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Forum > Announcements > Team Waiting List
Originally posted by Oliveeater
You should raise the price to continue owning a team too.


that is like someone who doesn't own a car suggesting they raise gas prices
And when this list does come out, whenever that may be, where shall we find it? Will it be posted on the home page, or will we have to search to find it?
Originally posted by MongkeKhan
The whole idea doesn't really matter much to me because I have no intention of buying a team, but I don't quite understand the point of this:

Originally posted by Bort

- It costs 500 FP to hold your spot on the list.

- Whenever somebody sells a team, the first person on the list with that team's region as one of their options, who also has 500 FP to pay for the other half of the team, will get the team automatically at the end of the day. The person then pays 500 FP to cover the second half of the team cost (the first 500 to get on the list covers the first half)

It still costs 1000 FP to buy a team. By requiring only 500 down there will undoubtedly be situations where someone gets on the list, a team comes up for sale but that person forgot to have the extra 500 FP he needed to get the team. So he gets skipped and complains on the forums. Just require the entire 1000 FP up front instead of telling people, "pay 500 FP now and then make sure to keep 500 FP unused for an undetermined amount of time." With 100% refund when removing oneself from the list there's really no downside, and it'll prevent some idiocy.

Plus, people are still asking if the 500 is in addition to the 1000 or part of it. Make it a one-time transaction for the full price. It's just simpler for everyone.

I agree with this. But, I think they need to determine if the cost for ownership is goingup, because if you require 500 down, but then raise the price to say 1500, then the prospective owner will then need 1000 more FP's. I say crank it up to 2000 FP's, to reduce demand, and require it all to be "banked" then there will be no excuse, and alot less "paperwork". Only thing then is people who go inactive, will have paid for services not rendered.

They are damned if they do, damned if they dont. There will be times when as you say, the complainers come out and say "Thats BS, I didnt get a team because I didnt have the other 500 FP's, but I was in the process of buying them, I cant help PayPal is slow". "I got screwed". And, because they cant think 2 feet in front of their face, relaizing they are probably first on the list, it will still be a conspiracy.

Thats why they need to jack the cost up, double it. They can always bring it back down, but as they say, demand is so high, they probably wont be able to keep up with demand. So, Double the cost, make money and reduce demand. Makes perfect sense to me. Any other company would do that. Demand high, supply can only be so much, they make more money by increasing the cost. Plus, it keep s demand high, and that is what you want.
Originally posted by offset
Originally posted by Bort

Originally posted by offset

How can you tell how old your account is?

The signup date is stored in the database, but you can't see it right now. You should have a general idea of when you signed up, I would think.

Yea, I was being kinda lazy.....I'm pretty sure I'm over the 30 day mark, so that is cool for me.

Just look at the time you created your first player, thats how I check.
Originally posted by LithoMan
I agree with this. But, I think they need to determine if the cost for ownership is goingup, because if you require 500 down, but then raise the price to say 1500, then the prospective owner will then need 1000 more FP's. I say crank it up to 2000 FP's, to reduce demand, and require it all to be "banked" then there will be no excuse, and alot less "paperwork". Only thing then is people who go inactive, will have paid for services not rendered.

They are damned if they do, damned if they dont. There will be times when as you say, the complainers come out and say "Thats BS, I didnt get a team because I didnt have the other 500 FP's, but I was in the process of buying them, I cant help PayPal is slow". "I got screwed". And, because they cant think 2 feet in front of their face, relaizing they are probably first on the list, it will still be a conspiracy.

Thats why they need to jack the cost up, double it. They can always bring it back down, but as they say, demand is so high, they probably wont be able to keep up with demand. So, Double the cost, make money and reduce demand. Makes perfect sense to me. Any other company would do that. Demand high, supply can only be so much, they make more money by increasing the cost. Plus, it keep s demand high, and that is what you want.

Read the first post again, cause its been edited. You need the 1k FPs upfront now. Some other changes too.
bort i would like 2 have the option 2 be in all regions but for example use can u add that 2 plz? plz?
Originally posted by yvo
bort i would like 2 have the option 2 be in all regions but for example use can u add that 2 plz? plz?

