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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Lion Conference Rankings Top 8
Originally posted by Sulfadias0
WTF no honorable mention for the Barbary Coast Pirates?!

One of our level 4 guys got a sack!

And we got 115 total yards against last seasons AAA Champs!!

I'll give you honorable mention. The beauty of that sack is we went the entire regular season last year without giving up a sack and only gave up 1 in the championship game. Then we play a bunch of 4th's and give it up. I guarantee you everyone on our team said, "wtf?". nice job. UMMMM, what the hell is the plan over there anyhow?
Originally posted by Dinien

UMMMM, what the hell is the plan over there anyhow?

Kick'n ass and chewing bubble gum! And we're all out of bubble gum!

classic line.

GG Angola Dream

Congo DC
Originally posted by fbfan18
Originally posted by throughyperspace

Originally posted by Laggo


Buddy just because Cape Town / Rwanda lost doesn't mean they still aren't largely better than half to 3/4 of those teams

O i get it you leaving out all the teams that had losses makes rankings kinda pointless then

This is the QB of Rwanda, so I'll take their exemption with some (classy) salt.

But yeah. You know laggo is right. Just because ya'll and Cape lost doesn't mean you'll be out of this group. And until the new comers prove themselves, they shouldn't be ranked above Bots. Same with dem Monkeeeeeeeeez.. The roster is much improved, but.. Well anyone who has been here for awhile knows I cannot give credit to THAT Angola.

I'm excited for the new season. Congrats to Congo and Cameroon. We'll bump you from this lineup soon enough

LOL, We here in Cameroon have worked our butts of trying to add some Quality players and I think we have done well. We have gotten past most of the tactical bumps we had last season, and we got a Darn Kicker who can put it through the uprights! SO , be aware, the Outlaws are not going to be an easy W on your schedules! Quite the contrary!

Is it to late at night to use the word contrary?!??!?!? I got to go to bed!

Looks like your work is panning out for you. Good work!!!!
Originally posted by dre1614

week 2
1) Botswana Bugeaters
2) Congo Gorillas
3) Wolfenstein Werewolves
4) Cameroon Outlaws
5) Dar es Salaam Warrior Kings
6) Angola Dream
7) Angola Spider Monkeez
8) Sun City Undertakers


With more games played it should be more accurate.

Trying to win my heart over....

Originally posted by Paul Kemp
Looks about right to me. I'm hoping we can catch a few breaks and possibly slide into the top 8 by the end of the season.

It's cool that you're actually watching the games to make your rankings. Thanks for posting.

one day Sharks might be decent
I think you need one more GM to put you over the top....
Appreciate the vote of confidence, but you have the Congo Gorillas little too high on that list. There are many teams in this conference that outlevel our team by quite a bit. Somewhere, around #7 or #8 woluld be more appropriate IMO.
Originally posted by fbfan18
Originally posted by throughyperspace

Originally posted by Laggo


Buddy just because Cape Town / Rwanda lost doesn't mean they still aren't largely better than half to 3/4 of those teams

O i get it you leaving out all the teams that had losses makes rankings kinda pointless then

This is the QB of Rwanda, so I'll take their exemption with some (classy) salt.

But yeah. You know laggo is right. Just because ya'll and Cape lost doesn't mean you'll be out of this group. And until the new comers prove themselves, they shouldn't be ranked above Bots. Same with dem Monkeeeeeeeeez.. The roster is much improved, but.. Well anyone who has been here for awhile knows I cannot give credit to THAT Angola.

I'm excited for the new season. Congrats to Congo and Cameroon. We'll bump you from this lineup soon enough

LOL, We here in Cameroon have worked our butts of trying to add some Quality players and I think we have done well. We have gotten past most of the tactical bumps we had last season, and we got a Darn Kicker who can put it through the uprights! SO , be aware, the Outlaws are not going to be an easy W on your schedules! Quite the contrary!

Is it to late at night to use the word contrary?!??!?!? I got to go to bed!

and im not just saying that cause I GM there but we are going to be some really tough competitors to matchup with this season!
Originally posted by throughyperspace

I'm excited for the new season. Congrats to Congo and Cameroon. We'll bump you from this lineup soon enough

Not so sure we agree with this statement....haha

Good season though, it was a fun battle.
Originally posted by StoutOne

Not so sure we agree with this statement....haha

Good season though, it was a fun battle.

Congrats on bumping us from the playoffs.. Hopefully we'll have a match up early next season to redeem ourselves..

Oh, and I love how you pull that out a month after the fact
Just some friendly trash talk, and yes it is old but I had it in the back of my mind all season. I truthfully didn't know who posted it until I dug it up.
Originally posted by throughyperspace
Originally posted by StoutOne

Not so sure we agree with this statement....haha

Good season though, it was a fun battle.

Congrats on bumping us from the playoffs.. Hopefully we'll have a match up early next season to redeem ourselves..

Oh, and I love how you pull that out a month after the fact

That is some EXCELLENT crow serving right there, lol!!!

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