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Originally posted by johnbarber
Just focus your recruitment and you'll be fine. Gameplan well and you can take down the big boys. The Lions have made a living at it.

Heh I know, I'm just saying that I certainly don't expect to roll in here and go 14-2 again. Thankfully I've got a huge network of people to draw from so recruiting shouldn't be too terribly difficult.
Originally posted by Flame
Originally posted by mutleyddmc

i hope for at least .500 but thats a dream

Hell at this point I'm not expecting shit. Fucking cap kills any chance of being competetive unless you recruit an entire new team. Ugh.

I'm going to be overhauling the Hammers in the offseason in preparation for AA #4 Alpha but I just don't know that I can be competitive against teams that have existed an entire season longer than we have, not to mention you guys never had a cap to deal with :/

we did have a cap.
Originally posted by johnbarber
Just focus your recruitment and you'll be fine.

But there lies the problem with this game.

Unless you start out good the only way to get better is to recruit or heaven forbid make trades.

And what does all that do? Kills your chemistry.

Its so hard to make up ground in this game unless you start out as a top team and can just sit on your chemistry while others have to kill their chemistry to catch up talent wise.

I would love to see chemistry either be frozen or do something very similar to the chemistry grace period once your team is out of the playoffs til the time day 1 rolls around.

The game is really built around keeping the rich rich and the poor poor. This is a big reason why I think teams are starting to give up and quit because unless you are a great great owner, which I am not, or a great game planner, which I am not, you are almost destined for mediocrity.

I am not giving up yet, but I can understand why many are.

Chemistry and playoff money are just keeping people down.

I just hope that something is done about it because right now those teams moving up from A to AA are quite a ways behind since they couldnt even sign anyone over a 16 to end the season. The wombats even though they are conference champions are even out leveled by me. The 13th place finisher in this conference last year. Perth is quite a ways behind the Wombats even.

And people wonder why teams just flat out blew the conference championship. They would rather stick together and win than have to move up and either stick together and lose or recruit and try to get a ton more new people to even have a chance to compete.
Originally posted by po
Originally posted by johnbarber

Just focus your recruitment and you'll be fine.

But there lies the problem with this game.

Unless you start out good the only way to get better is to recruit or heaven forbid make trades.

And what does all that do? Kills your chemistry.

Its so hard to make up ground in this game unless you start out as a top team and can just sit on your chemistry while others have to kill their chemistry to catch up talent wise.

I would love to see chemistry either be frozen or do something very similar to the chemistry grace period once your team is out of the playoffs til the time day 1 rolls around.

The game is really built around keeping the rich rich and the poor poor. This is a big reason why I think teams are starting to give up and quit because unless you are a great great owner, which I am not, or a great game planner, which I am not, you are almost destined for mediocrity.

I am not giving up yet, but I can understand why many are.

Chemistry and playoff money are just keeping people down.

I just hope that something is done about it because right now those teams moving up from A to AA are quite a ways behind since they couldnt even sign anyone over a 16 to end the season. The wombats even though they are conference champions are even out leveled by me. The 13th place finisher in this conference last year. Perth is quite a ways behind the Wombats even.

And people wonder why teams just flat out blew the conference championship. They would rather stick together and win than have to move up and either stick together and lose or recruit and try to get a ton more new people to even have a chance to compete.

I've toyed with suggesting this idea for awhile.

Most of my starters now will move to backup roles but we'll still take a major chemistry hit as half the team leaves and I bring in new starters. Like I said, I don't expect to come in here and win a championship, I do however want to at least be competitive.
That is what I love about chemistry in this game.

replacing 5 backup lineman hurts chemistry the same as replacing the starting QB, HR, WR1, WR2 and C.

Just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Individual chemistry has been suggested.

I think that is a great idea.
I think this game is going to look alot different in season 15. Retirement, established player builds, and a pool of 20,000+ level 50-60 players among other things will change this game a great deal from how it is done now.

How many MMO's have you played where the way you thought when you were level 30 was actually the way things worked out at end-game?
I have played only one other MMO.

I only got to level 30 once because I have a life.

WoW is such a time consumer.
WoW is a fast leveling MMO.

I love when people who play video games tell other people that play video games that they "have no life" because they play video games. That's good stuff right there.

My point was they hopefully designed a system that best works for an established game that is 12+ months old when level gaps aren't as drastic as they are now and the player base is more experienced and knowledgeable.
Apia Evil here checking in from A7. Up here with the big boys now. We can only hope to compete. Good luck to all.
Originally posted by cybermacy
Apia Evil here checking in from A7. Up here with the big boys now. We can only hope to compete. Good luck to all.

We'll both do fine, plus we A7ers gotta stick together, right..?
Apia and Perth will definitely need to stick together now.

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