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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > JB's Incredibly Wrong Predictions- Game 8 (Halfway Point Regular Season)- ZETA
Last edited Aug 31, 2008 05:49:43
I will preface this by saying that Pat Dev Lin is an extremely good quarterback, and I mean no disrespect to him, his excellent team, or his agent, when I make this comparison - it's mostly just to prove a point to Syed.

The numbers for Pat Dev Lin and Hugh Laurie at the conclusion of their Zeta conference tours:

Dev Lin - 247/368 for 3,277 yds, 28 TDs, and 7 ints

Laurie - 456/642 for 5,418 yds, 46 TDs, and 7 ints.

Note, Dev Lin has certainly done an exceptional job, scoring points while taking care of the football. He definitely deserves to be commended, and to be in the discussion for best QB in AA4. However, when you consider that Hugh has thrown for 2200 more yards and 18 more TDs, with the same number of interceptions, against the same competition I think there is a clear edge there.
Last edited Aug 31, 2008 01:09:37
That is true, but Devlin only had 766 plays on the season compared to Laurie's 1,169.
I'd have to go with Laurie too looking at stats, but it's not like they are on even playing ground as Laurie has had about 50 more plays than both FFF QBs combined. FFF seems to have run a little more.

Laurie has passed almost twice as much and most games is over 30/40 attempts per game whereas Dev Lin's are in the teens / low 20's for these games.

I went digging looking for other details and started to make more comparisons but DAMN, look at the difference in these two games.. 15 attempts vs 48 and about 300 more yards for Pat and double the TDs on 1 third of the attempts..

So, while I may be looking at this with homer vision, I could see the merits of both but it seems that if Pat had the same attempts, he'd be right there in stats. Since we run more and have a backup QB, that's not gonna happen on the stat sheet.

And at the end of the day, he's still 5 levels lower than Laurie so I'd expect Laurie to have better stats given the same level of competition.

Originally posted by Modok
Damn Syed, you just shit on:


Not to mention the 114 rating he hung on FFF today in the Oceania Classic championship game.

And if you want to get technical, what did Forest do against the GG? Not a fucking thing while he smoked NML for 200 yards. He is a good back and I am not getting into this to degrade him. But your despise for the Gunners blinds you to the point you cant think clearly. Get your head out of your ass, stop hatin, and work on your gameplan for the Swarm.

I think you're looking at it a bit one-sided ;p Compare what other HB's did against GG... Not one of them has close to the 11 broken tackles per 14 runs. That means I broke a tackle almost every single run. If I would have played against GG like I did the last couple of games he would be a lot higher, and no doubt would have made the game a little bit closer (tho not a win, that's too far out there). So using his performance against the GG as a comparison for anything, is somewhat moot.

Either way, everyone play(s/ed) against the teams which are called dregs here ;p So that's not really an excuse for anything. Compare stats at the end of the season instead...
Originally posted by S3M1N0L3
That is true, but Devlin only had 766 plays on the season compared to Laurie's 1,169.
I'd have to go with Laurie too looking at stats, but it's not like they are on even playing ground as Laurie has had about 50 more plays than both FFF QBs combined. FFF seems to have run a little more.

Laurie has passed almost twice as much and most games is over 30/40 attempts per game whereas Dev Lin's are in the teens / low 20's for these games.

I went digging looking for other details and started to make more comparisons but DAMN, look at the difference in these two games.. 15 attempts vs 48 and about 300 more yards for Pat and double the TDs on 1 third of the attempts..

So, while I may be looking at this with homer vision, I could see the merits of both but it seems that if Pat had the same attempts, he'd be right there in stats. Since we run more and have a backup QB, that's not gonna happen on the stat sheet.

And at the end of the day, he's still 5 levels lower than Laurie so I'd expect Laurie to have better stats given the same level of competition.

While I agree that Dev Lin is not only a good QB but an EXCELLENT QB, by posting the two games against the brawlers you basically took Syed's argument against Hugh and turned it on Pat. Obviously that game is inflating Pat's stats just a little bit But your point is taken, I hadn't noticed that you guys do use 2 qbs and run more. Still, if anything all this discussion proves to me is that it's hard to call either of them the best QB outright, sort of like the Brady/Manning argument.
Last edited Aug 31, 2008 09:34:12

forest run is hands down the best runner, he can go up against any D and put up good numbers. Never a question, he stepped up against all levels of competition.

Devlin is a very good QB and if given the same number of throws he could probably put up a battle with Hugh. The Brady/Manning argument is valid (or Elway/Marino or any two great QB's ) Problem comes from potential and factual. Devlin has the potential to go toe to toe, factually Hugh blew him out. Foxes are potent, just look at how many are top 10 and it's not a question. All the respect in the world for a great team.
Originally posted by johnbarber

Devlin has the potential to go toe to toe, factually Hugh blew him

Always knew something was up over there in GG land..

Don't ask don't tell?

Hugh is probably the best in the league and would get my vote as well. He should be the best..
Last edited Aug 31, 2008 16:53:57
Stunning game Gunners. I bet a nickel on you to win the championship...I am afraid Alpha will lose that one
GG to you too bro.
Originally posted by rj414
Originally posted by S3M1N0L3

That is true, but Devlin only had 766 plays on the season compared to Laurie's 1,169.
I'd have to go with Laurie too looking at stats, but it's not like they are on even playing ground as Laurie has had about 50 more plays than both FFF QBs combined. FFF seems to have run a little more.

Laurie has passed almost twice as much and most games is over 30/40 attempts per game whereas Dev Lin's are in the teens / low 20's for these games.

I went digging looking for other details and started to make more comparisons but DAMN, look at the difference in these two games.. 15 attempts vs 48 and about 300 more yards for Pat and double the TDs on 1 third of the attempts..

So, while I may be looking at this with homer vision, I could see the merits of both but it seems that if Pat had the same attempts, he'd be right there in stats. Since we run more and have a backup QB, that's not gonna happen on the stat sheet.

And at the end of the day, he's still 5 levels lower than Laurie so I'd expect Laurie to have better stats given the same level of competition.

While I agree that Dev Lin is not only a good QB but an EXCELLENT QB, by posting the two games against the brawlers you basically took Syed's argument against Hugh and turned it on Pat. Obviously that game is inflating Pat's stats just a little bit But your point is taken, I hadn't noticed that you guys do use 2 qbs and run more. Still, if anything all this discussion proves to me is that it's hard to call either of them the best QB outright, sort of like the Brady/Manning argument.

Nice to see such a civil discussion.
I think not only does Laurie's stats speak for themself but so does his past history. I dont see how you can not rate him the higher QB imo.

whats to say if Dev Lin passed as much he'd have the same QB rating or stats? again i'm not disrespecting him or trying to in anyways just bringing an outsiders point of view that generaly the more attempts a game for a QB the lesser the QB rating and overall effectiveness is due to morale hits/in game breath exhaustion.

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