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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Season 4 playoff teams
James Murphy
Tans I have one thing to say to you. How are any of my picks not playoff teams? They ALL have playoff potential and unless there is bad planning they will ALL make it.
Originally posted by Kensham
Tans I have one thing to say to you. How are any of my picks not playoff teams? They ALL have playoff potential and unless there is bad planning they will ALL make it.

You fail to take into account that the teams not on your list can accomplish 'good planning' which would knock out the lesser teams on your list whether they plan badly or not.

Anyhow, based on your past history, which speaks for itself, anything you post has to be brought into question with an extremely high likelihood of being completely wrong. But continue on, the more proof the better.


James Murphy
So I have no clue how to help make a playoff team? Okay if you werent here last season I took the Alberta Assassins to the second round of the playoffs with Turfdoggs and we got knocked out by the evnetual SB champions. I know what it takes to run a SB team and im pretty sure I have a good clue on who will get to the playoffs.
Originally posted by Kensham
So I have no clue how to help make a playoff team? Okay if you werent here last season I took the Alberta Assassins to the second round of the playoffs with Turfdoggs and we got knocked out by the evnetual SB champions. I know what it takes to run a SB team and im pretty sure I have a good clue on who will get to the playoffs.

Didn't you get fired form that time?

Enough said.


James Murphy
Yes I was fired but it had NOTHING to do with being bad at my job. It was because im an arrogant asshole.
Hey...the first step is admitting it!! We should all be proud! lol
Originally posted by Kensham
Yes I was fired but it had NOTHING to do with being bad at my job. It was because im an arrogant asshole.

oh. my. god.
James Murphy
Hey im being honest about it. Im not bad at my job I just made a few mistakes that had nothing to do with the games we played. I just like to talk crap and that is not a trait of the Assassins owner and he doesnt like to see it. THAT is a reason I got fired. Another reason was because I thought I could help them in a trade but thought about it and couldn't because of the players on the other team. Those are the exact reasons I lost my job.
Originally posted by PreppyJock25
Hey...the first step is admitting it!! We should all be proud! lol

This is what we call 'win'.

Mission accomplished. Thanks for coming out.


Originally posted by Kensham
Yes I was fired but it had NOTHING to do with being bad at my job. It was because im an arrogant asshole.

I like the cut of your jib.
Originally posted by Kensham
Hey im being honest about it. Im not bad at my job I just made a few mistakes that had nothing to do with the games we played. I just like to talk crap and that is not a trait of the Assassins owner and he doesnt like to see it. THAT is a reason I got fired. Another reason was because I thought I could help them in a trade but thought about it and couldn't because of the players on the other team. Those are the exact reasons I lost my job.

Talk crap to people on your team?
Last edited Aug 2, 2008 11:10:59
James Murphy
I dont talk crap about my team I talk crap about the teams in here. Dont you remember jgifford and me or Landry and me. I gues the owner doesnt want anyone that has such a huge ego on the team. I have an ego and I openly admit it. I just like to have a little fun though. I DIDNT say anything bad about the players on the Assassins because they were fun to coach. I just cant handle the owner anymore because he fired me for a simple mistake.
dan rules
LOL at people doubting the maulers.

we didn't improve that many people because we win games based on great builds and game planning. We were out leveled by 3-4 in every game last year and we still managed to do alright. We'll make the playoffs this year, you can count on it.
4th Quarter
As usual, Dan takes all this way too seriously. =P

I cant speak for everyone, but I'm pretty damn sure that people are notdoing a detailed analysis of all 256 games to project wins, playoff tie breakers, etc. We're just tossing out some ridiculously early speculation for the fun of it. =) There's no way anyone can know. Especially with the new AI system, the game planning has been completely changed, and past success is certainly not a guarantee of future performance.

...Let me guess. You're going to rip into me now for tainting the results of this survey because I didnt want to spend countless hours breaking everything down before offering an opinion on an internet message board. =P
It is what it is. Nothing more. But I do enjoy the banter.

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