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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Not really my idea, I borrowed from pretty much everyone. ITS, Donkie, eastcoastbrian and alot of others. And alot of the details need ironed out, ie instant 40 players and other stuff. Yeah, Rivalry points would be nice too.
1. Come up with a ladder ranking formula for teams... base it on things like effective levels, roster size, etc...

2. Create an off-season phase in GLB, during this time teams can do whatever they want to do... whether it's gut, prepare to drop down in competition by trimming their roster fat, whatever... after this phase you add hard limits to roster transactions. Basically, players will be pretty much locked into their team for a 40 day period, with only minor adjustments being allowed (a couple cuts/signing and maybe a handful of trades during the actual season phase).

3. After the off-season phase, run the ladder ranking formula and place teams accordingly. Top 32 ranked teams are now the WL, the next best 256 teams are now the pros, so on and so forth.

4. Speed up leveling to about double what it is now, then start decline sooner and make it much more gradual. I'd sure most people are like me and burned out on waiting 7 seasons for a build to finally come together... unless you want to change the entire player development system to give options other than cap-building.

5. Profit.
Originally posted by tuba_samurai
Knock it off. DD is looking for ideas, not pages of two or three posters squabbling. If you have nothing constructive to post, then move along.

So, ummmm.....

Just re-posting this here, since the other thread got locked for some reason...


With the new finances set to roll out in the coming season, what's the point of player salaries?

Someone once suggested that they could be used to purchase stuff during the off-season that would give players a slight bonus during the next regular season. What if these bonuses were the equivalent of the present "temp boost", offering the player a +5 bonus for one game, to any given attribute?


During the off-season, players could use their salaries to purchase:

- Home Gym - 1 temp boost
- Personal Trainer - 1 temp boost
- Nutritional Supplements - 1 temp boost

Link salaries into 'fame' somehow, and presto - you suddenly have a reason to try maximizing your dot's 'fame' too - which could be another way to encourage agents to sign their dots to the most competitive teams possible, in the highest level leagues.

Which would be another means of ensuring that the top level leagues are as competitive as possible.
With all the complex ideas out there, it makes me miss the days of the flawed pyramid, atleast it was simple and you knew what you were getting...

But whatever, lets make a system that uses this effective level garbage and everything else, it'll be easier to afford to play this game when they fully kill off any reason to ever boost.
Q & A Mod
Originally posted by Ravenwood

So, ummmm.....

Just re-posting this here, since the other thread got locked for some reason...

Your other thread was locked because it was a suggestion that belongs in the suggestion forum.

less talk more fixing the broken game.
Originally posted by 5STAR
consolidate leagues and quit spreading the user base over some many different options.

Example would be casual and normal....make normal easier to run and remove casual.

Way too many caps...we have a cap for just about every level...serious overkill

Stop adding layers to the game. Each time you add an additional layer it is something the best teams will master creating a bigger gap between the haves and have nots.

You gotta ask yourself...
Do we really needs coaches? Because it will be one thing teams must have to win

Do we really need 55 man rosters? Most average teams can not field a full team and thus have no shot

Do we really need to increase the energy/morale drain? You are causing more morale spirals making decent games blow outs

Do we really need to add more options to team finances? Another thing great owners will master while the average guy has little chance

AEQ and VAs are another thing that kills competition. The best dots always have the best VAs and AEQ and that leads to blowouts. If you want to have VAs and AEQ you need to cap it at like 30 VAs and 1-2 AEQ pieces or the normal user will NEVER compete.

ALGs force dots to be built in a way that is counter intuitive.....if you do not train correctly or hit high caps early enough you will never compete. Plus building in this manor make the lower leagues worthless. People do not want to build a dot for a full calendar year to spend 2-3 seasons playing meaningful games but yet ALGs make them do just that.

League structure is a very minor problem to the competition problem. The main cause is there are way too many things for the normal user to keep up with and in result he gets annihilated by teams who can manage everything.

This game has been on a track to cater to the hardcore user for so long it has lead to a few elite teams and 29 others that have no chance in EVERY league.

all of this
Oh and leagues would be awesome tbh. Maybe not exactly the way it was previously suggested but in some way shape or form.
Changing the league structure will do very little to bring a balanced competition.

