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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Plankton
Skimmed thru, read about 20% of the replies, so this may have been discussed.


With the league change, will there be a corresponding change to stadium finances? If you are reducing the number of seasons it takes to get to 72, you are also reducing the number of seasons that a team has to get it's stadium built and it's finances in order to prepare for Pro. If you do not account for that, the teams which got to Pro the old way will be richer than the teams that are getting their the new way.

It takes three seasons to build a stadium. Maybe four. So there's no issue.
So I have few questions, sorry if they've already been answered, I read up to about page 8 and then skipped forward.

1. It says players will gain 12 levels in season 1. Is there a set schedule when this will happen? Will each player of each age division level up on the same days? Just curious as to how that will work since there won't be any XP.

2. How many times will a player actually be able to boost throughout their career? My math on the first page of this thread says 21 times, but I've read in some of the posts that people mentioned 20 times.

3. People have also mentioned boosting three times during plateau, but I didn't see anything about that, all I saw was that you could extend your player's plateau by boosting 20 times throughout his career.

Just so I have my math right and so I can purchase the proper flex point package, I have the following players costing the following flex points:
Players costing 100 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 3100 FP (2200 FP w/o CEQ).
Players costing 200 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 5300 FP (4400 FP w/o CEQ).
Players costing 300 FP to create with CEQ and boosting 21 times would cost a total of 7500 FP (6600 FP w/o CEQ).

Not sure this is correct with the changes to CEQ?
Here's how I see this regarding cost of building dots.

Good: Fully boosted plateau dots will have less flex tied up in them. Which means you can have more dots with the same amount of total flex.

Bad: Cost of non-refunded flex per season (on average) at retirement went up. Also that 30% drop will be taken more often.

I personally wanted APD, and held off creating long term builds until I got more info on it. I'm fine with how it looks. We'll get to the end-game faster, and will have less flex tied in individual dots. Burning through flex faster is something I don't like, but I can live with it.
my drizzt
Originally posted by Shrazkil
Originally posted by Catch22

Training/Bonus Tokens:

Training gains will be multiplied by 1.6. This is based off of the following:

392 days to plateau in new system = 784 training points
Current system a player will receive 1260 training points by the time they reach plateau.

1260/784 = 1.607

To account for this, we also need to adjust bonus token gains by 1.6. In order to prevent decimal conversion of bonus tokens we will have all bonus token training gains multiply by 16 (light training would thus equal 48 bonus tokens instead of 3) and all existing bonus token costs and values (i.e. AEQ upgrades, player balances) to be multiplied by 10.

This could seriously hurt multi-training (which might be a good thing because of how powerful it is) If at lower levels you are gaining levels at such an increased rate and still waiting 4 days for enough training points to quad train.

but you will be getting 1.6x the training amount. non issue imo
Originally posted by Catch22
Right. What we basically did was take the current system and how much XP a player would have on a given player age based on normal player development (including boosting). We then did the same for the new system. We then took the age a player was in the old system, took the corresponding XP amount and looked at where that XP amount was in the new system and the corresponding age to that XP amount.

It's hard to explain properly so I apologize for the confusion. It's not that difficult really, was just a bunch of number crunching.

Is "normal player development" the same as "most XP possible"?

Player A and B are created on the same day. Player A boosts for the playoffs while player B doesn't. Player B has slightly more XP than player A due to receiving more training XP during the playoffs for 2 seasons. Does that mean in the new system these players will be the same age or will 1 be slightly older than the other?

Edited by bungleodeon on Jul 13, 2011 14:51:47
I has 7 titles

I'm assuming that the number of boosts already purchased via flex points will be refunding using the old system?

So if you have a Level 75 player that boosted 39 times..... and he has been converted to the new age and all that.... You'll get the full 70% of the total flex spent for all 39 boosts??.... even though it only takes 20 or so to get to that level/age in the new system.

Stupid question but I just wanted to make sure.
my drizzt
Originally posted by RufusBrutal
So basically, players will cost the same, you will just burn through flex faster.

no. players will be cheaper start to finish, but you will burn thru flex faster.
Originally posted by ufshowboat

I'm assuming that the number of boosts already purchased via flex points will be refunding using the old system?

So if you have a Level 75 player that boosted 39 times..... and he has been converted to the new age and all that.... You'll get the full 70% of the total flex spent for all 39 boosts??.... even though it only takes 20 or so to get to that level/age in the new system.

Stupid question but I just wanted to make sure.

good point
Edited by BP [Cult] on Jul 13, 2011 15:02:05
Stray Doug
Originally posted by foshizzel17
but you will be getting 1.6x the training amount. non issue imo

That's not the point he's making... you're leveling up faster, meaning more of the quad training is taking place at higher skill levels (due to ALGs hitting sooner), where the gains are not as great (particularly for your 3-4-5 skills). I don't think it's a big enough delta to severely hurt multi though, but I haven't sat down and done the math yet.
Lead Bugs Mod
Will there be a full conversion chart available at some point? It looks like the current preps are going to finish very close to age 80 in the new system. So I'm wondering if they're going to crush the current sophomores or get crushed by the current universities.
Originally posted by bungleodeon
Is "normal player development" the same as "most XP possible"?

Player A and B are created on the same day. Player A boosts for the playoffs while player B doesn't. Player B has slightly more XP than player A due to receiving more training XP during the playoffs for 2 seasons. Does that mean in the new system these players will be the same age or will 1 be slightly older than the other?

If I'm reading it correctly, it's by age, not by XP, so they will be the same AGE, but will still have the same XP they have today (the day of conversion).....

Now the question is, will it be more beneficial in the new system to NOT boost early, since you're leveling up faster (getting more XP)......what are the XP/day breakdowns going to be based on level....starting at level 1 up to level 72.....
Originally posted by ufshowboat

I'm assuming that the number of boosts already purchased via flex points will be refunding using the old system?

So if you have a Level 75 player that boosted 39 times..... and he has been converted to the new age and all that.... You'll get the full 70% of the total flex spent for all 39 boosts??.... even though it only takes 20 or so to get to that level/age in the new system.

Stupid question but I just wanted to make sure.

actually if you have a lvl 60 that's boosted 30 times and the new system only requires 18 to get to that point, shouldn't you get a 100% refund of those extra flex you used in the old system immediately when the conversion happens?
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Will there be a full conversion chart available at some point? It looks like the current preps are going to finish very close to age 80 in the new system. So I'm wondering if they're going to crush the current sophomores or get crushed by the current universities.

Originally posted by Catch22
A 120 day old player in the old system would become a 72 day old player in the new system.

Nevermind, was already answered. They'll be crushing the sophomores then.
Originally posted by BP [Cult
]actually if you have a lvl 60 that's boosted 30 times and the new system only requires 18 to get to that point, shouldn't you get a 100% refund of those extra flex you used in the old system immediately when the conversion happens?

Hopefully this will be the last major change

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