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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Reorganize National Pro Leagues
**** yes
ONE thing to make this a HUGE plus.
Maybe reward owners and players somehow for playing in these Tiers... Exp if they win... or are up there....
Just a random thought
Originally posted by jdbolick
Unlock my fucking thread, Chysil.

Maybe if u ask nice.
Came here planning to hate this idea...but tbh I think it is a great idea. The pro elite tier adds a second WL-lite tier that should always be very competitive.
Edited by ChicagoTRS on Mar 11, 2011 21:57:04
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by TrevJo

So yeah, I don't see any reason to have 6 feeder regions instead of 8. The promotions math works better with 8, plus you'd keep the legacy regions intact.

I'd settle for just dropping down to 6 National Pro leagues.

Condense from 8 to 6. Then you will at least improve the quality of play a little by getting rid of 64 of the 160 spots held by non competitive National Pro teams.

Thats a huge part of the problem though.. people dont want to give up the regional affiliations.
Originally posted by beenlurken
Thats a huge part of the problem though.. people dont want to give up the regional affiliations.

combine europe and drop another...

or glb needs to start advertising because there simply is not a large enough user base to properly support the number of leagues...
Originally posted by beenlurken
I would be willing to bet the majority of those voting against this is solely because they want to preserve regional affiliation.

No new leagues would have to be created... just resort so Pro playoff teams form the hemisphere leagues and the bottom half of Pro combines with regional pro elite (current regional pro elite contracts)


Northern Hemisphere (elite 1)
Southern Hemisphere (elite 2)

Northern Hemisphere Feeder leagues

Southern Hemisphere Feeder leagues

Make that work and everyone is happy!!

This template is still the best option so far. With the above you eliminate some of the current regional pro leagues by combining the worst of Pro and the best of regional pro. No new leagues need to be created to do this.

Obviously "Pro" is not as strong but the competitiveness should be much improved. Its the only way to have the best of both worlds (no other way to preserve the 8 regions yet improve league competitiveness).
Voting yes because a pro reshuffle needs to happen, but I don't like this version of it.

It's not horrible but there are better versions.

I don't like the idea of 8 teams moving up from a league. 4 works, but 8 seems too diluted. I would say promote final 4 from each hemisphere and demote only 8 world league teams or else have 4 subleagues and promote final 4 from each league.

I made a post somewhere in GLB main that had a suggestion where a lot of rivalries and affiliations still remained. Shouldn't be too hard to track down, since I don't make many posts in GLB main.
Loco Moco

And can we eliminate the number of the uncapped level leagues?

Way too many teams at this level with not enough players to go around.

Edited by Loco Moco on Mar 11, 2011 22:41:45
Edited by Loco Moco on Mar 11, 2011 22:40:39
The thread Add Hemispheres, Condense Pro Leagues has been merged into this thread
This idea has been suggested in various forms, but the need is more obvious than ever. Excluding the one gut, the Radicals have won six CPL games by a score of 549 to 45, and there are similar examples throughout the Pro leagues. Teams like Providence, Jebediah, Canton, WWR, Arkadak, Black Sea, Syracuse, Cypriot, Mayan, Porto, Palembang, TKW, Rhode Island, South Otto, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam don't belong in the Pro leagues anymore. A season full of blowouts is boring not only for those teams, but the ones who play them as well. Those teams are much closer in quality to the average World League squad than to the average Pro league team. Providence has beaten Alpine & HHWC in scrimmages, but we're not in the WL because we were unlucky enough to be in the same Pro conference last season as one of the top 10 teams in the game. Meanwhile the Pro leagues have far too much variation within their ranks, meaning a lot of uncompetitive results.

The solution is simply to take the top 64 teams out of those Pro leagues and put them into two Hemisphere leagues, then condense the remaining eight Pro leagues into four regions.

How it would work:
You start by taking the top 64 teams out of the eight Pro leagues (I did this using NiborRis' rankings), then splitting those teams up into the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere. The hemispheres could further be divided into North America, South America, Europe, and Asia for the conferences. Demotion from the World League would remain all sixteen teams who missed the playoffs, therefore the teams promoting from the respective hemispheres would be the eight teams who won their first round playoff games.

Meanwhile there would be 192 teams left in the Pro leagues, but instead of splitting those among eight different regions, they should be split up into only four. Having North America, South America, Europe, and Asia as regions would reduce the overall number of Pro teams to 128. Doing so would remove the CPUs and under-leveled rosters that are currently losing by two hundred points per game. Instead you would get better competition every two days in the Pro leagues as the teams face teams more appropriate for their talent level. Each conference championship participant from those four Pro leagues would promote to their corresponding hemisphere, for a total of 16 Pro teams promoting each season. Meanwhile the bottom four teams from each hemisphere conference would demote in exchange.

Why it would work:
The gap between the absolute best World League teams and the best Pro league teams is smaller than ever, but unfortunately the gap between the best Pro league teams and the worst Pro league teams is bigger than ever. To give people a better regular season experience, you need to have these teams grouped together in tiers that better represent their talent level. By adding hemispheres, you no longer drop World League alums into Pro leagues where they out-match everyone but the Pro elite. You would also have the Pro leagues themselves be legitimately competitive, with teams that actually should be playing one another. Meanwhile it would not take teams any longer to reach the World League than in the current model, as the only quicker way would be to win that first season in Pro, which hardly any teams have ever done. This proposal would not only increase competition for the elite Pro teams, but also for those Pro teams below them.

I put this together using NiborRis' rankings.

Western Hemisphere:
North America -
Providence Radicals
Rhode Island Red Wolves
Humboldt Killer Hornets
Cincinnati Shockers
D.C. Baby Sloths
Jebediah's Oblong Ball Club
Monmouth Evil Monkeys
South Otto Fragile Porcelain Mice
Chicago Hedgehogs
Queen City Black Cats
Queensland Exiles
All The King's Men
Corpus Christi Illegal Aliens
St. John's Salty Dogs
Nebraska Maniac Gorillas
Niagara Maulers

South America -
Gunny Highway's Recon Platoon
Rosarica Titans of Fire
Death Valley Fightin' Tigers
Mayan Prophecy
South Side Mafia
Mayan Marauders
Porto Allegre PBR Smugglers
Chico High Panthers
Athens Golden Eagles
Canton Immortals
Windhoek White Rhinos
District 9 Prawns
Sons of Anubis
The African Predators
Ron's Texans
San Francisco Demons

Eastern Hemisphere:
Europe -
Buda Pests
Eastern European Alliance
C-Town MF'n Hood
Black Sea Storm
LUX Borg
E-City Mercenaries
Black Hand Gods of War
Mentone Beach Assault
Rotterdam Roughnecks
Stewart Ballers
Amsterdam Chiefs
Arkadek Ratels
Holland Pinoy All Stars Srs
Kosovo Kryptonite
Nordic Skulls
Sainte Foy Cyclones

Asia -
Djibouti Arms Dealing Doomsday Yodelers
Cypriot Freedom
Palembang Drunken Monks
Devonport Devils
Death Dealers
Pudong Skyfire
Buffalo Rampage
Three Kingdom Warriors
Black Hand Goal Line Mafia
Syracuse Synergy
The Cult
Asau Pirates
Hong Kong Hustlers
Addict Nation
Portland Dirty Penguins
Santiago Benitos
Great idea, well thought out. Skip the discussion and send it right up for a vote.


They should do hemispheres across the board though
I like it. +1
tl;dr but +1 for the effort

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