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Originally posted by BuddyHorn

This article brought to you in part, by Big Red auto sports and Imports.

Well played, sir.

Last edited Aug 1, 2008 14:33:16
Originally posted by oukurt
Originally posted by BuddyHorn

This article brought to you in part, by Big Red auto sports and Imports.

Well played, sir.

TY, I thought you might like that one.
Jimmy Turner

DMNTHDO: On this the eve of season 4 of glb, we would like to welcome Jimmy Turner.
JT: Thank you. It definitely is an honor for you to be in the presence of Jimmy.

Observer: You have set the bar pretty high for yourself, what steps have you taken to continue to improve?
JT: Practiced the new endzone dance that will be revealed shortly, sat around and talked shit about Evil Deon. You know he spiked my drink before our playoff game. That dude is downright wrong. He had to resort to that kind of tactic to win a game. It's alright, I got something for him later.

Observer: Last season you were the most dangerous offensive weapon. Can you continue to dominate in the ever improving West conference?
JT: Why not? Who is going to stop me? There is noone that can play me one on one and contain me. I am the best receiver and when the career is done, Jimmy Turner will be considered the greatest receiver to ever play the game. Is it cockiness? No. You are never cocky when you speak the truth.
Observer: Which DB do you most look forward to facing?
JT: Evil Deon would be the first because of the dirty tactics that he uses. Other than that, I could care less who tries to cover me. I enjoy being out there and seeing the opposing CB shaking and trembling in fear when they see that they are having to go up against the great #12. While they are shaking, I just look at them and say, "After I score this TD, who do you want me to make the autograph out to. And yes, I will make it out to them when they ask." I will say that Sticky and his son better watch out. I may take there legs out. I am winning the MVP this year!

Observer: Do you have a specific team you are looking forward to squaring off against? Why?
JT: Any of the top teams. I have never been afraid to take on anyone and I always like the challenge. I have been questioned about the playoff performance and if I can step up in big situations. I answered earlier why I was not able to step up in that game. It is a downright shame that someone has to put Exlax in your drink the night before the game. I couldn't get open because I was looking for the bathroom, not the football.
Why aren't you going to thank me for allowing you to be in the same room as me?

HCDDTCN: Well the next addition to the series is a first for me, welcome seven7.
seven7:hello and glad to be here

HCDDTCN: Whats the story on your teams name change. How did it come about?
seven7:well i always wanted to own a team and build a good franchise and i am from north carolina so i thought what better than to name the team after a good state and team here

HCDDTCN: You seem to have done a solid job putting together a respectable club.
seven7:thank you kindly, it is hard work trying to find quality players and make every player on the team happy, but i believe that as long as the players play as a team we should be alright, its all about the team not just one player

HCDDTCN: How do you see your team performing in season 4?
seven7:i have high hopes for us but as long as we have a winning season i will be very happy

HCDDTCN: Do you guys have any unknow stars on your squad the conference should look out for?
o yes there are a few and i am sure over the season teams will find out who they are =)
HCDDTCN: This is going to be an interesting season coming up, what is your take on the league?
seven7:well there are some powerhouses in this league thats for sure but over all there is some really good quality teams here , it's anyone guess how the teams and new tactics will play out

HCDDTCN: Well, gl to you and your crew.
seven7:thank you kindly and good luck to everyone here in usa 1 league
Round Rock 12th Man

HCDDTCN: Good Morning eholing. Welcome to USA#1
eholling: Thank you very much. We're happy to be here. My friends call me E... though, as a horn, you can call me Mr. Holling. Joking! I'm joking! Seriously though, we are happy to be in one of the best conferences in all of GLB. That's not just because of the high level of competition but also due to the friendly rivalries and banter in the forums.

HCDDTCN:Congrats on the BBB conference championship season in 04. Your reward is being thrown in the middle of the USA#1 viper pit otherwise known as the Western conference.
eholling: Thanks, yeah, you're not kidding either. We've been going through the teams in the league looking for strategies,... for weaknesses to exploit, etc... At this point, we're extremely impressed with the level of talent that's evident on the other teams in this conference... both from a player and from a game planning standpoint. We certainly have our work cut out for us.

HCDDTCN: Your team has proven successful, however this is a huge step up in competition by most acccounts. From an outsiders view you guys are a little behind the curve talent wise to your new division. What is your take on that?
eholling: Well, there's no doubt that most of the teams we'll be facing have higher level starters than we do at most positions. We're a second season team playing in a first season league and that's just the way it is. I do believe, however, that solid builds and good game plans can over come player level disparities. In short, We believe we can be competitive here and we'll be doing our best to prove that.

HCDDTCN: Your BBB brethren the Hitmen had a pretty good season in this conference. Care to recap your history together?
eholling: Not much of a history really. We only played each other once and they kicked our butts. Hopefully we can return the favor when we play later this season. Either way, they're a great team and we're looking forward to competing with them again.

