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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Originally posted by kongemeier
If the DPC is removed from GLB I have bought my last flex point.

The thing I enjoy most about GLB is building players that fit into a certain scheme.

Team link:
I've always wanted to try to build a 3-4 scheme with both OLBs blitzing. I tried that once before by recruiting from the market place, but quickly found out it required a certain build to run this scheme, so I decided to build an entire defense myself.

Now I log on yesterday and find out I can throw this idea out the window IF the DPC is removed. I find it highly unlikely that there will be enough good 3-4 plays to run this type of defense the way I pictured it in my head.

This team is is now a lvl 34 team and has boosted every season since we started. That's 5 seasons. I have 24 defensive dots on this team each costing 600 FP to boost every season. Oh, and they all wear CE...

Creating players price: 24*200 = 4800 FP
Boosting 5 seasons : 24*5*200 = 72000 FP
Buying CE : 24*900 = 21600 FP
FP I used on this team = 98400 FP

Again, IF the DPC is removed I'm confident I will have wasted the FP I spent on this team. This frustrates the hell out of me. I'm pretty sure many other agents are building dots to fit into certain schemes thought out by a DC... Maybe not creating entire defenses like I did in this case, but still...

I know I can search for new homes for my dots and try to find a new team for them, but this was not the idea when we started this team. So I'm not interested in keeping my dots if GLB go through with these changes!

What will GLB be offering us as compensation for all the money we put into this game? If the message is I can retire my dots and get the 70% FP I'm done! I mean, this can't in any way be fair to the costumer.

I would love if someone like Bort or Catch22 would either reply to this post or get in touch with me through PM so I know what my GLB-future brings!

PS. Sorry for my far from perfect english!

Honestly Konge, they need to pair us together on this, so +1. This ruins my defense and pretty much upsets me in more ways than I can detail. I have 200 DPC plays and 24 players that this hurts as well. Just a really bad move to consider as its a feature of the game. Taking away this feature or limiting it to pre-aligned D sets is just not what I'm looking for in a game. This is take my future investment from the game and really that isn't the idea but I know you can't keep going without support for the prices and limited features you do have.
Edited by chefsjg71 on Oct 23, 2010 03:34:19
I'm a bit confused with where (from a level range standpoint) these perceived problems are happening. The sim is such that it's uniform across all player levels. Yet, with the commonplace methods of building players to peak as they near plateau, players are more or less horrible up until that point.

Players at these lower levels are going to perform MUCH differently than older, more rounded-out builds. So basically, of course the sim in gonna be quite funky at these lower levels. The sim will affect every tier differently. This, I believe, is a huge cause of people being pissed off. And if the sim is being altered to affect everyone as close to equally as possible, the end result may just be the opposite.

So my thought is this: In order for everyone to be affect more similarly by the sim, player building techniques need to be altered. As opposed to 8:1 capping, say, speed and agility right away and leaving minors to rot early on, perhaps a more well-rounded build plan would help curb the sim issues and "exploits" you'd see. Then the sim would be tailored for, say, the Pro levels. So by building in an even manner (say 48 capping your majors, then minors, then 60 capping, etc.), the sim would affect each "tier" of player more evenly and "fairly".

If this could indeed help the various sim issues seen EVERY season, I propose some sort of capping of attributes based on level. This would coincide with the league tier system to help keep like-players playing each other. The goal would be to discourage hugely uneven builds early on in a player's lifetime, thus allowing the player to play "as intended" in the sim.

Hopefully I'm making some sense here. I am tired and just needed to get this out.


The offense is already out of control. I counted 4 Spins on that one play without slowing down against dots with incredible vision and tackling. So anyone out there crying about the offense needs to shut their hole. Y'all got it easy.
OPC will not happen.
Restricted DPC.
Age based league structure.

What's the problem?
GLB will be sold to japanese compagny? This will be Sumo game, the bigger win!
Edited by Kloz on Oct 23, 2010 04:21:27
Edited by Kloz on Oct 23, 2010 04:21:15
So what happens to all those beautiful custom D's that I spent hours and hours on? Will dots that are out of position be automatically shoved somewhere else without my knowing what to expect?

Does this mean I have to delete everything and start over?

Originally posted by dviss1
I am an OC and I say this:

Removing the DPC would be a travesty. I guess this for SURE means there will NEVER be an OPC....

Way to take a step back guys... Wouldn't it be better to add an OPC??? Wouldn't that balance out the issues you seem to be having...?

I am holding out for an OPC but refuse to put money in till this happens. If the DPC goes then I can probably bank on there never being an OPC, this pushes me closer and closer to quitting every day.
As for blocking why don't you give every OL a zone and just zone block instead of man to man.
I also feel that an OPC could also offset theses issues
GLB needs to allow teams to create their own identity not continue to push out more cookiecutter plays, this just means that everyone knows what plays the other team has which makes it a little boring. The DPC was a great addition and if the DPC is taken away, I am sorry but then I will refuse to play and recommend this game to anyone
Originally posted by dviss1
I am an OC and I say this:

Removing the DPC would be a travesty. I guess this for SURE means there will NEVER be an OPC....

Way to take a step back guys... Wouldn't it be better to add an OPC??? Wouldn't that balance out the issues you seem to be having...?


