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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Davitrav better call 911
Greg B
Originally posted by ddingo
Originally posted by coachviking

Gonna suck having to tell most of the guys on his team he can't come up with the cash for lvl 32 equipment. Those $800,000's add up in a hurry.

It won't be that tough to send himself a PM. Another fringe benefit of owning the team and 2/3rds of the team roster...

True, thats one thing we dont do on the Monkey's is keep to many players from one agent. We have a couple that own 2 or 3 but other then that we like having a bunch of active people.

Trav the next step to having a good team is getting people on the team that arent you
Ok. I called 911 and this is what they told me.

911 Operator says "Your rinky dinky stadium is due to the fact that you have never had any playoff income the past 3 seasons. We realize that you have made the playoffs for 3 seasons straight, and in season 3 you even made it to the Conference Championship game, but none of those games were ever hosted by your team. Therefore you got zero $$$"

So after hearing this, I figured that this season I could hope for enough wins to host at least 1 playoff game. Understandy ? Comprehende ?
Originally posted by davitrav30
Ok. I called 911 and this is what they told me.

911 Operator says "Your rinky dinky stadium is due to the fact that you have never had any playoff income the past 3 seasons. We realize that you have made the playoffs for 3 seasons straight, and in season 3 you even made it to the Conference Championship game, but none of those games were ever hosted by your team. Therefore you got zero $$$"

So after hearing this, I figured that this season I could hope for enough wins to host at least 1 playoff game. Understandy ? Comprehende ?

You actually do get money for making the playoffs...
Ummmmm yeah ... we got $ 600,000 for winnings 2 playoff games compared to the 10 million or so that Baltimore or Sin City got for going all the way.
Or if you didn't spend so much money on salaries, you might have been able to afford more sections. I guess its one of the good things that come from being a guild of gamers, can get away with paying less. Windsor will complete its stadium this year, just so they can all root for our lvl 1's. BTB might complete this year, depends on the playoffs for them though
Greg B
Originally posted by Tloskpd
Or if you didn't spend so much money on salaries, you might have been able to afford more sections. I guess its one of the good things that come from being a guild of gamers, can get away with paying less. Windsor will complete its stadium this year, just so they can all root for our lvl 1's. BTB might complete this year, depends on the playoffs for them though

I always take good care of my players and everything will still be fine.

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