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Originally posted by TheRooster
So we're the best.

Don't worry Heads. Well solve that problem for you.
Regular season isn't a big deal. The playoffs are.

Originally posted by Dogwar
let me see you guys make moves you dont expect others to do the same.but hey im not bragging about my teams achievements on the forums and 2 players dont constitute a whole new starting not complaining about your recruitment, just about your lack of tact in regards to your dominance.

We only got half a new team. But it was such a shit load of work. (I probably put in over 65 hours of work recruiting during the offseason and preseason, making sure I got good builds AND active agents with high level players.) Sorry if we feel like bragging, but when you work this hard, I feel a little bragging is warranted.

And of course we aren't tactful, it's the internet! Besides, what the hell would we talk about on the forums if we didn't discuss who's better, who's not, who's improving, what the big next game is, all of which is going to induce some bragging, and trash talk, etc.

And the season's young, we just happened to hit on our tactics on the first try, so now we can just improve them week to week. Others are having more trouble, but will figure it out. Yet still others will give up on advanced AI completely.

The Manatees are, I THINK, an example of a team that's starting to figure out the advanced AI. Before they got to us, their prior two games were a HUGE improvement from their first two, where they underachieved greatly.

And what the hell do you care, you hardly ever post in the forums. So if you aren't going to contribute, don't complain about the content. So far all you've contributed in this thread is this;

1st post, incorrect assumption.

2nd post, hypocritical statement.

3rd post, reiterating your second post

4th post, I guess I take it as a compliment that you consider us a WAY better team, even though we're similarly leveled, since you just want us to shut up so you can enjoy your "real match-ups" in peace and quiet.

5th post, amplifying the incorrectness of your 1st and 2nd posts.

Hey, at least you can take solace in that we do our trash talking BEFORE games and don't trash talk "cup cakes". There's at least a LITTLE tact.

And lighten up dude, it's a freaking game, have some fun with it. I mean you're so serious, do you even enjoy the game? You don't sound like you do.
Last edited Aug 11, 2008 23:35:02
Originally posted by Padre97
Originally posted by TheRooster

So we're the best.

Don't worry Heads. Well solve that problem for you.

See, THAT's what I'm talking about! Have some fucking FUN!

You won't beat us again! Wheeeee!!!
I can't wait for a destroyers vs. heads championship
Originally posted by EagleOtto
I can't wait for a destroyers vs. heads championship

We'll be more than happy to beat you guys again!
Originally posted by TheRooster
We only got half a new team. But it was such a shit load of work. (I probably put in over 65 hours of work recruiting during the offseason and preseason, making sure I got good builds AND active agents with high level players.) Sorry if we feel like bragging, but when you work this hard, I feel a little bragging is warranted.

And of course we aren't tactful, it's the internet! Besides, what the hell would we talk about on the forums if we didn't discuss who's better, who's not, who's improving, what the big next game is, all of which is going to induce some bragging, and trash talk, etc.

And the season's young, we just happened to hit on our tactics on the first try, so now we can just improve them week to week. Others are having more trouble, but will figure it out. Yet still others will give up on advanced AI completely.

The Manatees are, I THINK, an example of a team that's starting to figure out the advanced AI. Before they got to us, their prior two games were a HUGE improvement from their first two, where they underachieved greatly.

And what the hell do you care, you hardly ever post in the forums. So if you aren't going to contribute, don't complain about the content. So far all you've contributed in this thread is this;

1st post, incorrect assumption.

2nd post, hypocritical statement.

3rd post, reiterating your second post

4th post, I guess I take it as a compliment that you consider us a WAY better team, even though we're similarly leveled, since you just want us to shut up so you can enjoy your "real match-ups" in peace and quiet.

5th post, amplifying the incorrectness of your 1st and 2nd posts.

Hey, at least you can take solace in that we do our trash talking BEFORE games and don't trash talk "cup cakes". There's at least a LITTLE tact.

And lighten up dude, it's a freaking game, have some fun with it. I mean you're so serious, do you even enjoy the game? You don't sound like you do.
of course i enjoy this game i have slow built 3 play-off teams 2 all by myself this being my third.i might not contribute much to this forum do to the fact im involved with 4 teams,But hey Im entitled to my insights.As you are allowed yours since no one else is trumpeting their own horn.

Originally posted by Dogwar
of course i enjoy this game i have slow built 3 play-off teams 2 all by myself this being my third.i might not contribute much to this forum do to the fact im involved with 4 teams,But hey Im entitled to my insights.As you are allowed yours since no one else is trumpeting their own horn.

More incorrect assumptions. Have you not seen Saskatoons press releases every time they win a game? How can you say we're the only one's tootling our own horn? You clearly don't know what's in these forums. There's plenty of trash talk and horn trumpeting to go around. Seems to me like most good teams here are blowing their horn one way or another, however ours is the only one you hear. I guess you just don't like the tune we're playing.

Last edited Aug 12, 2008 00:04:46
More like Catskirmish.
In brief summary......
Calgary's Win streak has hit 16
Originally posted by 123619
In brief summary......
Calgary's Win streak has hit 16

I can't think of a clever retort. Damn it!
Good thing that win streak doesn't count preseason games, eh?
the preseason was worthless, no exp given, no money, no nothing, except a chance to work with the al controls

but yes flappin won hooray for you but remember the only real game we have lost was 17 games ago
I hope you guys can get past Niagra in the playoffs. I'd like to beat you for real.
Originally posted by 123619
the preseason was worthless, no exp given, no money, no nothing, except a chance to work with the al controls

but yes flappin won hooray for you but remember the only real game we have lost was 17 games ago

And we're the only team not to lose a game yet this season. Pretty sure last season doesn't count anymore beyond the trophy.

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