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Forum > Suggestions > New Advanced Equipment and Balancing it for Vet Player
Originally posted by SCACE
I was thinking about the advanced equipment and the fact that we can finally get different SA's for our players that aren't normally available to their position.

Then I started thinking about the fact that under the current system, the SA only upgrades every 16 levels, meaning, the max we'll see in an extra ability is 5 at level 64, while an exisiting ability could be pushed to 16.

My simple suggestion is that when you buy and equip a new new piece of advanced equipment that has an SA on it, you can start placing SP into that ability. You have to be wearing the equipment with the SA to make use of it (i.e. you can't put the equipment on, buy points in the SA, then take the equipment off and sell it and go get a new SA) but this would allow you to push a new SA up to a natural 10 + a possible +5 from your advanced equipment at the highest levels.

Thoughts? Discuss.

Moving to this thread or it will just get lost.
Man this advanced gear is confusing, but in the state it is now, I can't justify buying any even at level 21. I think it should work more like this:

1. You get your shopping token and buy an item.

2. You use your bonus tokens, and pay the same as an Item upgrade to merge your Adv Item with your Normal Item

3. This creates a Hybrid Item that will carry over rules stated below.

So I have +4 Strength gear, and I get a +2 Agi, +1 Diving tackle I want to merge. I can choose to turn that Item into a +4 Strength +1 diving tackle Item, or a +4 Agi +1 diving tackle Item.

After that, you can add a stat point at the (n x 8th) level using CASH.
AND you can add to the Skill at a certain point (n x 16th level??) using TOKENS.

now each one of the above is independent from the other. This means that a level 32 could possibly have a piece of gear that gives him +5 to one stat, and +3 to one skill. I don't think this creates a huge imbalance, because it would cost 24 tokens (8 for the merge, and 16 for the 2 skills,) the cost of the ADV Item, and for good measure, the cost of a normal upgrade. This still leaves a lot of work to get an Item of this caliber, and makes it difficult to acquire.


Originally posted by SCACE
Originally posted by SCACE

I was thinking about the advanced equipment and the fact that we can finally get different SA's for our players that aren't normally available to their position.

Then I started thinking about the fact that under the current system, the SA only upgrades every 16 levels, meaning, the max we'll see in an extra ability is 5 at level 64, while an exisiting ability could be pushed to 16.

My simple suggestion is that when you buy and equip a new new piece of advanced equipment that has an SA on it, you can start placing SP into that ability. You have to be wearing the equipment with the SA to make use of it (i.e. you can't put the equipment on, buy points in the SA, then take the equipment off and sell it and go get a new SA) but this would allow you to push a new SA up to a natural 10 + a possible +5 from your advanced equipment at the highest levels.

Thoughts? Discuss.

Moving to this thread or it will just get lost.

That's certainly an interesting idea. So instead of equipment being +1 Spin, it would just be "Spin", and you could then invest points into it.

My only concern would be that it might get a little complicated. Not for the player, but for the programmer. And my feeling is that the simpler the programming, the greater the chance Bort will implement it.

Plus, if you rolled 2 pieces of equipment with the same SA (not all that difficult), you could get it to 10 at lvl 64 (not so easy, lol.)
And SAs only goes to 11 anyway, I believe.
Originally posted by Kwill-bot
Originally posted by SCACE

Originally posted by SCACE

I was thinking about the advanced equipment and the fact that we can finally get different SA's for our players that aren't normally available to their position.

Then I started thinking about the fact that under the current system, the SA only upgrades every 16 levels, meaning, the max we'll see in an extra ability is 5 at level 64, while an exisiting ability could be pushed to 16.

My simple suggestion is that when you buy and equip a new new piece of advanced equipment that has an SA on it, you can start placing SP into that ability. You have to be wearing the equipment with the SA to make use of it (i.e. you can't put the equipment on, buy points in the SA, then take the equipment off and sell it and go get a new SA) but this would allow you to push a new SA up to a natural 10 + a possible +5 from your advanced equipment at the highest levels.

Thoughts? Discuss.

Moving to this thread or it will just get lost.

That's certainly an interesting idea. So instead of equipment being +1 Spin, it would just be "Spin", and you could then invest points into it.

My only concern would be that it might get a little complicated. Not for the player, but for the programmer. And my feeling is that the simpler the programming, the greater the chance Bort will implement it.

Plus, if you rolled 2 pieces of equipment with the same SA (not all that difficult), you could get it to 10 at lvl 64 (not so easy, lol.)
And SAs only goes to 11 anyway, I believe.

Under the old (traditional) system, the max you could buy was up to 10 (after an early bug was fixed that was allowing people to purchase above 10) and custom equipment let you go to 11. Now, you can pump another 5 in with advanced equipment by level 64, so a traditional SA could be taken to 16 with 1 piece of advanced equipment. With two, it could technically be taken to 21 if you really wanted to.

