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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Tasmania Devils GUTTED!!
Originally posted by AuntSaltie
yeah I'm one of the gutted.... can someone speculate of the strategy of this move if it was on purpose and not done by someone just having access and a mean streak?

Read my first comment above.

He already has some more level 4's and a level 3 signed. He is doing a slow build team. He will be relegated next season and in about 3 seasons, if the slow build is done correct, he will be in AA or A with a chance for a good team and a very nice stadium.
Last edited Aug 2, 2008 06:47:30
The strategy is this:

Sell off all your players and make a ton of cash (he has 19 million now). Hire a bunch of low level players for dirt cheap and let the level up slowly (make sure you have the exact builds you want). Winning is not a priority, just leveling and making more cash is.

When the off season your entire stadium up with the cash you have. Therefore he will have a huge cash base. He will than probably start to rebuild his roster. cash will be np.
Hummm, seems like our way was better. Have you seen our stadium? Every section is expanded to max. We will have 200 lvl finished this offseason and expanded to max. Right now I think we have about 38,000 seats.

The key for us was when we started our team (Neo & I) with about 20 of our own players. Then as we recruited ALOT & we were able to sell most of our own off for cash. We had a team first group of guys last season who took min. salaries and almost zero bonus money. Now this season we are able to pay a little better and give everyone 100K bonus money. We are already working on signing our entire team through season 5 and we will be in really good position to offer everyone on our team full lvl 32 upgrade bonuses next season which we are expecting to cost close to 500K for all 4 equipment. If you do the math we are budgeting to be able to pay out about 20 million in bonuses next season.

So I think there are better ways to build out a stadium then gutting.
Originally posted by Draven
Hummm, seems like our way was better. Have you seen our stadium? Every section is expanded to max. We will have 200 lvl finished this offseason and expanded to max. Right now I think we have about 38,000 seats.

The key for us was when we started our team (Neo & I) with about 20 of our own players. Then as we recruited ALOT & we were able to sell most of our own off for cash. We had a team first group of guys last season who took min. salaries and almost zero bonus money. Now this season we are able to pay a little better and give everyone 100K bonus money. We are already working on signing our entire team through season 5 and we will be in really good position to offer everyone on our team full lvl 32 upgrade bonuses next season which we are expecting to cost close to 500K for all 4 equipment. If you do the math we are budgeting to be able to pay out about 20 million in bonuses next season.

So I think there are better ways to build out a stadium then gutting.

Well....I for one will be your biggest fan this year....just in hopes of kicking you upstairs!

That is a great way to do it Draven. bastard

Originally posted by Draven
Hummm, seems like our way was better. Have you seen our stadium? Every section is expanded to max. We will have 200 lvl finished this offseason and expanded to max. Right now I think we have about 38,000 seats.

The key for us was when we started our team (Neo & I) with about 20 of our own players. Then as we recruited ALOT & we were able to sell most of our own off for cash. We had a team first group of guys last season who took min. salaries and almost zero bonus money. Now this season we are able to pay a little better and give everyone 100K bonus money. We are already working on signing our entire team through season 5 and we will be in really good position to offer everyone on our team full lvl 32 upgrade bonuses next season which we are expecting to cost close to 500K for all 4 equipment. If you do the math we are budgeting to be able to pay out about 20 million in bonuses next season.

So I think there are better ways to build out a stadium then gutting.

Thats how we roll in Melbourne too, the only mistake I made is I did not take out a loan before the innaugural season so I am a stadium section behind, but we maxed out nearly all of our sections and will have every possible seat we can make this offseason maxed and should be set to hit the 300 level in season 6
Originally posted by gambrinus843
Originally posted by Draven

Hummm, seems like our way was better. Have you seen our stadium? Every section is expanded to max. We will have 200 lvl finished this offseason and expanded to max. Right now I think we have about 38,000 seats.

The key for us was when we started our team (Neo & I) with about 20 of our own players. Then as we recruited ALOT & we were able to sell most of our own off for cash. We had a team first group of guys last season who took min. salaries and almost zero bonus money. Now this season we are able to pay a little better and give everyone 100K bonus money. We are already working on signing our entire team through season 5 and we will be in really good position to offer everyone on our team full lvl 32 upgrade bonuses next season which we are expecting to cost close to 500K for all 4 equipment. If you do the math we are budgeting to be able to pay out about 20 million in bonuses next season.

So I think there are better ways to build out a stadium then gutting.

Thats how we roll in Melbourne too, the only mistake I made is I did not take out a loan before the innaugural season so I am a stadium section behind, but we maxed out nearly all of our sections and will have every possible seat we can make this offseason maxed and should be set to hit the 300 level in season 6

No offense, but you need to redo your'll be done the stadium if you play it right after season 3 since you already have the entire first level done. We'll be done after season 4, and if I had played it safe last year and not gambled that we would have 2 home playoff games (I expanded all my seats) we would already have the 100 level done (we are one section short right now) and we'd be done the stadium after season 3 as well.

If I had realized we could have taken out a loan, bought 2 corners, and then signed all the players year one while going into the red we would have been a little further ahead of the game as well, but my bad for not realizing that. IMO it was a good change for the financial part of the game that we can't do that anymore (although I did take advantage of it during this past off season I must admit).

Once we get about half the 2nd level built it really doesn't matter who's stadium is bigger though since we will all have plenty of money to keep our players happy at that point. Once the 300 level is done the amount of money teams have is ridiculous and since there isn't anything to spend it on yet it just sits there in the account so you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how good at the financial portion of the game you are.....which I hope to be doing in another couple of seasons.