Originally posted by noel devine rocks
make a OPC

Originally posted by noel devine rocks
make a OPC

+1000Originally posted by dviss1
I'm sorry but i STILL don't see the logic behind this. What is the biggest complaint that is causing them to "reserve the right to remove the DPC completely"..

Well I reserve the right to discontinue paying for this game..

Originally posted by noel devine rocks
make a OPC

+1000Originally posted by dviss1
I'm sorry but i STILL don't see the logic behind this. What is the biggest complaint that is causing them to "reserve the right to remove the DPC completely"..

Well I reserve the right to discontinue paying for this game..

+1000Originally posted by secondeye
The whole thing that stinks the most about this for me is the "high profile" posters making the biggest stink about the DPC are all the guys that rely on superior players to win.

The fact that a guy with me, with a team like mine could go in and beat them, is what is prompting this change.. And that just irks me to no end.

The offenses are already next to impossible to stop if they are the better players.. You could always get around a good defense with the offense being on a bit of an easier path and not having to commit as many SP to their core attributes as the players who often have to defend them.

I just don't see anyone who would agree that the average GLB defense is better than the average GLB offense, and taking away the DPC or even limiting it in trial is absolutely nerfing the defense. I have never used an exploit blitz in my life, but I know that simply zoning a player to the far outside isn't nearly good enough to stop a sweep with a great offensive line, FB, and RB running the play. They make one fake, and they're gone for a 78 yard TD. 20 str/20 blk WRs already block down 50 str CBs for entire play lengths.. and they often manage to get in the way of an unblocked player.

Then the S if he's in a cover 2 scheme, will only get to the RB at best when he's about 3-4 yards downfield, if at all, because of the pathing.

Exploit blitzes should be a huge concern, but removing or limiting the DPC should be a bigger concern for you. I'm not going to make silly idol threats.. I can't say I will stop spending money or playing this game if these changes stick.. but I know I will definitely lose a large part of my competitive drive when it goes back to Season 1-4 HB Slam for 3 yards ball.. or overpowered QB rushing ball.

But then you just go back to making the OLs weaker and nerfing Rushing QBs to oblivion again, right? It's all too cyclical. If you can't get it perfect, all you can do is make it as good as it can be... and the way it was, for me and my experiences, was as good as it has ever been.

I would hope you're not solely balancing this game around the cyber celebs and World League mafias, because they are a ridiculously low percentage and voice of Goal Line Blitz.

This guy has it exactly right. Perfectly said.

Only thing I can add to this statement, is that this is what it has always been about. Bort's RLF's.... if they are too stupid to make it work, then the game gets dumb downed.

Should have known this was coming, when they wanted to make the OAI more stupid, instead of giving us more depth on the O side, with an OPC with the functionality of the old Madden games. You want to make it Madden style, 80's power ball, but we cant get a play creator... which would solve ALL issues with 3-4's, under fronts, or zone blitzing.

How typical..... just make it NASCAR, which is IROC now... just make all leagues casual..... so we can all get bent over in the 4th quarter, if the AI thinks we "deserve" too lose, after we dominated the first 3 quarters.....
Originally posted by Rusty Trombone
oc's who have to gameplan?

Originally posted by jkid2
I think that this would work well only if the restriction of the line and LBs was to a smaller range instead of a few exact spots. For example, the LBs could not be as close to the line or as outside as they are now. The DEs must stay closer to their usual spots and rules like that instead of giving only a few options.

For real? So, you want the 3-4 to be obsolete? This is who is driving this issue of dumbing down the DPC? Please..........
Originally posted by neoliminal

Add the freaking OPC. Ever heard of the Sword and the Shield analogy? Simplified... Defense finds an advantage, Offense finds a counter advantage.

For every blitz there is a draw play, for every draw play there is an inside zone, for every inside zone there is a fly pattern. Give us the tools and we will solve our own problems.

Just make the O-Line logic reasonably NOT STUPID and we can do the rest. You already have some good stuff, I've seen a center run all the way outside to take a blitz from a SS on the outside. Well done!

Now let me create offensive plays to exploit what the defense is doing. What's broken here is NOT the DPC. It's the lack of an OPC.


But, Bort cant control the outcomes of games, if a blitz happy team, constantly gets burned by TE's that can score. Soley based on teams effective levels, then. He's the one who wont give up the "right" to pick winners and losers.... he wont let the teams win that deserve the win, because they gameplan....

He's got some major control issues....
Originally posted by Catch22
Quit turning this into a OPC thread. It's not happening.

What a shame.... then you wonder why the game is on it's last legs... long time users leaving. Forums dead....

think you could put 2 and 2 together to get 4, but you constantly keep getting 3....
FIN FUCKING A LY.... Been suggesting limiting dline movement with the DPC for over a year now...

Here's the deal for everybody freaking out about it... Exploit blitzes suck.... Constantly trying to rework blocking and trying to nerf the DLine/Blitz backers has caused bort to waste a shit-ton of time that could be spent fixing other areas of the game...

Simple solution? Limit people from "gaming" the system with exploitable blitzing...

Oh, and who will benefit without knowing it yet? DE's and DT's... Once Bort see's the incredibly low sack totals as a result of less nano-blitzing, they'll get a buff again.

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