The sim itself isn't balanced, and multipliers, or percent adders only screw the imbalances even more.
The solution to this problem has been preached as long as I can remember.

Stop changing stuff.

Every time something gets changed. Only a small percent of GLB is able to adjust quickly. They dominate. By the time the accepted solution trickles down to the rest of GLB another change has been made and they are once again behind the eight-ball.

So just in case I was not clear. Stop changing stuff and the game will thrive.
I like how after the last Minor League cap level. Your dot is only about level 55ish. 2 seasons/15 or so levels before a competitive team will even consider signing you. When that finally happens your player has about 3 more seasons of life depending on how deep down the decline well your willing to fall. Before the team cuts you for fresh legs

Edit: I wish this had been an "announced" thread. I would have liked to contribute earlier but now I feel that even if I shared my thoughts they are too late in posting to be considered.
Edited by TehKyou on Apr 30, 2010 07:17:48
Edited by TehKyou on Apr 30, 2010 07:15:11
Originally posted by TehKyou
I like how after the last Minor League cap level. Your dot is only about level 55ish. 2 seasons/15 or so levels before a competitive team will even consider signing you. When that finally happens your player has about 3 more seasons of life depending on how deep down the decline well your willing to fall. Before the team cuts you for fresh legs

Edit: I wish this had been an "announced" thread. I would have liked to contribute earlier but now I feel that even if I shared my thoughts they are too late in posting to be considered.

I knew a lot of pro teams that would be very grateful for a shedload of well built L55 free agents.
Originally posted by hee163
I knew a lot of pro teams that would be very grateful for a shedload of well built L55 free agents.

To me, that just means there are too many pro level teams.

And to my credit. I did say "competitive" It really isn't fun hopping from team to team each season just to find equal talent on your team.

I still put alot of stock in shortening player creation by a few seasons and extending plateau by those seasons. Then seperating the leagues you develope in from the "pro" leagues so that the time your are essentially finished building the player coinsides with your entrance into those "pro" leagues
Originally posted by Kendo 1
Originally posted by BP

Originally posted by DONKEIDIC

I would suggest that DD or whomever is interested in this take the ideas, make a thread for each, and have us pick them apart.

agreed, I see 3-4 separate good ideas in here that need to really be parsed out to figure out which ones make the most sense and really, are the easiest to implement.

good idea

I'm just going to bring this back up to more recent light in hopes that it happens
Edited by TehKyou on Apr 30, 2010 08:28:43
Too much variance in players over the life of a player. I would support

Donkiedic's suggestion of build date based leagues over the first 5 seasons IF AND ONLY IF.

The first 5 seasons took you to level 55 and the last 7 take you to 75. or

Start at 40 end at 75 without an increase in price without Donkiedic's build date based leagues.


Second how the current leagues are arranged.

Place a minimum FA cap on AA+ of 40.

Reinstall minor uncapped for 46 and this is where your gut jobs go. Not in AA+ ruining the high level divisions. The decision was made to throw AA under the bus instead of uncapped minors. Not a smart move. Catering to trophy farmers wasn't smart. Simply put those teams asking for a 46 cap weren't doing so for the good of GLB it was for their own ability to keep a winning streak or win a championship.

Work on a seasonal not 1/2 seasonal based cap in the minors. 4, 15,23, 29, 35, 41 uncapped, it cuts it from 10 to 7 caps. And yes that means if you win a championship you will likely not be championship caliber the next season but you will be competitive, please understand the difference. No team would likely win more than 2 titles in the minors....and that's a good thing. You are supposed to want to get out of the minors.

Remove AA and finish the pyramid Pro feeds World AA (4) to World AAA to WL. We still have a log jam at Pro waiting to move to WL and many of these teams quit, gut or collude because they become stagnant. This eliminates 26 leagues. Roughly 12 leagues are all CPU anyway. So now you are down to 14 which I bet we can find that many gut jobs and cpus in AA and AAA.

Currently we have 14 levels. This would give us 12. You can make it from the bottom to the top with 2 seasons to spare if you get promoted twice during the minors. You have more variety at the top. You have less stagnation. Stagnation, leads to a lack of hope, leads to gut, quit, collude.


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