to get this out of beta. Does this mean you and bort and DD consider the state of the sim correct and no more big changes will be made? Because that is what should guide the beta, the sim, not the whole discombobulation around it...

I have to admit I'm profoundly disappointed if it is the case. I'm glad staz is no longer around or he'd have a heart attack

You should reconsider that.

EDIT: Also, why is it so, if that is the case? Rushing to get out of beta, or simply lack of will to take in the effort?

We're fairly satisfied with the sim and the game. GLB is never going to be where staz wanted it. We're never going to have a 100% physic based sim. If there is something inherently broken with the sim, we'll fix it. Moving out of Beta mainly means no major changes/additions to the game. We'll always address sim issues and bugs.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Will there be a full conversion chart available at some point? It looks like the current preps are going to finish very close to age 80 in the new system. So I'm wondering if they're going to crush the current sophomores or get crushed by the current universities.

This could be interesting.....I'm thinking the age caps should be adjusted to reflect the CURRENT age caps, and roll the NEW ages up the system as they grow....

Originally posted by Catch22
Player conversion:
Existing players will be converted to a new age equivalent. Whatever your age is in the current system will be compared to an equivalent age based on what estimated XP values between the two systems. For example, a 350 day old player in the old system would become a 205 day old player in the new system. A 120 day old player in the old system would become a 72 day old player in the new system.

Age caps should reflect the "converted" age based on the current system....
age 40 cap converts to an age 38 cap (or whatever the conversion is)
age 80 cap converts to an age 70 cap "
age 120 cap converts to an age 100 cap "
age 160 cap converts to an age 130 cap "

Second season, all caps go up by 40 days. This would keep all current teams together regardless of when a player was created...if he can be on the team/cap level today, he will be able to be on the team after conversion.....

I guess this would not make it a quick conversion for the leagues doing it this way, but would prevent "mid-season" guys from getting pushed up or down, and it would prevent teams on the wrong edge of a conversion "age cap" from having to play against older dots until they get to uncapped leagues (where they would normally play for a while under-leveled).

Originally posted by zsc
So I have few questions, sorry if they've already been answered, I read up to about page 8 and then skipped forward.

1. It says players will gain 12 levels in season 1. Is there a set schedule when this will happen? Will each player of each age division level up on the same days? Just curious as to how that will work since there won't be any XP.

2. How many times will a player actually be able to boost throughout their career? My math on the first page of this thread says 21 times, but I've read in some of the posts that people mentioned 20 times.

3. People have also mentioned boosting three times during plateau, but I didn't see anything about that, all I saw was that you could extend your player's plateau by boosting 20 times throughout his career.

Just so I have my math right and so I can purchase the proper flex point package, I have the following players costing the following flex points:
Players costing 100 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 3100 FP (2200 FP w/o CEQ).
Players costing 200 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 5300 FP (4400 FP w/o CEQ).
Players costing 300 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 7500 FP (6600 FP w/o CEQ).

Not sure this is correct with the changes to CEQ?

1. They will acquire XP just like current system, just at a more accelerated rate.

2. Should be a total of 24 max if you include the plateau boosts. Could also possibly vary if user boosted at end of creation season prior to first season of actual play (create day 41 and boost before next season rollover).

Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
out of beta =//= no more changes or improvements

Originally posted by Catch22
Moving out of Beta mainly means no major changes/additions to the game.

yo catch

huge group of dots will be 359 this off season.

In your conversion do they fall into season 5 or 6?

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