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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Texas Highwaymen
atop the NFC brutha!!!
you have SBs, we have none, but damn brah, win a playoff game or sumthin...
a cowboy saints game would be very interesting this year. lets hope it happens, because it means good things for both. i wanna see TO and whitten go against our D and colston and shockey go after you guys...
then throw in deuce and bush, with the barbarian and felix. it would be a hell of a damn game!!!
Papa Bear
Ain't gonna happen. Da Bears will crush your dreams of glory for a 3rd time!!!

"Who Dat? Who Dat?" It's you momma and Urlacher!!

Learn to speak ya cajun red-neck bastids!

The Bears...we finished what Katrina started.

I used to hate the Cowboys...I hate N.O. even more.
Last edited Aug 6, 2008 13:48:42
Originally posted by Papa Bear
Ain't gonna happen. Da Bears will crush your dreams of glory for a 3rd time!!!

"Who Dat? Who Dat?" It's you momma and Urlacher!!

Learn to speak ya cajun red-neck bastids!

The Bears...we finished what Katrina started.

I used to hate the Cowboys...I hate N.O. even more.

Dude...when are you people gonna realize that the Katrina comments just make you look like fuckfaces? I understand you were just trying to make a point and were'nt trying to be a dick, but some of these guys felt the effects of it personally, and its really bad form using it to talk shit to them.

Again, im sure you werent trying to be disrespectful, but too many people dont seem to get it.
Originally posted by Papa Bear
Originally posted by onepeat

papa and dolfan sitting in a tree...
get a fucking room!!!

Anymore stupid or classless comments onepeat? I'm sure someone of your superior ignorance and lack of functioning braincells can do much better than that. I hope you do not represent the caliber of players in this league. My hopes are high that you are not.

Originally posted by Papa Bear
The Bears...we finished what Katrina started.
Last edited Aug 6, 2008 15:48:01
Papa Bear
OMFG you guys are so fucking hypocritical.

Fish you have zero room to even talk or comment since your posts about the most pathetic pieces of crap I've ever seen roll over a BB.

Buzzkill you are correct It was a joke. Katrina or any other storm that kills people is not. So I take that part back for your sake. Fish you can piss off.

Dammit, play nice!

Of course it was a joke, anyone that has watched the Bears in the last few years knows they can't finish anything!

(Pats fan - Hey put the torches down!)
I only said something because i know that some people in this league and specifically on that team WERE affected personally. We went through this same discussion last season with one of the teams who are no longer here. I know you were just trying to emphasize your point, but really, its not something people should be throwing around as "joke" material in any case.

It was nothing against you personally Papa Bear, just hate seeing people go there, especially here where it hits home.

Originally posted by Papa Bear
OMFG you guys are so fucking hypocritical.

Originally posted by Papa Bear
Anymore stupid or classless comments onepeat? I'm sure someone of your superior ignorance and lack of functioning braincells can do much better than that. I hope you do not represent the caliber of players in this league. My hopes are high that you are not.

Who is the hypocrite here? I said nothing regarding your comment, which is a just a tad more classless than 'get a fucking room'. To be honest, I won't lose any sleep over it; I was just enjoying the hypocrisy of you flipping out over 'get a room' and then coming back with 'heh, your city is under water'.

Zero room to talk? I didn't, lol ... I let you do the talking, and boy was it ever worth it.
Last edited Aug 6, 2008 16:09:32
Originally posted by Papa Bear
OMFG you guys are so fucking hypocritical.

Buzzkill you are correct It was a joke. Katrina or any other storm that kills people is not. So I take that part back for your sake. Fish you can piss off.

I've sat on my hands, but no more...

Go fuck yourself, you dense dit. Natural disasters are NEVER fodder for jokes. I lived in Chicago, following (i.e., as a result of) Katrina and thankfully, I didn't see the shitbag who made that sign, because I'd have beaten him to the last fucking molecule of his life.
Papa Bear
Well danchrism I grew up there and agree that sign at the NFC championship was uncalled for. Nothing more to say about that. Regarding beating the sign maker...that would only mean you'd be in prison and he'd still be making stupid signs. But whatever.

Originally posted by
Fish you have zero room to even talk or comment since your posts about the most pathetic pieces of crap I've ever seen roll over a BB.

Last edited Aug 6, 2008 21:10:37
Hey DC don't lose any sleep over what some classless bag of shit has to say about anything. It's one thing to have fun with him, since it's clear he's not all there, but to let him upset you isn't worth it. You don't get mad at dogshit when you step in it, do you? At first, I thought I might go easy on the guy since it appeared he was just too stupid to know the difference between harmless smack talk and real shit talk, but then he opened his mouth, and look what fell out:

Originally posted by Papa Bear
Well danchrism I grew up there and agree that sign at the NFC championship was uncalled for.

Which means he knows it's not smack-talk; he knows it's uncalled for and only a subhuman mouth-breather would consider it a "joke". I would tell him to knuckle-drag his ass away from the computer and practice communicating with squirrels ... maybe one day make his way back up to humans, but that would deprive me hours of entertainment reminding him what an idiot he is every time he shits on his keyboard and calls it a post, and THEN comes back to contradict himself.

Originally posted by Papa Bear
Fish you have zero room to even talk or comment since your posts about the most pathetic pieces of crap I've ever seen roll over a BB.

Irony alert! Maybe I should simplify my replies to you, Papa Bear. I am rubber and you are glue. That's about the level you like to roll, right chiefy?
Originally posted by PinTBC
Dammit, play nice!

Of course it was a joke, anyone that has watched the Bears in the last few years knows they can't finish anything!

(Pats fan - Hey put the torches down!)


yeah, joke all you want, but katrina shit is kinda low...
whatever, it doesnt matter anymore. all of us "cajun rednecks" (cajun and redneck is two different things and you would be hard pressed to find either in new orleans) already know that most of america doesnt care and those that do have already forgotten as soon as the new season of american idol started...

we like our city and will never leave, even if that means floating around (because of another FEDERAL disaster) with my drink, my skrimp po boy, listening to rebirth, and laughing at the bears QB situation...
Papa Bear
Fish it's amazing you know me so well and exactly what I'm thinking. you're so damn cool!

OK this is where you call me more colorful names <----- Make sure it's at least three paragraphs long and double spaced. Once you post I'll respond with a short line and you can start over, and over, and over.

Sound fun? OK...ready......GO fish go!!!

Papa Bear
"and laughing at the bears QB situation..."

You and me both onepeat.

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