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Forum > Champion League > 10/25 USAPL All-Stars vs CPL All-Stars
Originally posted by Deathblade

He called you pretty, bruh.
Originally posted by r87
Chaos was explaining that Halifax isn't going to expend any greater effort than normal on the game tomorrow, so people shouldn't really get excited for it.

And I explained he was making an excuse in case they lost, still on the topic of the it not?
Originally posted by Iceman16
Originally posted by jrry32

The reason people resort to this is because how shitty you and DB are.

Oh, so you being a terrible poster has only come about because r87 and Deathblade aren't doing their jobs properly?

Well this is a reeeelly clever way of getting them to get better.

Originally posted by jrry32
Iceman, just leave. No one can possibly be this dense. Take your trolling to another forum.
Originally posted by jrry32
There's the problem. The mindset of CPLers is that serious dot talk is boring so they have to completely take it off track.

Originally posted by Darth Asheme

u mad bro
Originally posted by r87
u mad bro

Originally posted by Deathblade
Originally posted by bhall43

how was this a chest beating thread?

(USLAP was the one that started retardspamming this thread)

ie you're being called apes, not braggarts
Originally posted by Iceman16
Originally posted by jrry32

There's the problem. The mindset of CPLers is that serious dot talk is boring so they have to completely take it off track.


Iceman is too modest. Halifax can have incredibly serious discussions about GLB.
Originally posted by jrry32
I don't think you get it at all. The reason people resort to this is because how shitty you and DB are. Almost every thread in this forum turns into a massive trollfests because that's the only way the CPLers get their jollies. The funniest thing is that they convince themselves they are somehow witty, original and humorous for repeating the same obnoxious crap over and over again. Maybe if you mods had stepped up instead of joining in, this wouldn't have turned into such a shitty forum. However, you are content in your ways to troll and allow this crap to go on so there is really nothing I can do other than try to be just as obnoxious as the CPLers act. There are places for CPL style humor and other league dot talk, the problem is that the cunts from the CPL decide that that they must have their cake and eat too. They must have their humor and at the same time, shit on every serious dot talk thread there is. Seriously, just fuck off. Don't try to act like you are somehow helping any of us. You and Deathblade are pretty trolls with a moderator title.

there's the bitter nerd rage, thank you.
Originally posted by r87
Originally posted by Iceman16

Originally posted by jrry32

There's the problem. The mindset of CPLers is that serious dot talk is boring so they have to completely take it off track.


Iceman is too modest. Halifax can have incredibly serious discussions about GLB.

Contents were pretty srs iirc
Originally posted by r87
Iceman is too modest. Halifax can have incredibly serious discussions about GLB.

compare that post count to the other meaningless discussions in there o_0
Originally posted by Wylker
Originally posted by jrry32

I don't think you get it at all. The reason people resort to this is because how shitty you and DB are. Almost every thread in this forum turns into a massive trollfests because that's the only way the CPLers get their jollies. The funniest thing is that they convince themselves they are somehow witty, original and humorous for repeating the same obnoxious crap over and over again. Maybe if you mods had stepped up instead of joining in, this wouldn't have turned into such a shitty forum. However, you are content in your ways to troll and allow this crap to go on so there is really nothing I can do other than try to be just as obnoxious as the CPLers act. There are places for CPL style humor and other league dot talk, the problem is that the cunts from the CPL decide that that they must have their cake and eat too. They must have their humor and at the same time, shit on every serious dot talk thread there is. Seriously, just fuck off. Don't try to act like you are somehow helping any of us. You and Deathblade are pretty trolls with a moderator title.

there's the bitter nerd rage, thank you.

I'm very mad. You trolled me so bad.
Originally posted by jrry32
I don't think you get it at all. The reason people resort to this is because how shitty you and DB are.

Uh ... no. You resorted to this because you aren't clever enough to "retaliate" in a way that is actually amusing. I'm not funny either, but that's why I don't try stuff like this when I'm annoyed with some other group of posters, because the only thing it would accomplish is to make me look stupid.

Originally posted by
Almost every thread in this forum turns into a massive trollfests because that's the only way the CPLers get their jollies.

Could you point me to some examples of this intolerable trolling, because looking through this forum, I honestly don't see it. I see some dumb, pointless threads that got locked. I also see some pointless "my team/region is better than yours" brag threads, but those are fairly evenly divided between CPL and USAPL.

Originally posted by
Maybe if you mods had stepped up instead of joining in, this wouldn't have turned into such a shitty forum.

Mods don't make a forum good or bad. Posters do. Instead of blaming your problems on everyone else, maybe you should sit down and figure out what you would like the World League forum to be, and then try to post some threads that push it in that direction. Posting obnoxious caps lock spam isn't making the forum any better is it? It's not hurting the CPL people you're feuding with either. All it's doing is to make you look ridiculous. And for the record, I see quite a few threads that were locked which seem pretty harmless to me. If anything it looks like this forum is more heavily moderated than most.

Originally posted by
You and Deathblade are pretty trolls with a moderator title.

"Troll!" has replaced "fix your builds!" as the most over and inappropriately used meme on GLB.
Originally posted by Ahrens858

compare that post count to the other meaningless discussions in there o_O

Well, people get enjoyment out of I'm not sure what your point is.

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