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LOL..drunk and having some fun honestly. Need some good old fashioned rivalries here! The Yaps talk a lot so just thought I would chat back a bit.
Originally posted by MushMouthMike
LOL..drunk and having some fun honestly. Need some good old fashioned rivalries here! The Yaps talk a lot so just thought I would chat back a bit.

Umm this post says otherwise...

Originally posted by MushMouthMike

EDIT: Oh and yes if it isn't 100% APPARENT you guys did get under my skin. I hate guys that blab, but it is even worse when their gums keep bumping without any substance behind them
Oh I like to razz em for sure, and will take extra pride if somehow the Yaps make it and we also do, but its all good. Need to shake it up some for sure!
If we had signatures in these forums, mine would definitely be "Who are WE? Who the fuck are YOU bitch? Signed, Jiddy AKA Blowhard Faggot Boy"
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 01:00:59
Originally posted by Joebarber
Originally posted by MushMouthMike

and having some fun honestly. Need some good old fashioned rivalries
here! The Yaps talk a lot so just thought I would chat back a bit.

Umm this post says otherwise...

Originally posted by MushMouthMike

Oh and yes if it isn't 100% APPARENT you guys did get under my skin. I
hate guys that blab, but it is even worse when their gums keep bumping
without any substance behind them

It's 3 AM...My tummy hurts...but I haven't had a drink. Does that give me carte blanche on what to post or what?


Last edited Jul 12, 2008 01:02:41
Originally posted by Jiddy78
If we had signatures in these forums, mine would definitely be "Who are WE? Who the fuck are YOU bitch? Signed, Jiddy AKA Blowhard Faggot Boy"

Hey. Don't steal my lines.

Last edited Jul 12, 2008 02:57:40
Originally posted by Jiddy78
Originally posted by Joebarber

Originally posted by MushMouthMike

and having some fun honestly. Need some good old fashioned rivalries
here! The Yaps talk a lot so just thought I would chat back a bit.

Umm this post says otherwise...

Originally posted by MushMouthMike

Oh and yes if it isn't 100% APPARENT you guys did get under my skin. I
hate guys that blab, but it is even worse when their gums keep bumping
without any substance behind them

It's 3 AM...My tummy hurts...but I haven't had a drink. Does that give me carte blanche on what to post or what?


Probably too much HFCS, but that's not enough for carte blanche. Blanche Devereaux on the tube is a different story though....
Originally posted by YOM77
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

I don't overlook any opponent, but I never look forward to one. Who are you guys anyway? Just another game where we go out and do our thing like the past 7 weeks.

Who are WE? Who the fuck are YOU bitch?

Listen, since you're a little ankle biter, I'm not going to engage this too far. But, at the very beginning of the season, when this leage was first formed, me and your owner said this was the game we were most looking forward to. And now it has come.

Is your team better on paper? Absolutely. Is your team beatable? Absolutely. And we're going to do our best. May the best team win. If we lose, I'll be the first here to offer congrats. Something tells me you wouldn't be.

I'm an ankle biter? You let me know when you own a team outside of the McDonald's Ball Pit league that Canada A is, then you can talk to me.
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU
Originally posted by YOM77

Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

don't overlook any opponent, but I never look forward to one. Who are
you guys anyway? Just another game where we go out and do our thing
like the past 7 weeks.

Who are WE? Who the fuck are YOU bitch?

since you're a little ankle biter, I'm not going to engage this too
far. But, at the very beginning of the season, when this leage was
first formed, me and your owner said this was the game we were most
looking forward to. And now it has come.

Is your team better on
paper? Absolutely. Is your team beatable? Absolutely. And we're going
to do our best. May the best team win. If we lose, I'll be the first
here to offer congrats. Something tells me you wouldn't be.

an ankle biter? You let me know when you own a team outside of the
McDonald's Ball Pit league that Canada A is, then you can talk to me.

