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Forum > Suggestions > New Advanced Equipment and Balancing it for Vet Player
Originally posted by R.Williams34
Originally posted by Xiong Yoshi

I'm sure that the Shopping option will be better when the temp boosts are in - then atleast you know there will be something you can purchase even if the equip sux.

a problem i noticed is i went shopping with my kicker right? well why the hell didi i get an advanced equipment that would have given me +2 blocking and +1 to pass block SA? its a waste of training points when that stupid shit happens.

Yup. o_o
Arya Stark
Was there ever any decision about how to facilitate higher-level players purchasing & developing adv gear more easily?

You're already taking a financial hit at 70% payout for cashing in your normal gear but even if you have enough cash to offset this you still cannot get your new gear up to the same level because there's just not enough bonus points. We're at game 6 already and most players who didn't get "free" bonus points are still at only 5 or 6. That's not even a single upgrade. We don't want to have to wait 2 seasons to get this gear up to speed, it's just not viable.

I was thinking about an incremental bonus payout for cashing in your normal gear available for every player. Something like this:
Normal gear, no upgrades: 70% cash, 0 Bonus points
Normal gear, 1 upgrade (lvl 8): 70% cash, 1 Bonus points
Normal gear, 2 upgrades (lvl 16): 70% cash, 3 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16)
Normal gear, 3 upgrades (lvl 24): 70% cash, 6 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24)
Normal gear, 4 upgrades (lvl 32): 70% cash, 10 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24, 4 for lvl 32)

This puts lvl 32+ players at a slight advantage because they can upgrade their equipment a little faster than lower level players with this bonus payout (as they should) but not so fast that they would still need to do the training and take some time to get it up to max efficiency.

It also allows all players to reduce the upgrade period slightly.

Originally posted by Arya Stark
Was there ever any decision about how to facilitate higher-level players purchasing & developing adv gear more easily?

You're already taking a financial hit at 70% payout for cashing in your normal gear but even if you have enough cash to offset this you still cannot get your new gear up to the same level because there's just not enough bonus points. We're at game 6 already and most players who didn't get "free" bonus points are still at only 5 or 6. That's not even a single upgrade. We don't want to have to wait 2 seasons to get this gear up to speed, it's just not viable.

I was thinking about an incremental bonus payout for cashing in your normal gear available for every player. Something like this:
Normal gear, no upgrades: 70% cash, 0 Bonus points
Normal gear, 1 upgrade (lvl 8): 70% cash, 1 Bonus points
Normal gear, 2 upgrades (lvl 16): 70% cash, 3 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16)
Normal gear, 3 upgrades (lvl 24): 70% cash, 6 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24)
Normal gear, 4 upgrades (lvl 32): 70% cash, 10 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24, 4 for lvl 32)

This puts lvl 32+ players at a slight advantage because they can upgrade their equipment a little faster than lower level players with this bonus payout (as they should) but not so fast that they would still need to do the training and take some time to get it up to max efficiency.

It also allows all players to reduce the upgrade period slightly.

Yeah, the older you player is, the more bonus tokens you have been screwed out of. Since there is no way to accurately determine this (someone could train on intense or normal for any amount of time over 3-4 seasons and have any number of bonus tokens), Bort has screwed himself into a rabbit's anus. Maybe if some of the suggestions on the forums were taken more seriously, he could've avoided this.
Originally posted by Bort
Thanks for compiling this

There was also a suggestion about combining adv gear with similar normal gear with some sort of "crafting" system, so if anybody has something to add on that, I'm all ears.

This may have been said before...I don't know, but you could allow colored equpiment to be combined ONLY ONCE with the "superior" equipment to form one piece of equipment.

For instance, if you have a black shirt that is +1 Speed. You should be able to buy a "superior" black shirt that may have something like +1 and +1 Quick Cut. The upgrades would cost more but it's proportional to the type of equipment.

Also, the equipment in the store should be position friendly. No +1 Blocking...+1 fake chance type equipment for QB's...etc., etc.
Originally posted by R.Williams34
Originally posted by Xiong Yoshi

I'm sure that the Shopping option will be better when the temp boosts are in - then atleast you know there will be something you can purchase even if the equip sux.

a problem i noticed is i went shopping with my kicker right? well why the hell didi i get an advanced equipment that would have given me +2 blocking and +1 to pass block SA? its a waste of training points when that stupid shit happens.

I have tried shopping roughly about 30 times between my different characters and this is the biggest problem I have noticed. It's insane how often you get items that are 100% useless to your character. I have maybe seen 3 or 4 items that actually fit into the build of my character when shopping. That's roughly 10% chance of finding equipment that is usable. What I would propose is something along the lines of this. When shopping you get offered 4 pieces of gear, one for each slot. 3 of those 4 pieces having statistical upgrades, completely random. The 4th piece of equipment offered should be position specific so you at least come away with one shot at something you want. What I mean by position specific is my QB being offered gloves with +1 throwing and +2% passing accuracy instead of randomly drawing up +1 catching and +1 route run. Just a thought to keep frustrated people like me from ignoring the shopping category altogether in the future. As it stands now it's about 90% probability that you are wasting your time with it.
Originally posted by SCACE
Originally posted by odt

they shouldn't be able to easily get 4 supped up advance equipment pieces though, they're advanced and shouldn't be as standard on players as basic equipment

This. Under the current system, you could upgrade 1-2 pieces per season. The cost is high enough that the more I think about it, the more I think it should stay as is with the current upgrade structure.