Read the first post again.
Originally posted by Bort
- When you click to be added to the list, you choose the top 3 regions you want to be in. The options also include "any region," or "none" for the second two (in case you only want one region).
2 questions. How much does a team cost now? and When are these changes coming?
If by chance you get a team in a top league that has been gutted will you have the chance to move this team to a more competitive league at end of season? Otherwise you may be getting a team that will never have the chance to compete as everyone knows how hard it is to get good players to come to new teams. You cant even get new players sometimes to come. Trying to rebuild a team in a pro-league is impossible and then you will actually have to hope you lose enough just to drop down leagues to be competitive.

You could get stuck with a team in a league were there 5-6 teams already with players 16+ lvl and your team is gutted. Just want the same chance as all other new owners had and be able to compete from day 1. If not then this will keep the strong teams strong and just create more fodder for them. I think you should give all new owners option to move any team they take over midseason to a league lower in there bracket at end of season.

Also if you get a team with a few weeks left in season will this count as 1 of your first full seasons and then only have 1 season left? Since you cant make trades or release players at that point it would seem unfair to charge a season when you cant put your team together until offseason.
Last edited May 19, 2008 05:34:23
Can someone answer my questions!!
Originally posted by dfish
Can someone answer my questions!!

From what I understand the full price of 1000FP will have to be paid upfront when you put your name on list, no time has been given when this list will come out yet tho.
Originally posted by morbid
If by chance you get a team in a top league that has been gutted will you have the chance to move this team to a more competitive league at end of season? Otherwise you may be getting a team that will never have the chance to compete as everyone knows how hard it is to get good players to come to new teams. You cant even get new players sometimes to come. Trying to rebuild a team in a pro-league is impossible and then you will actually have to hope you lose enough just to drop down leagues to be competitive.

You could get stuck with a team in a league were there 5-6 teams already with players 16+ lvl and your team is gutted. Just want the same chance as all other new owners had and be able to compete from day 1. If not then this will keep the strong teams strong and just create more fodder for them. I think you should give all new owners option to move any team they take over midseason to a league lower in there bracket at end of season.

Also if you get a team with a few weeks left in season will this count as 1 of your first full seasons and then only have 1 season left? Since you cant make trades or release players at that point it would seem unfair to charge a season when you cant put your team together until offseason.

I am going through this right now having purchased a team in a pro league a few weeks ago. I'm glad to be an owner, but it's been a very difficult time to make the team competitive in a pro league. I may get it competitive to AAA, but it's going to take a lot of time.

When season 2 is done, admins should run a report of all teams sold during the season and move them to a more appropriate league if warranted. The regions scheduled to become Pyramids this off season such as Oceania, Southest Asia and South America this should be no problem. Other regions like USA, Canada and Europe, this would be a bigger challenge to do while staying fair to other programs.

I suggest team owners of purchased teams in mid-season from the Pro and AAA leagues should be sent a PM asking if they want their team moved to a lower league and if so, do they want to stay in the same region?

Being overmatched in a higher league is tough on the owner, the players and it's not good for the higher league to be so unbalanced.

Last edited May 19, 2008 05:59:54
I think the cost of owning a team should be higher. We have so much interest, and so many stories about bad things happening (gutting/collusion on one hand, bad owners on the other), that a higher price to own a team would help with those issues. Also, I think a person should get more of their investment back IF they don't make major changes to the team and realize it's not for them. Some people keep the teams just because they spent their money and want to get their money's worth, even if they have found that owning a team isn't for them.

My suggestion is 2000 Flex Points for the first season, and 1000 for every additional season. Payable 1 season at a time, so players who really don't want a team aren't stuck with it for more than one season. Obviously, if you find that there are CPU teams and no waiting list, you could reduce the price... but the law of supply and demand almost requires you to make the price of owning a team much higher.
Perhaps pre-owned teams (possibly gutted) should cost less, while brand new teams should cost more?

By the by, I'm excited about the list because I feel like I'll eventually get my chance to own.
The price is ok, do not increase because that's not WOW or a game like that. It's a good game but it's not worth this level of money. It's a beta!!!

If you rise the price, perhaps you will have less demand but the service must be excellent for this price and i repeat that's a beta test.

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