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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > My playoff predictions...
Yah man humble all right, saying the Freeze are going to beat me by 15, I'm guessing your taking a shot on me also as a bad game planner? Don't talk to me like I should respect you after that shot
Originally posted by Gator93
Yah man humble all right, saying the Freeze are going to beat me by 15, I'm guessing your taking a shot on me also as a bad game planner? Don't talk to me like I should respect you after that shot

Bitter much?

It's not a shot at you or your team, it's just that I think the Freeze are going to surprise people. They have just as good a shot at stomping our ass as well. Funny how me predicting you to lose is a shot at you...but you telling us we'll lose isn't? C'mon man, chill the hell out. I wouldn't know anything about you as a game planner, but you made the playoffs in a league which everyone is on a level playing field, so that alone says something good about you. If you want to make this personal and get all pissy about, that's fine, but seriously I think you should lighten up and now take things so seriously.
Originally posted by cooljesture20
Originally posted by Gator93

Yah man humble all right, saying the Freeze are going to beat me by 15, I'm guessing your taking a shot on me also as a bad game planner? Don't talk to me like I should respect you after that shot

Bitter much?

It's not a shot at you or your team, it's just that I think the Freeze are going to surprise people. They have just as good a shot at stomping our ass as well. Funny how me predicting you to lose is a shot at you...but you telling us we'll lose isn't? C'mon man, chill the hell out. I wouldn't know anything about you as a game planner, but you made the playoffs in a league which everyone is on a level playing field, so that alone says something good about you. If you want to make this personal and get all pissy about, that's fine, but seriously I think you should lighten up and now take things so seriously.

Never said I didn't take a shot at you after that. I'm chill man but you telling me we are going to lose by 15, then telling me we are overhyped will get some people pissed off. Its like you hate Yellowknife for something I don't even know what we did.
And don't come back man that I just love Firth River because you didn't say they were going to pound Thunder Bay, so why do you show such hate against yellowknife?
It's really nothing against y'all as a whole, but overhyped is probably a poor choice of words on my part. Perhaps I should have said that the Freeze are underhyped if anything. It's not y'all getting insulted, it's them being complimented.

From the Bacon stand point, we want to best teams to face us, period. If we lose, then so be it, just means they were better. If we win though, we want it to be against the best, so there's no doubt. I'm sure you feel the same.
Originally posted by Gator93
And don't come back man that I just love Firth River because you didn't say they were going to pound Thunder Bay, so why do you show such hate against yellowknife?

Eh it's just what I gathered when glancing it all over. I'd be lying if I said I got real in depth. It was nothing personal at all. If and/or when I'm wrong I'll be the first one to send an apology to you and your squad. If I'm right, I'll be the first one to say your team is just as good as any. At the end of the day one team has to win, and sometimes a final score may not explain a game. All the games in this playoff will be pretty close IMO, and losing by 2 TD's in the right manor isn't necessarily an insult IMO.
I still think we got some work to do to beat YellowKnife, I believe I said awhile back that I thought they were the team to beat. I like our chances in a rematch, as we have added to our defense quite a bit. Not saying we would win, but I like our chances a bit better.

Gator, you know you have a good team, and if we face each other again, Im not sure the score would be as lopsided, but I still think you guys have the better team.

My goal was just to put a competitive team on the field that had a chance to win every game, weather we won or not, I wanted to be competitive.

jesture, I appreciate your compliments of our team. Thanks. Shows we have done our job and its nice to be recognized for it.
Yeah, see I am in a predicament. If we win our game, I want the Bacon to win because I like playing the teams with better records, however, I want to face the Witch doctors bacause that would give us a home game and more money. It is tough to say which one I want more LOL.
Here are my playoff predictions...

Western Conference...

Blood Hounds v.s. Tigers

Winner: Tigers. I see an upset here people. The Tigers are good. This may have went a different way if we had played the bloodhounds but from what I see I pick the Tigers to win.

Rangers v.s. Blazers

Winner: Blazers. The Blazers are a better team in my eyes, but it will all come down to game planning.