People complain that allowing the SA to upgrade very 8 levels is too much - the fact is there is a pretty big opportunity cost, esp. when you have to go shopping over and over again to find the right piece of equipment.

For those that don't think they can find anything useful, you're either unlucky or you don't see the big picture down the road.

or at least sup up the system a little but set a limit to the number of pieces of custom equipment one can have
As a multi-MMORG player I have to say that whilst the idea of advanced equipment is good the reality (in the main) is that the stuff from the store is no better than the basic equipment BECAUSE you have to replace the item with the advanced item.

We need to either:

1. Add extra items, i.e. watch, necklace, gumshield, wristbands, headband, etc. so that the attributes 'stack' with the basic equipment


2. The system just allows you to buy the attribute itself and 'add' it to your basic equipment, i.e. +2% catching on hands when purchased and equipped just adds that extra 'attribute' to the existing hands item or vice versa.
Last edited Oct 1, 2008 03:06:36
R.Williams 34
Originally posted by pepasc
As a multi-MMORG player I have to say that whilst the idea of advanced equipment is good the reality (in the main) is that the stuff from the store is no better than the basic equipment BECAUSE you have to replace the item with the advanced item.

We need to either:

1. Add extra items, i.e. watch, necklace, gumshield, wristbands, headband, etc. so that the attributes 'stack' with the basic equipment


2. The system just allows you to buy the attribute itself and 'add' it to your basic equipment, i.e. +2% catching on hands when purchased and equipped just adds that extra 'attribute' to the existing hands item or vice versa.

i agree, make it to where there are smaller items in which we can add, i.e. wristband, or make it to where you can equip the advanced equipment as well combining them, yeah it may look stupid to have 2 gloves on 1 hand ha, but once equiped bort could make it to where it combines with the base equipment.
I still think the idea of crafting the advanced item into the regular item at a 50% cost of the regular item, but that item now being a "lvl 1" advanced item that can be upgraded at lvl 8, 16, 24, etc. with bonus tokens + cash is the way to go here.


LVL 24 HB with +4 speed gloves

Finds a +2 speed, +1 Head Fake superior gloves

For 4 bonus tokens (2 bonus tokens per +1 attribute you can keep), he can craft his newly purchased advanced item into his regular item and have a new superior item:

+4 speed, +1 Head Fake superior crafted gloves

Now he needs 8 bonus tokens + $$$ to upgrade it +1 attribute....another 8 bonus tokens + $$$ and he can add another +1 attribute (for simplicity, speed) and he gets a +1 Head Fake as well, so the item is now....

+6 speed, +2 Head Fake

Considering the cost of upgrading, it really only makes sense to craft 1 item, maybe two if you plan on intense training the whole way -- you could then upgrade both once per season. And maybe you find an item good enough to craft that you don't worry about the upgrading, who knows.

The kickers are this:

1. Once an item is crafted, nothing else can be crafted to it.
2. If you want to sell it, you have to sell the entire piece just like other equipment -- note, you should get at least 50% of the bonus tokens spent on this, just like with cash.
3. Odd number regular items would round up (i.e. a level 32 player with a +5 piece of equipment would be able to keep +3 at a cost of 6 bonus tokens to craft it)

I'm probably missing some things, but I really think this is the type of thing that should be implemented for the higher level users to craft advanced items into the regular items they have already paid for, rather than having to sell the regular items for 50% cash or keeping them around but not using them in the hopes a crafting system will appear.
Originally posted by Arya Stark
Was there ever any decision about how to facilitate higher-level players purchasing & developing adv gear more easily?

You're already taking a financial hit at 70% payout for cashing in your normal gear but even if you have enough cash to offset this you still cannot get your new gear up to the same level because there's just not enough bonus points. We're at game 6 already and most players who didn't get "free" bonus points are still at only 5 or 6. That's not even a single upgrade. We don't want to have to wait 2 seasons to get this gear up to speed, it's just not viable.

I was thinking about an incremental bonus payout for cashing in your normal gear available for every player. Something like this:
Normal gear, no upgrades: 70% cash, 0 Bonus points
Normal gear, 1 upgrade (lvl 8): 70% cash, 1 Bonus points
Normal gear, 2 upgrades (lvl 16): 70% cash, 3 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16)
Normal gear, 3 upgrades (lvl 24): 70% cash, 6 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24)
Normal gear, 4 upgrades (lvl 32): 70% cash, 10 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24, 4 for lvl 32)

This puts lvl 32+ players at a slight advantage because they can upgrade their equipment a little faster than lower level players with this bonus payout (as they should) but not so fast that they would still need to do the training and take some time to get it up to max efficiency.

