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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Press Conference from Moosejaw week 5 postgame
Originally posted by ANumber1Roy
Dumb Bob is too ugly and unattractive which leads to guys letting him go by them cause they don't want to touch his ugliness disease and be scarred for life. Dumb Bob makes Sam Cassel from the Boston Celtics look attractive when I never thought that was possible. Almost forgot your post was awful.

After each game I look at his stat line, and it is the most beautiful thing everytime!!! Leads the league in sacks and hurries. With hardly any snaps!!! He is the most beautiful, ugly man in GLB!!! And if sam cassell could get after the qb like bob, I would sign him in a second--lol!!! I would also take randy johnson if he could too!


Beefy is better then Bob. Bob can wine all he wants about his lack of snaps, however beefy is much sexier and the ladies love when he brings the beef.
See that is the secret to Bob's stats. He is so ugly that he is getting NNNOOOOO action off the field. With all that built up aggression, it is easy to see why he is leading the league in sacks and hurries!!!! He isn't my player, but I wish I could sign more players like him!! But only if they would all wear papersacks during practice and team meetings!!

Good looking beefy is probably too "drained" from the night before to really be of any use on the field.
Maybe if you take money out of the team budget to give Bob Better Looking Face surgery he wouldn't have problems getting laid and have people be afraid of him. He is the only thing scarier than a Phycho Chainsaw weilding Penguin. Maybe then you could market him better to make money and he won't give children nightmares when he meets them. He'll make you money in the long run by giving you better fan support if his guy had more charisma and a better looikng face. Also if you saw Sam Cassell in person or in the playoffs this year you would't be interested believe me.
Where's the BEEF???!!!!

Last 2 games beefy= 0 sacks

Last 2 games bob= 2 sacks!!!

who is pretty now?

Maybe tell the ladies no the night before games.
Bob get back to work punching yourself in the face!!!! The playoffs are approaching and we need you at the top of your game.
oh wait to next game, the beef promises 2 sacks next game. Beef ill also get a restraining order against mymullet who apparently is stalking him.
Originally posted by CameronWisdom
HB E forty, DT Dumb Bob, and The Defensive coordinator for the moosejaw psycho penguins step up to the podium.

Cameronwisdom: We will now begin questions in regards to todays game and our season thus far. We will also field questions for next weeks game against the thrashers.

Reporter: Dumb Bob, you are clearly the anchor for this "relentless" defense. What can you attribute to this?

Dumb Bob: The Ability to get pressure from the Defensive Tackle position is key to our success. Most expect a Defensive Tackle to be from the same cookie cutter build of a big immovable brute whos primary concern is to take up space and running lanes. I prefer to get in the backfield every play to disrupt the run or pass.

Reporter: That was a pretty intellegent answer from someone with a name that suggest otherwise

Dumb Bob: Actually Coach and my PR guy have been training me to recite that all season. I just like to hit the guy with the ball in his hands.

Cameronwisdom: Next question

Reporter: E forty, you are leading the league in yards and are clearly lighting the field up this season. Today You managed almost 10 yards a carry when people are expecting you to run. What do you have to say to the teams you will face in the future?

E forty: You can't stop me, You can't contain me, you can't limit what i do. you just have to pray i dont get my hands on that ball.

Reporter: do you have anything to say to your future opponents?

E forty: yea umm fuc- *just then Opie Manning of the Flappin Heads rushes the podium to get an autograph from the two players while giggling like a high school cheerleader*

Cameronwisdom: Again with these flappin heads guys. We Cant keep them away from us. Just yesterday we caught their owner GIEFF drilling holes in our locker room showers. We found equipment for video recording on him as well.

Reporter: Will you be filing charges?

Cameronwisdom: No we are just hoping to meet them in the championship game to show them what real football is. Not their cupcake style of play. Next Question

Reporter: With Obviously the biggest game of the Season in the league looming what can tell us about sasketchewan?

Cameronwisdom: Sasketchewan is a good team with a schedule consisting of fairys. We will be their first real opponent they will face this season. We have already faced most of the best teams in our conference and we have come out undefeated while allowing -60 yards on the ground on D. This kind of run stopping dominance is unheard of. If they are successful on offense i can assure you it will not be on the heels of their rushing game.

Reporter: Do You have anything else to say in regards to sasketchewan?

Cameronwisdom: yeah fuc-- *GIEFF who had been quietly sitting in the back of the room blending in with his flashy E forty jersey stands up to promote his own team*

GIEFF: Can we get at least one damn reporter to cover our press conferences?! my players are tired of noone giving a crap about us. We're Legit i swear! We're 4-1 and we cant even get the amount of airtime these a-holes get! DAMN!

Cameronwisdom: Who are you? oh right.. well maybe if your games were more convincing to back up your constant self promotion then youd get the spotlight we dont really need.

GIEFF: Convincing?! SCREW YOU! We Represent this whole country! What can you say to that. No matter what you do you will never achieve our nationwide Fanbase!

Cameronwisdom: True. but that includes Quebec and nobody likes the french or their silly language.


Cameronwisdom: im afraid thats all the time we have for today. we will hold another conference after the game against the thrashers

He is quite ego maniacal. he has been handed a gift. One of the best teams in the league. Basically the furry animal sitting in your lap could run moose jaw right now and moose jaw would win. this guy thinks his tactics are the reason. It's quite amusing to watch his head swell.

More amusing will be his demise. Can't wait.
Originally posted by UnderDogs
He is quite ego maniacal. he has been handed a gift. One of the best teams in the league. Basically the furry animal sitting in your lap could run moose jaw right now and moose jaw would win. this guy thinks his tactics are the reason. It's quite amusing to watch his head swell.

More amusing will be his demise. Can't wait.

now that we're in a public domain everything goes. your a whiny little bitch man. how are you gonna tell me about my defensive tactics when the team you DC for has the shittiest D in your league. You have no idea what your talking about and everything said in the team forum should be kept there. its not up to you to take it to the streets. stop being a faggot and learn how to be a team player. quit being a piece of shit and keep your mouth shut.
Oh snap, did the FB just air out some dirty Penguin laundry?
Originally posted by TheRooster
Oh snap, did the FB just air out some dirty Penguin laundry?

the fullback thinks he knows how to run a defense and if you dont do things his way he gets butthurt and starts ruffling feathers. in fact, he is a defensive coordinator for another team that has been walked all over their entire season. The fullback is a punk. I let my defense speak for me. we've tried many things this whole season and have seriously scouted every opponent top to bottom, it has paid off for our D quite immensely as we have yet to give up a single touchdown 15 games into a season
Originally posted by CameronWisdom

the fullback thinks he knows how to run a defense and if you dont do things his way he gets butthurt and starts ruffling feathers. in fact, he is a defensive coordinator for another team that has been walked all over their entire season. The fullback is a punk. I let my defense speak for me. we've tried many things this whole season and have seriously scouted every opponent top to bottom, it has paid off for our D quite immensely as we have yet to give up a single touchdown 15 games into a season

Obviously it's because you were handed a team, and not because of scouting or hard work. Or tactics for that matter. Any FB could tell you that, especially a FB who can run a defense the way he does.

Do Penguins have feathers?
Last edited Jul 13, 2008 15:52:40
im pretty sure they do.. theyre just not very prominent

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