Originally posted by jdros13
Originally posted by gambrinus843

Originally posted by Draven

Hummm, seems like our way was better. Have you seen our stadium? Every section is expanded to max. We will have 200 lvl finished this offseason and expanded to max. Right now I think we have about 38,000 seats.

The key for us was when we started our team (Neo & I) with about 20 of our own players. Then as we recruited ALOT & we were able to sell most of our own off for cash. We had a team first group of guys last season who took min. salaries and almost zero bonus money. Now this season we are able to pay a little better and give everyone 100K bonus money. We are already working on signing our entire team through season 5 and we will be in really good position to offer everyone on our team full lvl 32 upgrade bonuses next season which we are expecting to cost close to 500K for all 4 equipment. If you do the math we are budgeting to be able to pay out about 20 million in bonuses next season.

So I think there are better ways to build out a stadium then gutting.

Thats how we roll in Melbourne too, the only mistake I made is I did not take out a loan before the innaugural season so I am a stadium section behind, but we maxed out nearly all of our sections and will have every possible seat we can make this offseason maxed and should be set to hit the 300 level in season 6

No offense, but you need to redo your'll be done the stadium if you play it right after season 3 since you already have the entire first level done. We'll be done after season 4, and if I had played it safe last year and not gambled that we would have 2 home playoff games (I expanded all my seats) we would already have the 100 level done (we are one section short right now) and we'd be done the stadium after season 3 as well.

If I had realized we could have taken out a loan, bought 2 corners, and then signed all the players year one while going into the red we would have been a little further ahead of the game as well, but my bad for not realizing that. IMO it was a good change for the financial part of the game that we can't do that anymore (although I did take advantage of it during this past off season I must admit).

Once we get about half the 2nd level built it really doesn't matter who's stadium is bigger though since we will all have plenty of money to keep our players happy at that point. Once the 300 level is done the amount of money teams have is ridiculous and since there isn't anything to spend it on yet it just sits there in the account so you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how good at the financial portion of the game you are.....which I hope to be doing in another couple of seasons.

Do you mean season 4?

Well unfortunately for us we did not plan the 200 lvl correctly. We should have purchased one 200 lvl sideline and both corners before purchasing the other 200 sideline. As it sits now, you have to have the sideline and both corners on that side built before building up. So even though we will have the money this off season we will NOT be allowed to build up to 300 because we don't have any corners built competed.
Last edited Aug 4, 2008 10:37:59
AFTER season 3 (prior to season 4).

You guys will be easily done by then...the Dreadnocks will as well. The lowly Cannibals will have over half of the 2nd level done next season but will be missing the 200 level right hand side corners and EZ which we will have to complete before we can build the 300 level, so I feel your pain. You'll still be done a season ahead of most though (and about as fast as you can do it unless you sell off about 40 players) so congrats.
Originally posted by jdros13
Originally posted by gambrinus843

Originally posted by Draven

Hummm, seems like our way was better. Have you seen our stadium? Every section is expanded to max. We will have 200 lvl finished this offseason and expanded to max. Right now I think we have about 38,000 seats.

The key for us was when we started our team (Neo & I) with about 20 of our own players. Then as we recruited ALOT & we were able to sell most of our own off for cash. We had a team first group of guys last season who took min. salaries and almost zero bonus money. Now this season we are able to pay a little better and give everyone 100K bonus money. We are already working on signing our entire team through season 5 and we will be in really good position to offer everyone on our team full lvl 32 upgrade bonuses next season which we are expecting to cost close to 500K for all 4 equipment. If you do the math we are budgeting to be able to pay out about 20 million in bonuses next season.

So I think there are better ways to build out a stadium then gutting.

Thats how we roll in Melbourne too, the only mistake I made is I did not take out a loan before the innaugural season so I am a stadium section behind, but we maxed out nearly all of our sections and will have every possible seat we can make this offseason maxed and should be set to hit the 300 level in season 6

No offense, but you need to redo your'll be done the stadium if you play it right after season 3 since you already have the entire first level done. We'll be done after season 4, and if I had played it safe last year and not gambled that we would have 2 home playoff games (I expanded all my seats) we would already have the 100 level done (we are one section short right now) and we'd be done the stadium after season 3 as well.

If I had realized we could have taken out a loan, bought 2 corners, and then signed all the players year one while going into the red we would have been a little further ahead of the game as well, but my bad for not realizing that. IMO it was a good change for the financial part of the game that we can't do that anymore (although I did take advantage of it during this past off season I must admit).

Once we get about half the 2nd level built it really doesn't matter who's stadium is bigger though since we will all have plenty of money to keep our players happy at that point. Once the 300 level is done the amount of money teams have is ridiculous and since there isn't anything to spend it on yet it just sits there in the account so you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how good at the financial portion of the game you are.....which I hope to be doing in another couple of seasons.

No, I wasnt referring to the 6th year of this league, it is currently season 4 already in GLB. The first season for our league was season 3, so that means that in 3 seasons of full play it would be the start of season 6 and that is when I anticipate having our stadium done.
Originally posted by gambrinus843

No, I wasnt referring to the 6th year of this league, it is currently season 4 already in GLB. The first season for our league was season 3, so that means that in 3 seasons of full play it would be the start of season 6 and that is when I anticipate having our stadium done.

Ah, I'm talking in league years, you are talking in game it.

How the hell are you going to fill up a stadium when you fan support blows. chemistry is wrecked and no one good is going to wanna play for a losing team????
Originally posted by robweiss
How the hell are you going to fill up a stadium when you fan support blows. chemistry is wrecked and no one good is going to wanna play for a losing team????

I hope you are referring to the Devils? Yes in the long run you will be loosing money because fans game in and game out are not wanting to pay the higher rates.

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