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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > I would like to thank the defenses i played this year, for letting me torch their secondary, and win my 2nd straight passing yards and passing TD league leader award!
Originally posted by nygiants10
Originally posted by Gott

Aren't you like level 25? Your stats were actually pretty bad for being one of the highest levels in the league.

Also, stats and awards really don't mean much right now.

If you'd like to argue the point, here are a couple games to make mine:

Actually its called amazing recruiting by our owner... Our team in week 1 dramatically diffrent than our team in week 16. We can take anyone int he playoffs right now....We are going to smoke the African Pro league next season.....Especially after i bring in my FA WR, the Monkeez will not only have the best QB in the league but the best WR...Which means the best QB/WR tandam this league has ever seen. hell the WR im bringing over drained with his equipment off all year in a dispute with is team owners and still put up cant wait.

Actually we are in the playoffs and just beat you guys in game 14. It is nice to say "we can take anyone in the playoffs", but if that were true, you be IN the playoffs instead of talking about how good you'd do in the playoffs.

I can't wait to watch your "best QB/WR" tandem in the league stand on the sideline as our team inposes our will on your team by running up the gut ALL DAY. Sounds like that WR is quite the team player too.

Maybe if your "greatest in the league" QB had not thrown TWICE the number of int's as he threw TD's against the Bugeaters your team would be in the playoffs.

I will definately give the Monkeez GM's props for turning the ship around!!!!

Have fun in the exhibition games, lol.
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by nygiants10

Originally posted by Gott

Aren't you like level 25? Your stats were actually pretty bad for being one of the highest levels in the league.

Also, stats and awards really don't mean much right now.

If you'd like to argue the point, here are a couple games to make mine:

Actually its called amazing recruiting by our owner... Our team in week 1 dramatically diffrent than our team in week 16. We can take anyone int he playoffs right now....We are going to smoke the African Pro league next season.....Especially after i bring in my FA WR, the Monkeez will not only have the best QB in the league but the best WR...Which means the best QB/WR tandam this league has ever seen. hell the WR im bringing over drained with his equipment off all year in a dispute with is team owners and still put up cant wait.

Actually we are in the playoffs and just beat you guys in game 14. It is nice to say "we can take anyone in the playoffs", but if that were true, you be IN the playoffs instead of talking about how good you'd do in the playoffs.

I can't wait to watch your "best QB/WR" tandem in the league stand on the sideline as our team inposes our will on your team by running up the gut ALL DAY. Sounds like that WR is quite the team player too.

Maybe if your "greatest in the league" QB had not thrown TWICE the number of int's as he threw TD's against the Bugeaters your team would be in the playoffs.

I will definately give the Monkeez GM's props for turning the ship around!!!!

Have fun in the exhibition games, lol.

mans,thats harsh.....ouch
Originally posted by nygiants10
And also i would like to thank my sexy right arm, for making all the passes i knew i could, it looks good, also....I would like to thank all the defenses next season for letting me win both awards for the third straight year, and for letting the Spider Monkeez baby Winning the Pro Title......Monkeez baby...we are coming for you.

Really you should be thanking the Gulf Coast Raiders.
Originally posted by saltman241

Really you should be thanking the Gulf Coast Raiders.

He even threw a pick vs Gut Coast...nice...
While we're on the topic of individual stats...lets give some props to the QBs and receivers from the Bamako Bite for leading the league in total passing yards. Special thanks to Robert Hayes for leading in receiving yards and TDs and Wonder Stevie who despite many dropped passes still managed to come in at #2 in receiving yards.

I figured this was valid to post in this topic about passing yards.

And we're in the playoffs.
Originally posted by nygiants10
And also i would like to thank my sexy right arm, for making all the passes i knew i could, it looks good, also....I would like to thank all the defenses next season for letting me win both awards for the third straight year, and for letting the Spider Monkeez baby Winning the Pro Title......Monkeez baby...we are coming for you.

#1 There is no back-up QB on your team. You think you would have been #1 in yards and TD if other teams didnt play back-ups?

#2 You passed 659 times, and ran the ball only 528. You gave up games for a passing title? You threw 22 Interceptions!!

#3 your team is 1-7 against teams that are in the play-offs. The only reason you won more games later in the season is because you faced weaker opponents. Hang on tightly, because thats the only trophy your team will be sharing in years to come.

You would lose to every team that made the play-offs in your conference. Just like you did in the regular season.

Sorry for rant. Look at me posts from a team that couldn't even make play-offs get under my skin.

Last edited Jul 14, 2008 13:18:29
Originally posted by ChicagoBlitz
Originally posted by nygiants10

And also i would like to thank my sexy right arm, for making all the passes i knew i could, it looks good, also....I would like to thank all the defenses next season for letting me win both awards for the third straight year, and for letting the Spider Monkeez baby Winning the Pro Title......Monkeez baby...we are coming for you.

#1 There is no back-up QB on your team. You think you would have been #1 in yards and TD if other teams didnt play back-ups?

#2 You passed 659 times, and ran the ball only 528. You gave up games for a passing title? You threw 22 Interceptions!!

#3 your team is 1-7 against teams that are in the play-offs. The only reason you won more games later in the season is because you faced weaker opponents. Hang on tightly, because thats the only trophy your team will be sharing in years to come.

You would lose to every team that made the play-offs in your conference. Just like you did in the regular season.

Sorry for rant. Look at me posts from a team that couldn't even make play-offs get under my skin.

Where the hell did you come from?! Anyway, let's address some of your awesome arguments here ...
The 16-0 Rwanda Royal Knights also have no back up, & their QB also threw 22 picks with only 15 TD's ON 149 LESS ATTEMPTS!!!
We did not give up games for a passing title, we played to our team's strength - it was MY game planning, not my QB's. I was the one that chose to air it out because that is what we do best.
I screwed this season up with our horrible start to the year, but I'm glad that we can still get under everyone's skin without even making it to the playoffs. We are sure to piss ALOT more people off next season!! Might as well get used to us, we're not going anywhere!

Hey dont burn our QB... We had nothing to do with this
My trophy case is getting full..
I'd like to thank your quarterback for giving our team, the Werewolves, an easy 26-7 win in which you were 12 for 29 with 4 interceptions. Try playing against some decent pass defense next season.
Originally posted by nygiants10
My trophy case is getting full..

There's one missing.

Biggest braggart whose team didnt even make play-offs.


You played to your teams strength.....

Reality check:

Record of teams you beat 36-92

Record of teams you lost to 95-31-1

You lost to every single team that made the play-offs in the conference. I dont think anyone is shaking in their boots worrying about having to play you next season.

Stop boasting, make play-offs, show some class.

Last edited Jul 14, 2008 17:18:20
Originally posted by ChicagoBlitz

You played to your teams strength.....

Reality check:

Record of teams you beat 36-92

Record of teams you lost to 95-31-1

You lost to every single team that made the play-offs in the conference. I dont think anyone is shaking in their boots worrying about having to play you next season.

Stop boasting, make play-offs, show some class.

yeah cause we got blownout in each f those wait a second 4 loses by less than a TD..With our chemistry horrible because we where recruiting like season, we are stacked, chemistry will be good....I see Angola as title town next season.
Originally posted by Willyard
Hey dont burn our QB... We had nothing to do with this

Nothing against your QB - just trying to make a point - your team has been a class act & I look forward to playing you guys next season.
Originally posted by nygiants10
My trophy case is getting full..

Here is what I saw...

No awards won.


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