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And of course, no one talks about how USAORG brought in there players. Don't cry because Jakarta brought his players in. Just go cry more because you couldn't beat us.
Originally posted by Voltron
And of course, no one talks about how USAORG brought in there players. Don't cry because Jakarta brought his players in. Just go cry more because you couldn't beat us.

And you cry because you couldn't beat us, awwww, how sad. And in case you missed it, people talked plenty about how we brought our players in. It's a dead issue now, as would be your team's issues if your owner didn't bring all this upon himself and your team with his constant bullshit posts. Can't stand the heat.....
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Originally posted by Voltron

And of course, no one talks about how USAORG brought in there players. Don't cry because Jakarta brought his players in. Just go cry more because you couldn't beat us.

And you cry because you couldn't beat us, awwww, how sad. And in case you missed it, people talked plenty about how we brought our players in. It's a dead issue now, as would be your team's issues if your owner didn't bring all this upon himself and your team with his constant bullshit posts. Can't stand the heat.....

Actually I'm fine with the loss. Just tired of hearing these people talk when they lost in the round before us. As for laggo, if you ever take him seriously then you really are stupid.
Chet Avery
I couldn't beat either one of you guys, so i'm the one that should be crying. LOL!
very true, voltron.... org is STACKED now.
I lol every time people say we gutted a team.

Originally posted by Laggo
I lol every time people say we gutted a team.


i still don't understand how you think it isn't gutting a team. what else would you call it?
You do realize one agents players left the team and joined mine, and the rest we actually had to recruit as free agents - just like everyone else. And by rest I mean like 2 other guys I believe, maybe 4 players in total FA's.

If you consider that gutting then I think every team in GLB has gutted, you know since they got free agents that came from different teams and all.
Last edited Jul 19, 2008 21:36:55
I gutted a couple DLeague teams for Moga..
Originally posted by Laggo
You do realize one agents players left the team and joined mine, and the rest we actually had to recruit as free agents - just like everyone else. And by rest I mean like 2 other guys I believe, maybe 4 players in total FA's.

If you consider that gutting then I think every team in GLB has gutted, you know since they got free agents that came from different teams and all.

WOW!! Still lying?! If signing a handful of kickers just to make the roster minimum & then selling the team isn't gutting, then what the hell is?!?!

Originally posted by Outlawz
Originally posted by Laggo

You do realize one agents players left the team and joined mine, and the rest we actually had to recruit as free agents - just like everyone else. And by rest I mean like 2 other guys I believe, maybe 4 players in total FA's.

If you consider that gutting then I think every team in GLB has gutted, you know since they got free agents that came from different teams and all.

WOW!! Still lying?! If signing a handful of kickers just to make the roster minimum & then selling the team isn't gutting, then what the hell is?!?!

what he said.
Originally posted by Outlawz

WOW!! Still lying?! If signing a handful of kickers just to make the roster minimum & then selling the team isn't gutting, then what the hell is?!?!

Gutting = cutting everybody and moving them all to the same team

Not what we did at all. l0l. We specifically moved one agents players, which isn't even close to gutting. A few others we pm'ed and offered a spot - same as you could have done. Alot didn't join us because they didn't agree with what happened - fair enough. I've had to go through this argument 8082085028x and my story hasn't changed.

Also Outlawz, when your team makes the playoffs - then you can speak.

Last edited Jul 20, 2008 00:36:36
Originally posted by PinTBC
There isn't any such thing as 'Stacking' an Africa Pro team.

This league is a Pro league, and should be filled with very high caliber players. I was actually amazed that more teams didn't do what the Coyotes did. They did what they could to bring in their high level players, and everyone else had that same chance to find/recruit/trade for other high level players. So whines about stacking are silly.


I refuse to gut, bring over whatever you call it...but in the end get fined the Coyotes did...Atleast the USAORG didn't get fined.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by PinTBC

There isn't any such thing as 'Stacking' an Africa Pro team.

This league is a Pro league, and should be filled with very high caliber players. I was actually amazed that more teams didn't do what the Coyotes did. They did what they could to bring in their high level players, and everyone else had that same chance to find/recruit/trade for other high level players. So whines about stacking are silly.


I refuse to gut, bring over whatever you call it...but in the end get fined the Coyotes did...Atleast the USAORG didn't get fined.

Like we already discussed in regard to USAORG. My player did not come from an USAORG team to the Legs and I know most of the other players didnt either
Dude, you gutted the team, everybody knows it & you got fined for it!! It's in the past now, but there is no need to try to defend it anymore! You did it, everyone knows it & that's it.

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