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I think you miss the point entirely cb. Basically, this was a discussion/flame thread on GLB issues. Modok decided to hijack the thread and take pot shots at Michigan because of my avatar. If you're going to hijack a thread and take pot at the college that I'm representing, then I have every right to ask what college you went to.

Basically, don't play with fire and then qq about being burned.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
I think you miss the point entirely cb. Basically, this was a discussion/flame thread on GLB issues. Modok decided to hijack the thread and take pot shots at Michigan because of my avatar. If you're going to hijack a thread and take pot at the college that I'm representing, then I have every right to ask what college you went to.

Basically, don't play with fire and then qq about being burned.

I don't think I missed the point at all. I think you have your panties in a wad over something that doesn't even affect you and you wanted to be a dick. Mission accomplished.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
I think you miss the point entirely cb. Basically, this was a discussion/flame thread on GLB issues. Modok decided to hijack the thread and take pot shots at Michigan because of my avatar. If you're going to hijack a thread and take pot at the college that I'm representing, then I have every right to ask what college you went to.

Basically, don't play with fire and then qq about being burned.

Actually, you decided to hijack slavearm's thread Go Blue. I was just making a joke about the OSU/UM thing. OSU fans = UNC fans so I know them oh too well.
Last edited Jul 8, 2008 19:28:32
It's not worth arguing with unjumukated idiots. My point will always be missed.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
It's not worth arguing with unjumukated idiots. My point will always be missed.

Its probably because you are a jack ass with an overinflated ego.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
It's not worth arguing with unjumukated idiots. My point will always be missed.

Nice reply when logic isn't in your vocabulary. Asshat
p.s. 1 + 1 = 2. I know you answered Jell-o on your last quiz. Just thought I'd help you out.
Originally posted by Modok
Is that so? So I have to go to college to be the miserable prick that you have become?

Talk about panties in a bunch...

I might be a prick, but I'm far from miserable... I got plebes like you to entertain me. Thanks.

Originally posted by cbraider90
Quit being a prick. I went to college and that doesn't make me better than anyone and it doesn't make you any better either.

I couldn't be a prick if people wouldn't post such retarded things. I can't make fun of intelligent posts, heh.

As for my claims of being better than anyone, where did I say that? Maybe my points are hitting too close to home and someone's feelings are getting hurt. Tissue?
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by Modok

Is that so? So I have to go to college to be the miserable prick that you have become?

Talk about panties in a bunch...

I might be a prick, but I'm far from miserable... I got plebes like you to entertain me. Thanks.

Originally posted by cbraider90

Quit being a prick. I went to college and that doesn't make me better than anyone and it doesn't make you any better either.

I couldn't be a prick if people wouldn't post such retarded things. I can't make fun of intelligent posts, heh.

As for my claims of being better than anyone, where did I say that? Maybe my points are hitting too close to home and someone's feelings are getting hurt. Tissue?

You asked where somebody went to college. Was that not trying to take a jab at someone and trying to act better than them? If not what was your point? My feelings aren't hurt...I know I'm better than you.
Originally posted by cbraider90
You asked where somebody went to college. Was that not trying to take a jab at someone and trying to act better than them? If not what was your point? My feelings aren't hurt...I know I'm better than you.

Being the better prick? Grats.

Oh yeah, and what college did you graduate from?
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by cbraider90

You asked where somebody went to college. Was that not trying to take a jab at someone and trying to act better than them? If not what was your point? My feelings aren't hurt...I know I'm better than you.

Being the better prick? Grats.

Oh yeah, and what college did you graduate from?

Texas Tech. Not that it really matters. I'm not better than you just because of where I graduated...I'm better than you just because.
Figures, I've never met a Texan that wasn't a troglodyte. I'm guessing you're probably an Evangelist too. Yeah, people who say yeeehaw and howdy definately are better than everyone else.

Although, I do give you a +1 for going to a school full of hot wimmens.
Originally posted by Modok
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam

Originally posted by Modok

Wow, seems as if that OSU struck a cord. Take a Valium Go Blue and get your panties out of your ass. I am not a OSU fan and in truth, root for Michigan against them. The comment was meant as a joke.

I'm kinda curious, what college or university did you attend?

None actually. I went to work full time at 16, still graduated high school, to help provide for my family. My father wasn't around and my mom was working 3 jobs.

That didnt leave much time for the whole college thing. But that does lead to my next question, why did you want to know?

Let me try to explain without pissing anyone off.

Basically, it's like teasing some dude for having an ugly or fat girlfriend or wife when you don't have one yourself.

This is just an analogy, I'm not implying anything.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Figures, I've never met a Texan that wasn't a troglodyte. I'm guessing you're probably an Evangelist too. Yeah, people who say yeeehaw and howdy definately are better than everyone else.

Although, I do give you a +1 for going to a school full of hot wimmens.

Yep the women are nice. Unlike the stereotypes you might hear about Texans, most of them don't say yeehaw and howdy, but they are most likely all better than you.
I lived in Dallas for two years. I learned two things from that 1. your women are some of the hottest in the nation, 2. your men are the stupidest, meathead, George W. loving tards in the nation.

Nuff said.

Oh, and all of them said howdy.
Last edited Jul 8, 2008 20:47:08

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