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Forum > Champion League > 10/25 USAPL All-Stars vs CPL All-Stars
Originally posted by r87
You're right jrry, we should definitely make room in this forum for gems like this:

Nice copout. You can't respond to my post so you link some irrelevant thread saying what...that USA Pro people can make pointless humor threads too? I don't see how that debunks any of what I have been saying.
Originally posted by r87
Option 1: I lock this thread and ban you for trolling.

Option 2: I let you get it out of your system and we carry on with life.

Don't move this.
You just spent like 20 minutes posting like a nine year old girl, and you really expect me to take anything you have to say seriously?
this thread needs a bump
Originally posted by r87
You're right jrry, we should definitely make room in this forum for gems like this:

its not really the threads themselves as it is the countless crap that is recited inside of them which makes the WL unbearable.
Originally posted by r87
You just spent like 20 minutes posting like a nine year old girl, and you really expect me to take anything you have to say seriously?

It would be best if you just logout and never come back.
Originally posted by phthalatemagic
Originally posted by r87

You just spent like 20 minutes posting like a nine year old girl, and you really expect me to take anything you have to say seriously?

It would be best if you just logout and never come back.

Originally posted by bhall43
its not really the threads themselves as it is the countless crap that is recited inside of them which makes the WL unbearable.

No, it is actually the threads themselves.

But I do agree that most of them are also filled with garbage.
Originally posted by r87
You just spent like 20 minutes posting like a nine year old girl, and you really expect me to take anything you have to say seriously?

Another copout. You ever going to make an actual response? So far you have done your best to deflect. Here I'll quote the post again just in case you have memory issues:
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by r87

Originally posted by jrry32

Trust me, it doesn't get any better and you'll reach your breaking point eventually. Don't even expect help from the mods because the actual mods that post here are almost always CPLers that are mods(aka they don't do their job) or mods that can't really do anything or mods that don't care.

Option 1: I lock this thread and ban you for trolling.

Option 2: I let you get it out of your system and we carry on with life.

I don't think you get it at all. The reason people resort to this is because how shitty you and DB are. Almost every thread in this forum turns into a massive trollfests because that's the only way the CPLers get their jollies. The funniest thing is that they convince themselves they are somehow witty, original and humorous for repeating the same obnoxious crap over and over again. Maybe if you mods had stepped up instead of joining in, this wouldn't have turned into such a shitty forum. However, you are content in your ways to troll and allow this crap to go on so there is really nothing I can do other than try to be just as obnoxious as the CPLers act. There are places for CPL style humor and other league dot talk, the problem is that the cunts from the CPL decide that that they must have their cake and eat too. They must have their humor and at the same time, shit on every serious dot talk thread there is. Seriously, just fuck off. Don't try to act like you are somehow helping any of us. You and Deathblade are pretty trolls with a moderator title.
Originally posted by Deathblade
No, it is actually the threads themselves.

But I do agree that most of them are also filled with garbage.

actually...this started off as a relevant thread of discussion...but ended up being filled with garbage...which is what happens most of the time in this league...

but i can agree that there are some garbage threads started as well.
Originally posted by bhall43
actually...this started off as a relevant thread of discussion...but ended up being filled with garbage...which is what happens most of the time in this league...

but i can agree that there are some garbage threads started as well.

Some people would disagree.

Personally, I think this thread started off pretty boring. It was just, yet another, attempt by USLAP to stroke their sensitive e-peen.
Edited by Deathblade on Oct 24, 2009 15:03:59
Originally posted by Deathblade
Originally posted by bhall43

actually...this started off as a relevant thread of discussion...but ended up being filled with garbage...which is what happens most of the time in this league...

but i can agree that there are some garbage threads started as well.

Some people would disagree.

Personally, I think this thread started off pretty boring. It was just, yet another, attempt by USLAP to stroke their sensitive e-peen.

There's the problem. The mindset of CPLers is that serious dot talk is boring so they have to completely take it off track.
Originally posted by Deathblade
Some people would disagree.

Personally, I think this thread started off pretty boring. It was just, yet another, attempt by USLAP to stroke their sensitive e-peen. was an attempt to discuss 2 all star teams going head to head...

which turned in to a lot of not caring...

which turned into a bad posting war...

which is what really every thread ends up being in the WL.
As far as I can tell, the first four posts of this thread were legitimate discussion. Then jrry replied with his check box thing, and the thread went downhill in a hurry.
Edited by r87 on Oct 24, 2009 15:06:26
Originally posted by jrry32
There's the problem. The mindset of CPLers is that serious dot talk is boring so they have to completely take it off track.

Oh no, CPL simply doesn't care about srs dotball threads.

They DO however have a tendency to interrupt chest beating threads.

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