HCDDTCN: What do you look for your team to accomplish this season to make it a good year and how do you see your team fairing?
eholling: Our goal is to be competitive in every game and make the playoffs this season. We understand that we're a longshot to finish in the top 8 with such high calibur teams in the conference but we believe we can do it and we're going to give it our best shot. Beyond that, we'll see.

HCDDTCN: You are in a league dominated by Texas Longhorns. How does it feel?
eholling: It never feels good to be dominated by longhorns, ever... in anything. As an Aggie working in Austin for the past 16 years I can assure you of that much. As a result, We will be working with our Aggie brethren to overthrow the current hierarchy and rebuild the league into the much more natural order of pure Aggie dominance

HCDDTCN: You are the second Aggy team in these parts, it has been whispered that you are the JV. Is this true and what do you have to say to the hater?
eholling: I don't recognize that term, "Aggy"... Oh, you meant Aggie.. Sorry. As far as being part of the JV, well, it's true until we prove different. We're the new guys and we have to earn the respect of our peers. Hopefully we'll be able to do that pretty quickly.

HCDDTCN: Who should we look for on the team that will make an impact on the Western conference landscape?
eholling: In all honestly, we don't have any particular standouts game to game on our team. We have a lot of well built players who perform well in games and we always seem to have someone step up on Offense or Defense to make a difference. Last year in BBB #1, despite the fact we won the conference championship, we only had 1 player voted on to the conference allpro team and he's no longer with us. I think we all take pride in the "No Name", team first concept.

HCDDTCN: AS we conclude you have the stand. Shoot.
eholling: Nothing really to add here except thank you for the forum and best of luck to you and your team this season... except of course when you play us.
Oh and Gig'em!
Sorry I didnt have a chance to clean them up, I have some stuff going on here that needs my attention even more.

Tmoney I will get yours up as time permits. feel free to post it for me if you want.

The magazine has been delayed. I am dissapointed in that. it was rocking
Good work Buddy. I know we all appreciate it.
Originally posted by ZoomSlowik
We're actually mostly Chicago-based.

true story - living in madison,WI now, but grew up in the NW Burbs of Chicago haha
great stuff here =)
Hey, good reads all of it but I found this to be funny...

We're a bunch of Aggies who graduated in the early to mid 90s so we know what defense "should" be. Now if we can just find our groove offensively. . . .

Since when do the "Aggies" have a clue about defense? The is some funny stuff!
Originally posted by AMANN
Hey, good reads all of it but I found this to be funny...

We're a bunch of Aggies who graduated in the early to mid 90s so we know what defense "should" be. Now if we can just find our groove offensively. . . .

Since when do the "Aggies" have a clue about defense? The is some funny stuff!

Did you not pay any attention to football in the late 80s and early 90s or were you just born in 1980 something?
Cerneo: We made no pick ups and lost noone

LIES! Otto Otto got sent packing to Quebec. And offensive Tackle Smart Shell arrived fresh off leading the Akron Assassins to a 16-0 record.
Last edited Aug 4, 2008 16:40:20
Last edited Aug 4, 2008 18:52:07
Sorry for the bashing but..... I was born in the 60's .....Have the Aggies ever won a championship? LOL (1939) A Big 12 title? Anything of importance? It has been awhile and in no way are they considered a dynasty or even the upper tier of division 1 football. They are not even the best team in your state...Sorry, I do not hate the Aggies but sometimes the truth hurts. So to say you should know a defense because of your Aggies is so far from the truth. If you were to say I love the Aggies, I am a big fan and I try to follow the path of their defense in the 90's I might go for that.....sorry for the ramble, but to hear a comment like that from say a Ohio State, USC, Florida, Michigan,or even a Texas (god forgive me for saying that)fan, I could at least understand. Good luck to your team and I hope the Aggies take down the Longhorns and Raiders this year!
Originally posted by AMANN
If you were to say I love the Aggies, I am a big fan and I try to follow the path of their defense in the 90's I might go for that.....

yes, Aggies have not had a wrecking crew defense since Dat Ngyuen graduated. But at one point we did have a stifling defense. We took down 2 #1 (Kansas State/Nebraska) ranked teams in the same season (96 or 97 IIRC). Think they were both #1 hard to recall exactly. Those were defensive lockdowns at home. Offense limped along with a few miracle plays here and there.

It is true in the Y2K era, Aggies have not had a defense. Wrecking Crew is non-existent at present. Yes, in Y2K Aggies are not a "power" in the Big 12. A spoiler perhaps but not a power. Constantly losing to the tortilla chuckers is downright humiliating. Only winning against Texas isn't much to be proud of.


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