It also allows all players to reduce the upgrade period slightly.

Pretty good idea I must say!
IMHO -- no more messing with this is necessary right now.

Anything that lets people trade in basic gear for BT's is like letting them buy BT's, it can't work. If anything, piece-of-gear-for-upgrade(s) direct swap, or allow gear + BT's for one AE upgrade:

Basic gear at +1 -- can't trade for AE upgrade
Basic gear at +2, + 6 BT
Basic gear at +3, + 4 BT
Basic gear at +4, + 2 BT
Basic gear at +5 w/o BT

And, only one such gear trade per player. This basically lets all players level 8+ who have kept their gear current to get the first AE upgrade right away or pretty quickly (if they've been doing enough training on intense, any player could have AE and 4 BT's now easily), and gives each 8x level a slight advantage over lower levels in time needed to get to the next AE upgrade.

Like I said, IMHO it's not necessary. If you stick to intense training, you can upgrade AE twice a season, and it will catch up to veteran (level 24+, +4+) gear very quickly because those players hit new 8x levels less than once a season.

You don't want your level 32 guy playing with something that's only +1 to an ability along with the SA or +%? Even with one basically free upgrade it's not good enough? Hold out for a decent piece of gear! I'm not buying anything that won't be pretty much a break-even with the basic gear it replaces, after one upgrade to the AE -- and getting that upgrade by the time the playoffs roll around shouldn't be a problem, even without another "fix."
Last edited Oct 2, 2008 10:13:04
Originally posted by Arya Stark
Was there ever any decision about how to facilitate higher-level players purchasing & developing adv gear more easily?

You're already taking a financial hit at 70% payout for cashing in your normal gear but even if you have enough cash to offset this you still cannot get your new gear up to the same level because there's just not enough bonus points. We're at game 6 already and most players who didn't get "free" bonus points are still at only 5 or 6. That's not even a single upgrade. We don't want to have to wait 2 seasons to get this gear up to speed, it's just not viable.

I was thinking about an incremental bonus payout for cashing in your normal gear available for every player. Something like this:
Normal gear, no upgrades: 70% cash, 0 Bonus points
Normal gear, 1 upgrade (lvl 8): 70% cash, 1 Bonus points
Normal gear, 2 upgrades (lvl 16): 70% cash, 3 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16)
Normal gear, 3 upgrades (lvl 24): 70% cash, 6 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24)
Normal gear, 4 upgrades (lvl 32): 70% cash, 10 Bonus points (1 for lvl 8, 2 for lvl 16, 3 for lvl 24, 4 for lvl 32)

This puts lvl 32+ players at a slight advantage because they can upgrade their equipment a little faster than lower level players with this bonus payout (as they should) but not so fast that they would still need to do the training and take some time to get it up to max efficiency.

It also allows all players to reduce the upgrade period slightly.

so I get 40 bonus points if I sell 4 and 70% of my cash back? I'll just buy 10 pieces of equipment and then sell it back for bonus points and I have enough bonus points to upgrade my advanced equipment 7 times at level 25, won't work.
I personally like the extra equipment slots. Why don't you just make 2 extra slots that wouldn't be available till you hit level 24 for the 1st one and level 32 for the second slot. You could also make the regular equipment we have now max out at +5 of each piece when people hit level 32 since I don't believe anyone has hit level 40 yet. I thought a helmet and shoulder pads could be the 2 slots unlocked but you can make them different items as well. If you feel that with the tokens that the advanced equipment would be too powerful with all this equipment then just make it more expensive to upgrade advanced equipment. It might be a dumb idea but I figured I throw something out there.
Originally posted by SCACE
At the high levels, if strength is something you are using equipment on, that +2 strength is probably more of a +8 or +10SP cost you are saving...for some its even more.

I've also seen one +4 to an attribute at lvl 32 and the +2 pancake was on a lvl 21.

the problem with this is you have to give up a + 4 of other areas to equip the new one at +2 so you may gain but be giving up 4 so now your down 2 skill points and then you look at the cost to upgrade 8 bonus tokens right how many days of training points does it take to earn that upgrade? 20 days so to balance out, your over a season long to get back to what you already had.................... THIS SUCKS!

SHould be some equity if your swapping equipment some sore of bonus token trade ins to allow you to upgrade your equipment................ and why call it advanced equipment anyway? its not really adding to what you already had its replacing it we should call it replacement equipment with a buyer beware you will lose skill points if you equip this and use it !

I dont think its to much to ask to transfer our skill points over to the new improved equipment, some sort of an equitable trade in value for bonus tokens would that we can at least upgrade to equal value in equipment! here we are six game in to the season and we have a bunch of stuff we cant use....... or use and lose ground in our competitive leagues
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by TJ Spikes

foget about the upgrade thing... to messy

just make the new EQ use new slots instead of replacing what players already have.

I like this idea, it's simple and it would work.

I second this idea

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