Welp...That settles that. Who wants fruit cup?
Originally posted by Jiddy78
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

Originally posted by YOM77

Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

don't overlook any opponent, but I never look forward to one. Who are
you guys anyway? Just another game where we go out and do our thing
like the past 7 weeks.

Who are WE? Who the fuck are YOU bitch?

since you're a little ankle biter, I'm not going to engage this too
far. But, at the very beginning of the season, when this leage was
first formed, me and your owner said this was the game we were most
looking forward to. And now it has come.

Is your team better on
paper? Absolutely. Is your team beatable? Absolutely. And we're going
to do our best. May the best team win. If we lose, I'll be the first
here to offer congrats. Something tells me you wouldn't be.

an ankle biter? You let me know when you own a team outside of the
McDonald's Ball Pit league that Canada A is, then you can talk to me.

Welp...That settles that. Who wants fruit cup?

id like one please
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

I'm an ankle biter? You let me know when you own a team outside of the McDonald's Ball Pit league that Canada A is, then you can talk to me.

Wow, someone is into theirselves. Also, if Canada A is so bad... then why are you in it and NO OTHER LEAGUE? Just wondering. If you think it is a McDonalds Ball Pit, then either stay in and have fun, or grow up and leave. Me? Im gonna go get a McFlurry and Ill be right back. LOL
Originally posted by fixxxer101
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

I'm an ankle biter? You let me know when you own a team outside of the McDonald's Ball Pit league that Canada A is, then you can talk to me.

Wow, someone is into theirselves. Also, if Canada A is so bad... then why are you in it and NO OTHER LEAGUE? Just wondering. If you think it is a McDonalds Ball Pit, then either stay in and have fun, or grow up and leave. Me? Im gonna go get a McFlurry and Ill be right back. LOL

I own a team in USA A, two of my players are here on my GM's team. I'm having a ton of fun, but calling me an "ankle biter" is laughable.
well i just want to say good, hard fought game. and your kicker lost you this one. have a better kicker and you guys win by the same margin we did or more.
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU
Originally posted by fixxxer101

Originally posted by THESpideyWVU

I'm an ankle biter? You let me know when you own a team outside of the McDonald's Ball Pit league that Canada A is, then you can talk to me.

Wow, someone is into theirselves. Also, if Canada A is so bad... then why are you in it and NO OTHER LEAGUE? Just wondering. If you think it is a McDonalds Ball Pit, then either stay in and have fun, or grow up and leave. Me? Im gonna go get a McFlurry and Ill be right back. LOL

I own a team in USA A, two of my players are here on my GM's team. I'm having a ton of fun, but calling me an "ankle biter" is laughable.

Wow! You have a USA A team. Congratulations for signing up a month or two earlier than the rest of us. Pahhhhhleeeaaaseeee, show us how you climbed to such heights! Pretty please???? I can't imagine how you managed such a daunting task all on your own....

oh wait... you were sooner. Damn... you're good. Props to the ankle guy!

On a side note, I particularily like you 9-6-1 record... you are dominating that USA A division! Keep up the mediocre work! Can't wait to watch you turn up the heat in the playoffs...but still not escape round 1, sixth seed.

Maybe next time before you brag about something, you should make sure its something actually worth braging ABOUT.... being in a league b/c 'you were here' isn't that sort of thing.

Better luck with the ankles....

Last edited Jul 12, 2008 22:17:05
Originally posted by The Angry Beavers
Wow! You have a USA A team. Congratulations for signing up a month or two earlier than the rest of us. Pahhhhhleeeaaaseeee, show us how you climbed to such heights! Pretty please???? I can't imagine how you managed such a daunting task all on your own....

oh wait... you were sooner. Damn... you're good. Props to the ankle guy!

On a side note, I particularily like you 9-6-1 record... you are dominating that USA A division! Keep up the mediocre work! Can't wait to watch you turn up the heat in the playoffs...but still not escape round 1, sixth seed.

Maybe next time before you brag about something, you should make sure its something actually worth braging ABOUT.... being in a league b/c 'you were here' isn't that sort of thing.

Last edited Jul 12, 2008 22:26:09

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