Bandits v.s. Hood

Winner: Tough Call but I give the win to Yellow Knife here. They will rebound and oull it off.

Ehs v.s. Freeze

Winner: I say the Freeze wins this one. It will suprise me if it goes the other way.

Tigers v.s. Blazers

Winner: Blazers. I know the Blazers are better than their record shows. Either they dont know how to game plan or they have had a tough schedule.

Bandits v.s. Freeze

Winner: Bandits. I dont know how good they are as I havent faced them, but I think this would be a great playoff matchup.

Blazers v.s. Bandits

Winner: This one is tough. But I am calling the Moose here. I know alot of you think I am crazy, but this is all just guessing.

Eastern Conference...

Bacon v.s. Witch Doctors

Winner: This game was close last time, but I think the Bacon wins again.

Phantoms v.s. Valients

Winner: Phantoms. I really feel confidant about this game.

Yaks v.s. Roughnecks

Winner: Yaks. Plain and simple. i dont think it will be a blowout. But I am confidant in my choice.

Sharks v.s. Cheeseburgers

Winner: Cheeseburgers. I scouted this team last night. I found some weaknesses, but I think they could pull off the victory.

Bacon v.s. Phantoms

Winner: I think the outcome will be different this time. Our team has perfect energy issues now and we know the game alot more. I say Phantoms give the Bacon their first loss.

Yaks v.s. Cheeseburgers

Winner: Gotta go with Yaks on this one. I like the Burgers team, but the Yaks will pull it off.

Phantoms v.s. Yaks

Winner: Uggggggg, I hate to say this, but I will give it to the Yaks on this one.

Championship Game

Moose v.s. Yaks

Winner: Yaks... No reason, just a coin toss.
Originally posted by fixxxer101
Yeah, see I am in a predicament. If we win our game, I want the Bacon to win because I like playing the teams with better records, however, I want to face the Witch doctors bacause that would give us a home game and more money. It is tough to say which one I want more LOL.

Yeah that's always a tough one, that's why we're psyched about the top seed. Even if the worst happens to us and we lose game 1 we profit in some way.
I'm loving this thread! Lots of good chatter. I'd love to see more people get in on this.
Originally posted by jokerpac32
I'm loving this thread! Lots of good chatter. I'd love to see more people get in on this.

Agreed. And hell and don't be afraid to put your own stuff out there, that goes for anyone. It's always cool to see what different teams think of others. Like I think the Phantoms and Freeze are the two most dangerous teams in the playoffs, whereas the next guy may utterly disagree. It's always fun to put your opinion out there IMO.
Last edited Jul 13, 2008 15:50:40
I just wanna say the Ehs are going to do their best against the Freeze, it will be one of our toughest games all season.

If they beat us it will be well deserved and I will be the first to congradulate them. I hope it's not a blowout though as predicted by the orginal poster. As for upsets I wouldn't consider any win/loss during the playoffs a huge upset. We only played half a season, lucky for us we had an easier final 8 games than first 8 games.

We are really looking forward to competing against the Freeze. They look like a good solid team, but so does most of the top 8 in the Western conference.

I believe there will some great games during the playoffs. I wish all the teams good luck.
Western Conference...

Bloodhounds v Tigers - No reason for me to even pick this game since we are so “overhyped” and “the Tigers are good”. I guess Tigers win 138-2 (with the safety to be given as a token of embarrassment)

Rangers v Blazers - Winner: Blazers. The Blazers have beaten them once so I’ll take them again. Of course The Rangers did beat up the AU Tigers… I guess the Rangers would beat the Bloodhounds by 200.

Bandits v Hood - Winner: Yellow Knife, they are the best team in the West.

Ehs v Freeze - Winner: The Freeze

I’m not picking past the first round and I really don’t know the East enough to make educated selections.
Chiwanna, your one of those people who hold a grudge for years and take everythign personally, arent you? Our predictions are what we feel and if your gonna get butt hurt about it, cry to someone else who cares.

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