My suggestion, while probably not the easiest to code, shouldn't be that difficult. There is already code in there that will allow a new SA to show up if equipped, even if it is not on your tree. That leads me to believe that all possible SA's are available in the background regardless of position and just need to be "activated", for example, by putting on the correct piece of advanced equipment.

All that would need to change would be the ability to allow users to put SP into those abilities and increase them. The catch is that you have to keep wearing the piece of equipment to get the value. As soon as you take the piece off, the ability goes back into hiding behind the scenes. You put it back on, and you get access to that ability again.
Buck Nutty
Originally posted by DaBruinz
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but how about the equipment offered to players be more specific to the players. Its really stupid for a WR to get equipment offered to him that would increase his chance to avoid a FAKE unless there are other "fakes" than the Pump Fake by the QB. Or for him to get +1 SA to DUMP PASS.

I say make it 2-1 Two pieces directly for them and then one random this way some idiot (and we have them in GLB) wants to make a QB Punter they can get that O so special item they have been looking for.
How bout just keeping it simple and allowing 1 or 2 more spots on the 'body' for the user to equip, that can ONLY be for special equipment. They can be deemed "Advanced Equipment" spots, and be applied by anyone, at any level, with basic ease. Everything else stays the same, as far as spending, earning tokens, buying special equip goes. The only difference is that the equipment joins your existing equipment, (combining or hybriding, whatever you want to call it), solving the complexity issues we seem to be having. Then, any changes to the equipment buying/earning process wouldn't directly affect the 'equipping' aspect.

so for example:

Joe Blow, FB, level 25
Has fully upgraded equipment, all in strength (4 equip slots x 4 pts each =16 pts)
Has no Advanced equipment, just an open slot for it.
Decides to buy a piece that offers: +2 strenth, +1 Some S/A.
Equips it to his 'Advanced' slot.
Now Joe has 4 pieces of regular equipment, and 1 piece of advanced, all equipped and useable. He still has the ability to upgrade both, now (if he has the bonus points) or down the road, following the proper procedure for both. (money for basic, bonus points for advanced)

Easy to implement. Simple to follow. Quick to catch on.

Originally posted by Laferriere
Originally posted by Billsman

foget about the upgrade thing... to messy

just make the new EQ use new slots instead of replacing what players already have.

I like this idea, it's simple and it would work.

same as I was saying... like the 'unlockability' at later levels idea....more reason to keep fighting to that next level. Anyone with current advanced could refund it or just hold it until they reached the 'unlocking' stage. As of right now, there doesn't seem to be much excitement beyond level 24...

Last edited Oct 9, 2008 02:52:09
Bort has already said he does not want to add new equipment slots allowing people to have a 6th piece of equipment.
so crafting system might be the only thing that might work but i think either have it cost money, FP, or bonus Tokens. Since the gloves thing is suppossed to be two why not graft it on to it.
Originally posted by Bort
Thanks for compiling this

There was also a suggestion about combining adv gear with similar normal gear with some sort of "crafting" system, so if anybody has something to add on that, I'm all ears.

So is there going to ever be anything that helps even up advanced equip for vet players? Because it is going to take two more seasons for my advanced equip to catch up to my normal equip.
Originally posted by bedgood42
Originally posted by Bort

Thanks for compiling this

There was also a suggestion about combining adv gear with similar normal gear with some sort of "crafting" system, so if anybody has something to add on that, I'm all ears.

So is there going to ever be anything that helps even up advanced equip for vet players? Because it is going to take two more seasons for my advanced equip to catch up to my normal equip.

Indeed. Not to be impatient, but I'm reluctant to buy AE for my vet players until a new system is hashed out.
Originally posted by Kwill-bot
Originally posted by bedgood42

Originally posted by Bort

Thanks for compiling this

There was also a suggestion about combining adv gear with similar normal gear with some sort of "crafting" system, so if anybody has something to add on that, I'm all ears.

So is there going to ever be anything that helps even up advanced equip for vet players? Because it is going to take two more seasons for my advanced equip to catch up to my normal equip.

Indeed. Not to be impatient, but I'm reluctant to buy AE for my vet players until a new system is hashed out.

As long as you don't cry when other guys show up with a +6 attribute / +2 SA piece next season, that's just fine with me.
I'd just like to see a way to sell/trade equipment among players. I find a great piece of gear for a certain position but it's with a different position all the time.
Advanced equipment should be automatically upgraded to the players current level when he buys it with 8 tokens. So if a level 20 finds a piece of advanced equipment it would upgrade to the level 16 level at purchase.

Originally posted by Mightyhalo
Advanced equipment should be automatically upgraded to the players current level when he buys it with 8 tokens. So if a level 20 finds a piece of advanced equipment it would upgrade to the level 16 level at purchase.

But then it lack the Customizing part. What I mean is your unique choice of what type of Equipment it becomes.

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