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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Nice game Kingz
Originally posted by theone
Sir William did you really game plan to what kingz where doing on offense. If so that is truly amazing

We game planned to stop the pass. We knew they couldn't or wouldn't run. They haven't all year long. So we game planned and set up to shut down the pass. Obviously it didn't work.
Rocky Top
Originally posted by PhireHawk
Say whatever you need to say.

Had we won, you know I would've been here telling you sit the fuck down. But we didn't, and it wasn't close.

You guys shoved our heads through the fence posts and railed our assholes till they bled the ground red.

Say what you want, but we DID game plan for you guys to throw the ball a LOT - and it didn't change a fucking thing.

Well done. You have my props for what it's worth.

A man willing to take his lumps when called for. Respect
Rocky Top
Just fwiw, I actually stumbled across this last night:

Originally posted by azirish

Now onto the more critical information. Last year, when we were much lower-levelled (started the year with mostly level 7s and 8s before boosting), the "late-boost" advantage was about 1.5 levels per player. This was a result of the dramatically different in-game XP gains - a lvl 8 had a max in-game XP of about 380 XP while a lvl 12's max in-game XP was 305. Over 16 games, that was about a level - and the difference in daily XP was about a third of a level.

Now, the situation is VERY different, as it turns out. That 1.5 level gain (or about 1450 XP) we enjoyed last year has shrunk to a 440 XP or 0.4 level difference this season.

I ran the numbers to compare two situations - (1) Level 16 player DOES NOT boost, gets 40 plays/game, then boosts on day 32 (end regular season)...(2) Level 16 player BOOSTS to level 19, gets 40 plays/game. Here is where each of those players stands at the start of the playoffs:

Situation (1): 4550 XP, level 23
Situation (2): 4110 XP, level 23 would seem that boosting late has a very small advantage at this point. 1.5 levels is a fairly big deal...less than half a level really isn't. The reason for this is that the difference in daily XP is negligible at our current levels (42 XP/day at lvl 16, 29 XP/day at lvl 17, 37 XP/day at lvl 18, etc) and the difference in game XP isn't nearly as huge as at lower levels (225 XP/game at lvl 16, 215 XP/game at lvl 17, 205 XP/game at lvl 18).

Not that it really matters, but Tank Murdock on our team was created 2 days after my QB.

We played a very similar number of snaps over our two careers. Coming into the season, he was exactly 513xp behind my QB.

He boosted at the start of the season, and I waited till game 11 to boost.

Now the season is over, and I am level 25 and he is level 23.

Boosting absolutely made a difference in levels for us this year. Boosting late is NOT the reason we got eliminated today. We are eliminated because we got out game planned and out-played on the field.

I'm not going to blame anything on a silly boosting experiment that takes away from the job you guys did on the field.

You kicked our ass. The rest is horse shit.
Rocky Top
Will you be trying that again? I guess there wouldn't really be a point when nobody is getting more than 100 xp's a game at level 25
The number 1 seed beat the crap out of the number 8 seed.

Nothing to see here.
Maybe. Maybe not.

My answer to that is the same as it's been all season.

Don't worry about it imo
Originally posted by PhireHawk
Say whatever you need to say.

Had we won, you know I would've been here telling you sit the fuck down. But we didn't, and it wasn't close.

You guys shoved our heads through the fence posts and railed our assholes till they bled the ground red.

Say what you want, but we DID game plan for you guys to throw the ball a LOT - and it didn't change a fucking thing.

Well done. You have my props for what it's worth.

Really Just kidding, I can't speak for everyone on my team, I was really worried about this game. GG

GG Windsor. Respect for PH...the greatest shittalker in A2.

I know as DC of the Kingz, looking over your games again I was really torn about what to plan for. I just got home from work and could barely open GLB because I really didn't know what to expect. Glad I did though!
Been at work all day and the score came as a surprise to me....... GG Windsor next year and I'm glad this didn't turn into a flame war.........
Originally posted by PhireHawk
Say whatever you need to say.

Had we won, you know I would've been here telling you sit the fuck down. But we didn't, and it wasn't close.

You guys shoved our heads through the fence posts and railed our assholes till they bled the ground red.

Say what you want, but we DID game plan for you guys to throw the ball a LOT - and it didn't change a fucking thing.

Well done. You have my props for what it's worth.

You don't know how long i've bee waiting to hear that PH. I know we have our differences and don't like each other but we respect each other. I know when i saw who we were playing in the first round my heart sank cuz i knew it was gonna be a really tough game. You guys got a great team up there in windsor. Keep it up fellas. Good game.
I'd love to see Vegas' pass D against Baltimore.

In my opinion we might have the deepest CB corps in the league.

Originally posted by makbeer
I'd love to see Vegas' pass D against Baltimore.

In my opinion we might have the deepest CB corps in the league.

bring it on man. we aren't afraid of a challenge
Yup..exactly why i'd love to get there...i want to see how we hold up against the league's best passing attack
Originally posted by makbeer
Yup..exactly why i'd love to get there...i want to see how we hold up against the league's best passing attack

Sounds like props for Pat and the Boyz.

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